Queer as Folk Drabbles - September 28th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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September 28th, 2008

Challenge #85: Drunk or High or Horny [Sep. 28th, 2008|12:00 pm]
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Title: Getting By
Author: [info]jule1122
Note: for [info]tweedygal and [info]happier_bunny because when they say drabble, I drabble.
Condom: Hunter

“Do you miss it?” Ted asked as Blake walked him back to his room.

“Every day.”

“Oh, that’s encouraging,” Ted threw his hands up.

“It’s the truth,” Blake put his hand on Ted’s shoulder. “But more than that I don’t miss being so desperate for my next fix that I’d do anything to get it; I don’t miss waking up not knowing where I was and not remembering the last three days. I don’t miss Crystal taking over my life until I didn’t have room for anything or anyone else, not even myself.”

“Is that enough?”

“It has to be.”
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Challenge #85: drunk, high, horny [Sep. 28th, 2008|04:52 pm]


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Title: Murder Mystery
Author: [info]dirtylttlescret
A/N: Also, based on a request in [info]qaf_bunnies by [info]cryforwhat.
Condoms: 6 to Hunter

“What are we doing here?” Brian said as they approached Debbie’s front door.

“It’s game night and I said we’d go. I never get to see them anymore.”

“What are you talking about?” asked Brian. “You’re in the Pitts practically every other weekend.”

“But a certain greedy someone monopolizes my time whenever I’m here,” said Justin, nuzzling the crook of his neck.

“I asked you last time if you wanted to go to Michael and Ben’s for dinner, to which you responded by sitting in my lap and shoving my dick up your ass.”

“I was horny,” said Justin unapologetically.

Parts 2-6 )
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Challenge #85: Drunk or High or Horny [Sep. 28th, 2008|04:53 pm]
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[mood |amused]

Title:  Boredom
Author:  Camlaw
Timeline:  Season 4
Author Notes:  Not exactly sure if it fits, but it was the first thing that popped into my head when I read this week's challenge.
Condom:  Hunter

“Why are you skipping health class?” Michael asked.


Hunter shrugged his shoulders.


“Not good enough, pal!” Ben replied.


Hunter looked back and forth between his parents and sighed.


“It’s boring. I already know about drugs and diseases. I know how to use condoms. I’ve actually had sex, which I serious doubt Ms. Place has. And that abstinence spiel they preach is a joke!”


Michael and Ben sat for a moment stunned.


“Unfortunately it a course requirement to graduate, so you can’t miss anymore classes,” Michael explained.


“Fine, but don’t be surprised if you get another call when I begin to participate in class.” Hunter stated with a wicked grin.

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Challenge #85: Drunk or High or Horny [Sep. 28th, 2008|05:25 pm]
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Title: Killing Time
Author: [info]jule1122
Notes: For my Bunny again. And for those of you too young to remember, the song "Hungry Eyes" comes from Brian and Michael's favorite movie "Dirty Dancing."
Condom: Hunter

The last joint was stubbed out before Michael mentioned Justin. “You’re moping again; call him.”

“I don’t mope, and he’s busy.”

“Not too busy for you. You could sing; it worked on Ben. Sing ‘Hungry Eyes’ to him. He’ll rush home.”

“You’re pathetic,” Brian leaned toward Michael and ended up falling over him.

“Fine, say your hot, hard cock misses pounding his perfect, luscious ass.”

“Mikey, you’re gonna make me hurl, and I don’t miss him.”

Michael looked around the half-empty mansion Brian dragged him to, it’s only decoration framed prints of Rage and other Justin Taylor originals and laughed.
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