Queer as Folk Drabbles - October 6th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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October 6th, 2010

[Oct. 6th, 2010|11:15 pm]
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Title: Partake (challenge #177, daddies)
Warnings/Author's Notes: early on
And the condom goes to: daddy!Brian

Justin lunged, grabbing the spliff from between my fingers and mashing it out in the ashtray.

“There’s a baby here for chrissakes!” Justin said, motioning to Gus, who was sleeping peacefully in his car seat carrier next to the bed.

“If the munchers expect me to give up an afternoon at the baths to play the good father, then the least I can do to restore balance to the universe is partake in copious amounts of chronic,” I argued reasonably.

“Secondhand smoke kills brain cells!”

“Well then, young man…” I said, unbuttoning my jeans and leaning back…“The universe is waiting.”
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[Oct. 6th, 2010|11:18 pm]
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Title: No way (challenge #177, daddies)
Warnings/Author's Notes: later on
And the condom goes to: daddy!Justin

“What the hell are these?” I waved the offending materials in front of Justin’s face.

“You suddenly can’t read now?”

Justin continued his brushstroke; I believe the words “drama queen” were muttered under his breath.

“What the fuck are brochures from PIFA doing here?”

I was making a show of it– I knew the answer, of course.

Justin sighed, “I’m scanning them to send up to Mel and Linds.”

“If they think they’re sending my son to this goddamned podunk town for college, they’re out of their fucking minds!”

“Brian,” he replied, his voice annoyingly calm, “It was my idea.”
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