Queer as Folk Prompts - September 14th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer as Folk Prompts

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September 14th, 2009

Prompt: Moving [Sep. 14th, 2009|12:26 pm]


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Title: Moving Day
Prompt: Moving
Author's Notes: Thank you to [info]ahaw9913 for her beta and to [info]_alicesprings for the excellent prompt! Written for the wonderful [info]qafmaniac for all the hard work she put into making my IJ home beautiful and for everything she does for fandom! *hugs*

Moving Day )
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Moving Challenge Ficlet! [Sep. 14th, 2009|01:30 pm]


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[Current Mood |giggly]

Title: Britin Regained
Prompt: Moving
Author's Note: This is a follow-up to Britin Lost written for the Rain Prompt in [info]qaf_drabbles. A huge debt of gratitute goes to my superfantabulous beta, [info]suze_y.

Britin Regained )
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Moving Prompt Ficlet: The Shadows and the Frame [Sep. 14th, 2009|06:15 pm]
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Title: The Shadows and the Frame
Prompt: Moving
Author's Note: Thank you to [info]_alicesprings for not only coming up with the challenge, but also for betaing this story for me! The title comes from a k.d. lang song.

The Shadows and the Frame )
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Moving Fic: New York State of Mind [Sep. 14th, 2009|06:52 pm]


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Title: New York State of Mind
Prompt: Moving
Author's Note This is not what I started to write for this prompt, but this seems to be what I ended up with. Thanks to [info]alice_springs for the prompt and the challenge.

But I know what I’m needing and I don’t want to waste more time.
~New York State of Mind by Billy Joel~

”New )
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Moving Challenge: Moving Violation by Stars [Sep. 14th, 2009|07:14 pm]


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Title: Moving Violation
Author: Stars ( [info]simplystars )
Prompt: moving
Author's Notes: 600ish words, NC-17, AU gapfiller of a sort for 2.13. This is only part of what I had planned to be a much more substantial fic, but the beginning of the school year is crazier than usual and RL has spanked me around in ways that are neither positive nor life-affirming. :-/ It can stand alone as-is, but I won't be happy with it until the rest is finished.

Oh, and, umm. Apologies to Dr. Seuss. *hides*

Moving Violation )
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Last Call! [Sep. 14th, 2009|07:58 pm]


Fics for the Moving Mini Challenge are to be posted here today!

Feel free to post at any time during the day.

If you'd like me to post your fic for you, email me at alicesprings2@gmail.com

I'll do a master post with all the fic links tomorrow. Thanks!
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Moving Drabble. [Sep. 14th, 2009|10:05 pm]


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Title: Fucking
Prompt: Moving
Author’s Notes: It was my idea so I thought I’d better give it a go myself. Here’s a lil drabble!


Fingers grip the sheets.

Thighs flex.

The lights play over his body.

I thrust harder from behind and his arms give out. I yank him back up, fingers twisting through the longer strands at the back of his head. My lips find his neck and I taste him there.

I pull back and watch as a drop of sweat begins to slide slowly down his spine. It rests a moment in the curve of his back, and then descends as my hips begin to snap faster.

I love how he moves against me.

A final thrust and then I still.
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