Queer as Folk Drabbles - December 5th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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December 5th, 2010

Gusmas 2010 [Dec. 5th, 2010|09:32 am]


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[Current Location |at home]
[mood |sleepy]
[music |Bryan Adams, Summer of 69]

Title: It is the Season 10 - An Accident
Author: [info]rainbow1907
Prompt: December 5 - An accident
Beta: Many thanks to my wonderful beta LJ User buckeye5! All remaining mistakes are mine.
Author's Note: Drabble Series for [info]drabylon dollars!

“What do you mean, it was an accident?! Open the goddamned cuffs!!” Brian demanded with the barest hint of panic in his voice.

“But I can’t, the key broke off inside the lock… And can you please stop shouting?” Justin whispered nervously. “You don’t want Daphne to hear you and her bedroom is only two rooms down from ours. You’re queening out…”

“I swear, Justin, if you so much as breathe one word about this to anyone… you’ll die a slow and painful death. And I’ll kill you personally. So, how do we get these fucking cuffs off my hands?”
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Gusmas Challenge [Dec. 5th, 2010|01:46 pm]
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Title: Belonging
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Hanukkah

Melanie rarely saw her family, and that was fine with her. Lindsay and the kids were all the family she needed.

She only felt alone at Hanukkah. Lindsay tried, but she didn’t understand, and the kids preferred Christmas.

The first year Hanukkah and Christmas overlapped, they arrived at Debbie’s to see a huge Menorah lighting the window opposite the Christmas tree. Debbie handed her a dreidel and bag of chocolate coins. Melanie hadn’t played in years, but soon everyone was laughing and playing, drinking wine and making up rules. Ben won the most coins, but Melanie felt like the winner.
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