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Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Challenge #147 Quotes [Feb. 9th, 2010|02:08 pm]
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[mood |devious]

Title:Acceptance Speech
Authors Notes:And another one...just to nudge Justin into the lead ; )
And the condom goes to: Justin

'Justin Taylor’s recent still life exhibit…'

The announcer’s speech filtered through the bathroom walls where Justin was pressed against the tile, dress pants bunched around his ankles.

'…Justin has an amazing feel for the human form.'

Brian chuckled as eager hands groped his ass, pulling him in deeper, “I’d say.”
Justin grunted loudly in return and Brian adjusted his grip on slippery thighs.

'We’re honoured to be presenting him with this award…'

“Faster…” Justin panted, hearing the first spattering of applause from outside. Brian obliged, fumbling between them for Justin’s cock.

Justin Taylor was still suspiciously late to the stage.
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Challenge #147 Quotes [Feb. 9th, 2010|12:57 pm]
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[mood |okay]

Title: Moving Day
Authors note:As much as I LOVE [info]noteverything's choice of drabble (quotes are my weakness!)I found it harder than I thought...
And the condom goes to: Justin

“This used to be such a magical kingdom, full of sprites and fairies…”

“…And twelve man orgies."

Michael stopped circling the empty loft and scowled over at Brian stacking boxes.

Brian rolled his eyes, “What? I’m offended! I’ve had more studs than fairies…”

“That’s not the point! I’m trying to put a spin on it here!” The oblivious baby squirmed in

Michael’s arms, “I can’t believe she’s never going to remember this place!”

“Christ, Mikey I’m moving, not dying! She’ll remember the shiny new Park Avenue Penthouse.”

“It’s not the same,” Michael frowned, and continued JR’s first and last tour.
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Challenge #146 Family [Jan. 29th, 2010|09:34 am]
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[mood |content]

Title: Arts and Crafts
Author: [info]l_j_88
And the condom goes to:...Ben

Fridays were arts and crafts.
Mrs. Shelby told them to draw family portraits and frowned when Gus raised his hand for a
second sheet of paper.
“One sheet per person!”
He had to draw Deb’s head super small and Emmett’s legs really teeny, but he just managed to squeeze everyone on.
Billy Anderson leant over as Gus was coloring Justin’s hair.
“That’s stupid! All those people don’t live in your house!”
Gus thought it was pretty sad that Billy was only allowed to draw a Mommy and Daddy, so he just stuck his tongue out and gave Hunter red shoes.
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Challenge #145 Injury [Jan. 25th, 2010|02:09 pm]
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[mood |bouncy]

Title: A Sign Of Things To Come
And the condom goes to:...Emmett

“Where’d you get that?”
He attempted disinterest, but for some reason his stomach had clenched when he’d noticed it: callous red against pale skin.
“Some closet case asshole I jerked off at school.” Justin mumbled, dumping his school bag and tie on the counter.
Brian backed Justin against the side and remembered bullies and bigots and Jack.
He’d survived. And Justin was far braver than he’d ever been.
Brian leaned in to run his tongue over the torn lip and felt Justin smile underneath. “He wasn’t worth the lube.”
Justin laughed and Brian’s concern dissolved.

He couldn’t have known then.
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Challenge #144 Four Words [Jan. 14th, 2010|03:43 pm]
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[mood |dirty]

Title: Scars
And the condom goes to:...Emmett
Notes: burn, ease, rug, glass. Okay, here goes...

Since he’d met Brian, Justin had received his fair share of sex scars.
Bruises. Bite marks. Rug burn.
When he was younger, he used to wear each one like a badge of honour.
He would stand infront of the mirror and run his fingers over each mark reflected back in the glass and think this means I’m his.
Now, Justin believes he’s much more mature about the whole thing.
“Ah,” Behind him, Brian was sliding against him with familiar ease, hands gripping hard as he got closer.
Justin felt fingers dig into his hips and knew he’d bruise.
He smiled.
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Challenge #143 Kiss [Jan. 13th, 2010|01:38 pm]
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[mood |chipper]

Title: Chocolate
Author: l_j_88
Notes: I haven't drabbled before, so fingers crossed...
And the condom goes to: Debbie

Brian was fucking sick of picking up prescriptions. 

When he got home, he threw the pharmacy bag at Justin.


He was busy changing later when a warm arm wound around his waist.  He spun in time for Justin to reach up and catch his mouth in a long kiss. 

Brian raised his eyebrow when he pulled back, “What was that for?”

Justin’s grin was mega-watt.  “Kisses are my favourite.” 

He glanced to where he was holding up the shiny Hershey packet in his other hand. Brian smirked and dipped his head for another kiss and tasted cocoa. 

“I know.”      

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