Queer as Folk Drabbles - January 2nd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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January 2nd, 2011

Challenge: 37 Days of Gusmas [Jan. 2nd, 2011|12:46 am]


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Title: Gravity
Author: Xie
Prompts: All 37, in order, a single coherent story
Notes: Of course, "coherent" is in the eye of the beholder.

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Okay, I'm going in... [Jan. 2nd, 2011|01:46 pm]



[info]notreallyme10 has already done her count of the "Gusmas" drabbles, and now I'm going to do mine. If they match, I'm just going to assume that was it, but if anyone else wants to count as well, the more the merrier!

If they DON'T match, then that loud screaming sound you hear will be me. ;)

I hope that soon I'll be able to tell you just how broke you guys made me, and everyone else who donated/pledged! Here we go...
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Gusmas 2010 - The Real Meaning of ... [Jan. 2nd, 2011|02:30 pm]


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[mood |accomplished]
[music |All I Want For Christmas]

Title: The Real Meaning Of ...
Author: Prompts: Drabbles for all 37 prompts
Notes: These form a single, if somewhat episodic, story that uses all 37 prompts - in order, even). To be honest, I'm kind of double-dipping here. I'd committed to doing a story for the Moonshadow Tribe Holiday challenge, which this year was "The Real Meaning Of ..." I hadn't been able to come up with anything, except a vague feeling that I wanted this to be a new Justin!Rage story, until I found this challenge yesterday. I looked through the prompts and suddenly it all flowed together. So, a classic case of two birds with one stone.
Warning: For those not familiar with my Justin!Rage stories, parts of this won't make any sense at all. Briefly, they are set in an AU where Justin and Brian meet later and under completely different circumstances. Justin has some kind of "super-power" abilities associated with light, which he uses when the lights on the Christmas tree blow. That's all I can say without giving away major spoilers for those stories (and this tale inevitably does) so if you're interested in reading them, I suggest you do that first. They are all here: Justin!Rage Index.

Now let the drabbles begin!

The Real Meaning Of ... )
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And our grand total is... [Jan. 2nd, 2011|03:14 pm]



I'm almost speechless. Folks, the Queer as Folk fandom raised $1294 for The Trevor Project in the "37 Days of Gusmas" Drabble-a-thon!

All the numbers are below, and thanks so much to [info]notreallyme10 and [info]kay_jay_dee for helping with the count -- notreallyme's format was so awesome it was the basis for this post!

I honestly did not expect the amount raised to be so huge, and owe an enormous thanks to everyone who pledged and to everyone who wrote and/or beta'd for the writers. I'd like to especially thank those who wrote for all 37 prompts -- [info]jule1122, [info]frantic_quest, [info]rainbow1907, [info]kay_jay_dee, [info]wren_kt7oz -- and [info]brianswalk, who as I posted the other day, threw the support of LJ's drabylon community behind this effort, pledged beaucoup bucks herself, AND drabbled her fingers off! Thank you, Lisa!

Great thanks as well to [info]happier_bunny and [info]besamislabios for allowing me to use [info]qaf_drabbles for this event -- THANK YOU, LADIES!

I'd like to ask all of you to read and comment on these stories, as your way of thanking everyone who has turned out to support The Trevor Project in its wonderful efforts to help and protect LGBT and questioning youth who are being bullied, harassed, thrown out of their families, or are contemplating suicide.

Thank you, QAF fandom, and may we all have a wonderful New Year!



Individual counts, pledge details, donor breakdown )
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