Queer as Folk Drabbles - December 10th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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December 10th, 2010

Gusmas 2010 [Dec. 10th, 2010|08:18 am]
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Title: Uncle Vic's Famous Cake
Author: Catcayman
Prompt: Dec 5th: An Accident
Note: Set ~4 years post 513. For a drabylon dollar!

“In honor of Uncle Vic, we made one of his fabulous cakes for our party.”

His mother launched herself at Michael, followed by kisses to all. JR wiped off the red lipstick and hastily departed.

“Should we have the cake first?” Ben asked, smiling.

JR ran back into the kitchen, “Gross, Hunter and his girlfriend were kissing!”

Unfortunately, she tripped and slammed into Michael, who still held the cake. The momentum bowled him over, smashing the cake down the front of his shirt.

That was how they ended up, on the kitchen floor, eating cake off Michael’s shirt and laughing.
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Gusmas 2010 [Dec. 10th, 2010|11:18 am]


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[Current Location |at home]
[mood |groggy]
[music |Debussy]

Title: It is the Season 15 - Mistletoe
Author: [info]rainbow1907
Prompt: December 10 - Mistletoe
Beta: Many thanks to my wonderful beta LJ User buckeye5! All remaining mistakes are mine.
Author's Note: Drabble Series for [info]drabylon dollars!

Ted entered the inner sanctum of Brian’s office in a rush, looking flustered.

“That woman has an evil streak a mile wide!” Seeing Brian’s raised eyebrow, he explained, “Cynthia hung mistletoe over her desk and caught me when I bent down to sign some documents.” He shuddered.

Brian appreciated Cynthia’s deviousness and twisted sense of humor. But it wouldn’t do to let her win the upper hand.

Sauntering over to her mistletoe-embellished workspace, he grabbed her, kissing her breathless, then smirked.

“If I were the least bit interested in twat… you’d get a lot more bang out of your mistletoe!”
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Gusmas Challenge [Dec. 10th, 2010|09:17 pm]
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Title: First Christmas
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Teddy bear picture

Michael couldn’t help going overboard during Hunter’s first Christmas with them. Even though Hunter didn’t like to talk about his past, Michael knew Christmas had never been a magical time for him. His heart broke when Hunter admitted he knew stopped believing in Santa Claus the year the only thing he asked for was a teddy bear, and he didn’t even get that.

Michael glanced nervously from huge pile of presents under the tree to the teddy bear stuffed in Hunter’s stocking. “He’s going to hate it, isn’t he?”

Ben wrapped his arms around Michael. “We’ll blame it on Santa.”
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Gusmas Challenge [Dec. 10th, 2010|09:44 pm]
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Title: Checking It Twice
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Shopping

Jennifer couldn’t stand the thought of going to one more store, but she still needed a present for Brian. He was impossible to buy for. She was tired of spending a fortune on ties she could never be sure he liked, and even Brian only needed so many bottles of scotch.

Then she remembered a sketchbook of Justin’s Debbie had given her. Jennifer only looked through it a few times. Justin’s art had changed so much; it hurt to think about what could have been.

She framed a sketch of Brian reading, so obviously drawn with love. It was perfect.
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