Queer as Folk Drabbles - September 15th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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September 15th, 2008

Challenge #83: Toppy Justin [Sep. 15th, 2008|12:13 am]
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Title: Whole
Author: [info]aquamarina
Condom: Brian

When he paints, Justin feels that he is a top. Just for that moment he is in a zone of total control. He pounds his brush onto the canvas. He is a whole person. Creative, orgasmic; giving, giving, giving.

When he is with Brian, Justin feels that he is a bottom. Just for that moment he gives himself over to the sensation. He feels the cock pounding inside him. He is a whole person. Creative, orgasmic; taking, taking, taking.

Justin knows he is neither a top or a bottom. He is both. His twin passions create a whole in him.
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Challenge #83: Toppy Justin [Sep. 15th, 2008|12:54 am]
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Title: Blame it on Outlander
Author: [info]aquamarina
Condom: Emmett
A/N: The title says it all...

“Hey!,” said the blond boy, “I thought we only did this in bad!fic land?”

“What, toppy!Justin?,” said the older man. “No, the bad!fic writers just think that you only topped me that one time, so they write toppy!Justin as if it's some sort of anathema.”

“I see,” replied the bubble-butted twink. “What do you think they would do if they found out you let me do this a lot?”

“I think that they have plenty of crack to keep them going. They write that MPREG for a start. What the fuck is that all about?”
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Challenge 83: Toppy!Justin [Sep. 15th, 2008|11:28 am]


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Title: Aftermath (2x100)
Author: [info]badbadpixie
A/N:Un betaed. All mistakes are mine!
Condom: There isn't any mention of Toppy!Justin in the first one, so I can only offer Brian one condom.

Brian moved very carefully through the doors of the gym.

Stupid ass fucking asshole Colin. “Dropping the soap in the shower” is a homophobic expression, not something you actually DO just because it’s the showers at a gay gym!! And stepping on a soap in the shower is damn slippery....

The irritated monologue kept playing out in Brian’s head, while he carefully limped across the street to the parked Vette.

Moaning and groaning he carefully lowered his battered body into the driver’s seat. Almost seated, his muscles gave out and he lost his balance and landed hard on his ass...


The non suspecting citizens of Pittsburgh got an ear full of the most colorful explaintatives known to man. Brian was sure his overloaded brain managed to even come up with a couple of new ones.

As soon as he got his breath back he pulled out his cell. Justin hadn’t more than picked up before he yelled,
“You motherfucking piece of useless shit!! Didn’t I teach you anything? My ass is ON FIRE!!”

Even through the white noise in his head, Brian could clearly hear the smile on Justin’s lips before slamming the phone shut.

Colin was a dead fag.
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*Challenge #83: toppy Justin* [Sep. 15th, 2008|03:33 pm]
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Title: Another Friendly Wager
Notes: Based on a bunny by the best bunny ever, [info]happier_bunny. Writing for her bunnies never gets old! No beta, all mistakes are mine.
And the condom goes to: Brian Kinney. He needed it for Justin.

“Why do you insist on betting on pool? I beat you every single time.”

“A friendly wager makes things interesting,” Justin retorted.

“Then bet with Michael,” Brian said.

“I don’t want Michael’s ass,” Justin replied. “I’ll win one of these days. Then I’ll have my wicked way with you.”

“Dream on, Sunshine. And rack ‘em up.”

On the way back to the loft, Justin pouted.

“One of these days, huh?” Brian teased.

“Fuck off.”

Later in bed, Brian handed Justin a condom.

“Put it on.” Brian said, rolling onto his stomach.

“But you won.”

“And now I’m collecting my prize.”
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*Challenge #83: toppy Justin* [Sep. 15th, 2008|03:45 pm]
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Title: New Jeans
Notes: Yet another bunny from [info]happier_bunny. Condom implied. No beta, all mistakes are mine.
And the condom goes to: Brian Kinney

Justin couldn’t take his eyes off Brian’s ass. It looked good in those jeans. Actually, it looked spectacular. Justin was so hard he couldn’t think straight.

“Brian? Are those new jeans?” Justin tried to sound nonchalant.

“Yeah. Why?” Brian walked across the room to pour a drink. Justin’s eyes followed his ass the whole way.

Justin shrugged. “No reason.”

Unknowingly, Brian’s ass kept teasing. Something had to give. Justin dragged Brian to the sofa’s edge, jerked the jeans below his ass and was inside him in record time.

“I. Like. These. Jeans.” Justin huffed between thrusts.

Brian could only groan.
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