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Debbie Fic! [Sep. 30th, 2009|10:40 am]

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I was checking out the prompts here and came across [info]dottie_jane's Debbie prompt. Because she wrote cracktastic doggie!fic which made me very happy last week, I thought I'd write a little something for her.

Title: Home
Timeline: Season 1
Author’s Notes. Just a tiny Justin POV thing. For [info]dottie_jane. It's not much, but I hope you like it!

A House A Home )
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Moving Drabble. [Sep. 14th, 2009|10:05 pm]

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Title: Fucking
Prompt: Moving
Author’s Notes: It was my idea so I thought I’d better give it a go myself. Here’s a lil drabble!


Fingers grip the sheets.

Thighs flex.

The lights play over his body.

I thrust harder from behind and his arms give out. I yank him back up, fingers twisting through the longer strands at the back of his head. My lips find his neck and I taste him there.

I pull back and watch as a drop of sweat begins to slide slowly down his spine. It rests a moment in the curve of his back, and then descends as my hips begin to snap faster.

I love how he moves against me.

A final thrust and then I still.
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10 Word Prompt Fic. [Jun. 1st, 2009|02:12 am]

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This was freaking hard! Oh well, here goes.

1. Angst.

Brian paced outside the hospital, smoking nervously.

2. AU

The blond pouring lattes was hot. Justin, his nametag read.

3. Crack!fic


“What the fuck’s wrong?”

“My water broke!”

4. Crossover

Brian was determined to fuck the guy wearing armour: Arthur.

5. First time

On Brian’s first visit, they never leave the hotel.

6. Fluff

Justin rolled over in his sleep, and Brian followed him.

7. Humour

“Which one of you smartasses put my profile on husbandmaterial.com?”

8. Hurt/Comfort

Brian vomited again. Justin waited, and then wiped his forehead.

9. Smut

His mouth is full of my cock, lips stretched obscenely.

10. UST

He licks his lips again and ties off my bracelet.
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Artist!Justin Fic. [May. 30th, 2009|04:14 pm]

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Title: Synergy
Timeline: A moment from 511
Prompt: Artist!Justin
Author's Notes: A very tiny fic to ease myself back into writing. Be gentle! Many thanks to my darling [info]xie_xie_xie for the beta!

Read more... )
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A Red Drabble. [Apr. 22nd, 2009|08:17 am]

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The thought of no one writing fic for my red prompt makes me so sad I actually wrote a drabble myself. Consider that a warning, if you don't want to be subjected to that again, please take up a prompt!

I'll post a new prompt tomorrow and remember, you can post prompts at any time and fic for any of the prompts at any time.

* * *

Justin’s dreams are vivid.

Swirling neon lights reflected on rain-slick sidewalks.

A drop of sweat slowly sliding down Brian’s arm as he hovers thrusting above Justin.

Silver glitter shining in the air at Babylon.

Sometimes it’s the cold feel of the gun in his hand. Sometimes it’s fear so strong he can feel his heart pounding out of his chest. That one usually startles him awake.

And sometimes, it’s knowing that mixing three parts Alzarin Crimson with two parts Phthalo Red Rose and one part Magenta will give him the perfect shade of red he’s been looking for all week.
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