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Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Challenge #74: Closed// Challenge #75: Variations of Come [Jul. 16th, 2008|08:29 pm]
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[mood |bitchy]
[music |Project Runway Season 5 YAY!]

Challenge #74 is now closed.

Thank you everyone who shared their Secrets this week :)

The condom count was:

Blake 13
Justin 18

Which makes Justin our winner this week.


Our next challenger is Debbie!

The prompt for the next challenge is variations of the word Come. You have to use one (or more) of the following words in your drabble: come, comes, coming and came.

It's Justin vs. Debbie.

Let the drabbling begin!
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Challenge #74: Secrets [Jul. 16th, 2008|12:30 pm]
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Title: A Shitty Day
Author: [info]4cupcakes1988
A/N: Thank you to the lovely and talented [info]outlander for the beta.  This is for [info]happier_bunny and [info]xie_xie_xie...We hope you each have a not-so-shitty day today. 
Condom: Justin

By magic or maybe intuition, Justin could tell by the ring of his cell if Brian was having a shitty day.  A grunt hello, and the secret was out.   Justin sometimes made snide remarks about the greeting or the lack thereof.  Brian would offer a few words about work or things in the Pitts and then simply, "Later."

But when work sucked for Brian or Justin just couldn't find his muse, they each would secretly thank the gods for cell phones; knowing that a call and a few words were sometimes just enough to make a shitty day go away.

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Challenge #74: Secrets [Jul. 16th, 2008|11:50 am]
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Title:Keeping Secrets
Note:Based on an idea from [info]happier_bunny, but I don't think this is what she had in mind.

When the nurse first told Jennifer about the man sitting outside Justin’s room every night, she thought for a minute it might be Craig. But once she described him, Jennifer knew it was Brian.

Brian. Of course it was Brian, still playing games with Justin, still keeping his true feelings, whatever they might be, hidden. At first, he seemed so devastated by what happened; his pain strong enough to keep even her anger at bay. Then he’d vanished, abandoning Justin completely. But apparently he came back night after night, visiting in secret.

Jennifer had every intention of keeping his secret.
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*Challenge #74, Secrets* [Jul. 16th, 2008|10:12 am]
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Title: How Do I Hold on to You
Notes: I can't think about secrets without thinking about this. I've been trying to write it all week, I hope it's decent. No beta, all mistakes are mine.
And the condom goes to: Justin

Justin remembered a time when the biggest secret in his life was sneaking onto the football field at St. James to smoke pot with Daphne. Worrying about getting caught was part of the thrill.

There was nothing thrilling about keeping secrets these days. Brian was exhausted and withdrawn. Justin kept thinking about surgery and radiation and sickness and was in turns tormented, then furious at the thought of Brian doing it alone.

Brian would be livid when he found out Justin knew, but he couldn’t worry about that. Right now, he had to focus on keeping the secret a secret.
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*Challenge #74, Secrets [Jul. 16th, 2008|08:55 am]
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Title: Secret Avenger
Notes: No beta. For our very own secret avenger, [info]happier_bunny. She's saving the drabble world one plot bunny at a time!
And the condom goes to: Justin

“Exterior decorations of heroic figures and folk art motifs accompanied…” The professor’s voice droned as Justin doodled in the margins of his textbook. Late nights searching for places to fuck and long days of classes and studying were taking their toll. Exhausted, his eyes drooped as he penciled a crude caricature of Stockwell, then drew a big X over it.

A few mornings later, Brian watched Lindsay and Justin talk about agitprop. Though obviously tired, Justin’s eyes lit up when he talked about agitating the masses. Brian began to suspect that perhaps Em’s secret avenger was closer than anyone realized.
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[Jul. 16th, 2008|12:32 am]

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Title: Speculation
Author: [info]dirtylttlescret
A/N: Plot bunny from [info]happier_bunny
Condom: Justin

Looking back, Justin cringes at the thought of his teenaged self running down the street, believing that if he could just get far enough away, he could still keep it a secret.

It was so blatantly obvious too: the red stamp on his hand, Brian’s underwear tangled in his sheets (he’d breathed them in while jerking off under the sheets), the sketchbook he didn’t even try to hide.

He thinks now maybe he'd wanted to get caught, so that he could finally stop the doubts running through his head, wondering whether it’d be acceptance (love) or rejection she’d offer him.
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Challenge #74: Secrets [Jul. 15th, 2008|08:14 pm]

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Title: Before, During and After
Author: [info]notreallyme10
Notes: Thank you to [info]_alicesprings for the super fast beta, you are the best! These are for [info]happier_bunny and her beautiful Justin.
Condoms: 3 for Justin

Before, During and After )
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Challenge #74: Secrets [Jul. 15th, 2008|07:55 pm]
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Title: Surprise Visit
Note: [info]happier_bunny sent me the idea for this drabble series. Bunny, I hope this cheers you up a little:)
Condoms: 5 to Justin

EDIT: Last 2 parts have been added. Sorry!

“Cynthia, is there any way you can clear Brian’s schedule for this Wednesday?” Justin looked at calendar and realized it was the only day he had free.

“If you promise to keep him out of here for the entire day, I’ll blow any client that gives me a hard time.”

Justin burst out laughing. “You’ve been working with Brian for way too long. I know he’s been a pain to work with since you lost that big cosmetic account that’s why I want to surprise him.”

“He won’t hear about it from me. It’ll be out little secret.” Cynthia promised

The Rest )
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Challenge #74, Secrets [Jul. 15th, 2008|06:14 pm]
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Title: Stripped
Notes: Bunny from the lovely [info]happier_bunny herself. She also beta'd it for me. *hugs and kisses* It's been a quiet week, we need more drabbles! I hate to think all that rimming has kilt [info]qaf_drabbles!
And the condom goes to: Justin :-)

Ben was hurt, angry. He hadn’t felt the kind of white-hot heat invading his mind in a long time. It had taken years to build a calm life, one that kept him healthy and grounded. Paul’s death had stripped that all away.

Worst of all, Michael didn’t help. Ben wanted to let Michael comfort him, to let him in and share this with him, but he couldn’t. Michael, with his sad eyes and his loving nature, was just making it worse.

He held the drugs in his palm. Michael didn’t have to know. But he had to do it.
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Challenge #74: Secrets [Jul. 15th, 2008|05:19 pm]
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Title: Sins of Omission

Debbie can’t keep a secret to save her life; everyone knows this. But when she catches Vic making out with Bobby Martinelli behind the bleachers, and he begs her not to tell anyone, she doesn’t. She never tells their parents, and week after week she goes to confession without ever telling the priest about the sin she witnessed or the lies she tells to cover it up. Debbie does her penance, but knows it is not enough. Lying to a priest must be a mortal sin, but still she remains silent. She’d rather go to Hell than betray her brother.
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[Jul. 15th, 2008|01:41 pm]

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Title: Sobriety
Author: [info]dirtylttlescret
Condom: Blake

The first secret Ted keeps is that Blake’s been using again and that he needs more help than he can give him. He keeps that one from himself.

The second is that he thinks so little of himself, he’s willing to steal money from a child to numb away reality with a drug he lies to himself won’t hurt him. He keeps that one from Emmett.

The third is that there’s a jeweler’s box hidden in his pocket (it’s Blake’s fifth anniversary of sobriety today). That one he keeps from the man who’ll say yes in just a few minutes.
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Challenge #74: Secrets [Jul. 15th, 2008|12:18 am]
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[mood |mischievous]

Title:  40 is the New 30...A Chat Drabble in 10 Acts

Authors: [info]outlander and [info]4cupcakes1988

Beta: The amazingly wonderful [info]besamislabios.  Thank you for the beta and for holding our hands.

Condom:  All 10 condoms to.....Blake.

<40 is the New 30 )
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Challenge #74: Secrets [Jul. 14th, 2008|04:52 pm]
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Titie: Don't Tell
Author: [info]jule1122
Condom: Justin

Everyone was gathered around Debbie’s table passing dishes and filling glasses when Gus pulled on Justin’s sleeve. “Closer, Justin. It’s a secret.”

Gus’s version of whispering was loud enough to catch everyone’s attention, but they carefully pretended not to hear him.

Justin leaned down, his ear close to Gus’s mouth. “What is it?”

“Today is Daddy’s birthday; he’s really old. And there’s a cake.”

“I won’t tell if you won’t.” Justin gave Gus a high five and struggled to keep a straight face. He ignored the snorts of laughter and sounds of dropped utensils from the rest of the table.
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Challenge #74: Secrets [Jul. 12th, 2008|04:49 pm]

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[mood |contemplative]

TITLE:Secret Wish
A/N: Thanks to [info]xie_xie_xie for the beta and her patience!

I remembered the snowflakes felt cold when we said good-bye on that long-ago sidewalk. What I knew when I walked away from him was that the time was wrong.

I listened to the wind blowing the snow against the window, and thought of all the secret ways I'd dreamed of meeting him again. I smiled, because bumping into each other at a ski lodge wasn't one of them.

I pulled the covers up, and shifted closer to Ted as he slept with his arm across my chest. I watched him sleeping, and this time I knew the time was right.
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Challenge #74: Secrets [Jul. 11th, 2008|10:27 pm]
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Title: Blind Eye
Author: [info]jule1122
Condom: Justin

Michael’s eyes widened when he realized what Brian was wearing. The scarf was covered in blood, in fucking Justin’s blood. He watched Brian’s fingers move reverently along it, watched him take off carefully and fold it as though it were still pure white, silky, and beautiful. But it wasn’t. It was covered in Justin’s fucking blood.

Michael wanted to run in there and ask Brian what the fuck he was doing. Why hadn’t he thrown it away, how could he touch it while it was still covered in Justin’s blood? But Michael always kept Brian’s secrets so he looked away.
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Challenge #74: Secrets [Jul. 11th, 2008|02:09 pm]
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Title: Just One More Time
Author: [info]jule1122
Condom: Blake

Blake fingered the vial in his pocket nervously. Just the feel of it helped him relax, but he had to be careful, or Ted would notice. He couldn’t let Ted find it. Ted would freak out, make a big deal out of it. But it wasn’t like Blake was really using again. He just needed a boost, something to get him through the stress of this job with Melanie. Everyone expected so much, and he couldn’t let Ted down. Once he proved himself, he wouldn’t need it any more. Then he’d stay clean for good.

Ted didn’t need to know.
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*Challenge #74, Secrets* [Jul. 10th, 2008|08:20 am]
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Title: Drugstore Confession
Notes: Apparently, fangirls are not the only ones that are all rimmed out. I stole the "flaming asshole" from a comment [info]vl_redreign made about last week's challenge. I hope she doesn't mind. No beta, just a bunch of silliness. :D ETA: Learn more about Anti-Monkey Butt here.
And the condom goes to: Justin. Might as well add to his stockpile.

“Brian? What are you doing here?” Michael seemed surprised. “What are you buying?” He peered around Brian, trying to see.

Brian, his lips swollen and extremely chapped, said, “Chap Stick. Anti-Monkey Butt.”

Michael blinked, looking confused. “What for?”

“Can’t tell. It’s a secret.”

Michael pouted, whining, “Oh come on, we’re best friends! Tell me, Brian!”

“Well, Mikey, since you think you must know, in the last seven days, I rimmed Justin *approximately* 223 times.”

Michael’s expression turned from confused to stunned.

“So, my lips hurt. And Justin has a whopping case of flaming asshole,” Brian said. “Any more questions?”
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Challenge #73: Closed// Challenge #74: [Jul. 9th, 2008|09:18 pm]

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[mood |ecstatic]

OMG, I'm done. I've counted 3 times and [info]outlander checked the count (so there can be no question of my integrity).
So, once I gave [info]pinkfriction's condom to BRIAN, the score was...*drum roll please*



THIS OFFICIALLY CLOSES THE BRIAN V. JUSTIN RIMMING CHALLENGE #73 [info]faile02, [info]bookgirl24, and I cannot thank all the authors, cheerleaders, readers, and fans enough for so much fun. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did!

CHALLENGE #74: SECRETS (secrets revealed, kept, secret places for sex...be creatative!)

CONDOM BATTLE: Justin moves forward and his challenger is Blake...so award your condoms to Justin or Blake only.
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