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Queer as Folk Prompts

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Artist!Justin Fic. [May. 30th, 2009|04:14 pm]

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Title: Synergy
Timeline: A moment from 511
Prompt: Artist!Justin
Author's Notes: A very tiny fic to ease myself back into writing. Be gentle! Many thanks to my darling [info]xie_xie_xie for the beta!

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Artist!Justin prompt [May. 6th, 2009|05:16 pm]
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Title: The Studio Rules
Timeline: After 513, but Justin has moved back to the Pitts (cuz I say so, that's why!).
A/N: Huge, big, gigantic hugs to my beta, [info]jule1122, who beta'd (in the wee hours of the night)like a champ on this one. Seriously, it was a thing of beauty. I waxed on, and she waxed off. Now it's all shiny!

The Studio Rules )
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Artist!Justin Prompt [Apr. 25th, 2009|08:33 pm]

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Title: Inspiration
Beta: [info]_alicesprings

Inspiration )
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