Queer as Folk Drabbles - December 23rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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December 23rd, 2010

Gusmas 2010 [Dec. 23rd, 2010|05:49 pm]


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Title: Home for the Holidays 23: Options
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Prompt: December 18: Picture of U of P sign
Notes: Season 1 Drabble Series for [info]drabylon dollars!

Brian decided they should make an early night, so they left Babylon after only a few drinks and a quick blowjob in the back room.

Justin moved as close as he could to Brian in the slowly warming jeep, laughing when Brian invited him to warm his hands between his thighs.

Justin was happy to accept and was soon sliding his now toasty fingers in teasing circles over Brian’s dick.

They cruised by the entrance to the University of Pittsburgh and Brian casually reached a gloved hand down to still Justin’s movements.

“Any news about your future place of matriculation?”
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Gusmas 2010 [Dec. 23rd, 2010|05:56 pm]


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Title: Home for the Holidays 24: Conditions
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Prompt: December 19: Fathers and Sons
Notes: Season 1 Drabble Series for [info]drabylon dollars!

“I may have to put college on hold for a year or so.” Justin spoke quietly into the muted blue glow of the bedroom. “Just until I come up with tuition money.”

“What about your fucking father?” Brian asked angrily.

“He’ll only pay for Dartmouth.” Justin admitted sadly.

“That’s bullshit. There shouldn’t be any fucked up conditions on your education.”

Brian fucked him from behind that night, draping himself like a second skin as he pressed hot kisses on the soft skin of Justin’s neck and shoulders, before slamming into him hard and fast, fingers tangled tightly in Justin’s hair.
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Gusmas 2010 [Dec. 23rd, 2010|09:33 pm]


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[Current Location |at home]
[mood |devious]
[music |Dirty Dancing Soundtrack]

Title: It is the Season 28 - Unexpected Guests
Author: [info]rainbow1907
Prompt: December 23 - Unexpected guests
Beta: Many thanks to my wonderful beta LJ User buckeye5! All remaining mistakes are mine.
Author's Note: Drabble Series for [info]drabylon dollars!
Author's Note 2: Warning - NC 17

Brian woke up to the wet heat of Justin’s tongue lapping greedily at his hole. Moaning in arousal, he raised up on his knees, shamelessly pushing his ass into his lover’s face.

“More,” he groaned. “Come on… fuck me!”

He could feel Justin’s smile at his crack.

“Pushy, pushy…” Justin lubed up his dick and gently pushed inside until his balls nestled alongside Brian’s.

They groaned in unison.

“So fucking good…”

Neither of them heard the little footsteps and the sound of their door opening.

“Eww, Dad! Gross! We’re going blind here… Can’t you remember to lock your bedroom door?”
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