Queer as Folk Drabbles - September 18th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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September 18th, 2008

Challenge #84: Babylon [Sep. 18th, 2008|01:43 pm]


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Title: Uninformed
Author: [info]badbadpixie
A/N: Unbetad All mistakes are mine. But that's all. Nothing else is.
Condom: Even if I'd love to give Brian this, let's face it: Hunter needs it a whole lot more!

"…close this haven of sodomy and sin down!!"

A group of five people with a glint of insanity in their eyes, visible to Justin although the alley outside the entrance was very dark this time of night.

The bouncer lifted the red velvet rope and greeted him with a curt,
"Welcome, Mr Taylor" as Justin walked by.

He found Brian in the VIP room.

"Did you see the 'mob' outside?" he smirked, waving a flyer in Justin's face.
"The Whore of Babylon – is that supposed to be you?"
Brian pulled Justin closer, "Shows what they know. I'm the fucking ruler!"
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Challenge #84: Babylon [Sep. 18th, 2008|06:31 pm]
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Title: Just Another Night
Author: [info]jule1122
Condom: Brian

They sat silently as Debbie cleared away the remains of dinner. The diner was mostly empty, but none of them felt inclined to move even though conversation had died off after they reviewed their respective days.

Finally, Emmett spoke, “So, Babylon?”

“Babylon,” Brian nodded.

“Babylon,” Michael agreed.

All eyes turned to Ted. “Someday we’re going to have to stop filling the emptiness of our lives with the mindless, endless pursuit of young, hot men and casual sex.”

“So, Babylon?” Emmett repeated.

Ted sighed and stood up, “Babylon.”

Brian threw a stray fry at him before they headed for the door.
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Challenge #84: Babylon [Sep. 18th, 2008|09:46 pm]


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Title:  Desires 
Author: britin1729
A/N: Takes place in season one
And the Condoms Go To: Hunter

“The ancient city of Babylon in Mesopotamia...”

That was all it had taken. Seven words from Justin's history teacher, seemingly innocent and completely unrelated to anything in his life, and he was gone. That one word had done it. 


Justin found his attention slipping, the confines of his classroom fading away as he imagined himself surrounded by pulsing music, thrashing bodies, the burn of alcohol in his throat and the taste of it on his lips. Sweat causing his already tight shirt to cling to him even more, the lights flashing, disorienting and so easy to give yourself to.

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