Queer as Folk Drabbles - June 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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June 9th, 2008

*Challenge #69: season 3* [Jun. 9th, 2008|09:39 am]
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Title: Happy Together
Notes: No beta, all mistakes mine.
And the condom goes to: Brian. :D

“We should go home,” Mel said. “It’s crazy out here.”

“It’s exciting! Let’s walk a bit,” answered Lindsay.

Hand in hand, they walked. Liberty Avenue was once again a festive, gay world. They decided to stop into the diner for tea before they went home.

Deb greeted them merrily, rubbing Melanie’s stomach and cackling about her grandbaby, Emmett laughing next to her.

They settled side by side into a booth near the back. Brian and Justin passed them, wrapped up in their own world. Eventually, the bustle around them faded and they focused on each other and a bright future.
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Challenge #69 - Season 3 [Jun. 9th, 2008|11:20 am]
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Title: 11 o'clock
Condom: Vic

11 o'clock )
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*Challenge #69: season 3* [Jun. 9th, 2008|05:02 pm]
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Title: Sixty-Nine
Notes: My darling [info]besamislabios inspired this drabble (and gave it a quick beta). It's in honor of Challenge #69 and the lovely images that number brings to mind. And it's S3, so in my way of thinking, that's gotta be climate-controlled sex.
And the condom goes to: Brian!!!!

Amber lights filled the bedroom. Brian kissed Justin's cheek and nuzzled his ear before he lay back beside him.

"You're not done already are you?" asked Justin. "Did I wear you out?"

"Never. Bring that ass up here. I'll show you what wearing out is."

Justin eagerly straddled Brian's face, already almost hard. He looked down at Brian's dick, pressing almost flat against his stomach.

"Damn, Brian. Your cock is really hard," Justin breathed.

Brian didn't answer, instead, his tongue began to lap at Justin's ass.

Although it took all of his concentration, Justin bent and began to suck Brian.
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Challenge #69: Season 3 - This Time [Jun. 9th, 2008|09:06 pm]


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Title: This Time
Author: [info]not_yet_defined
Condom: Brian

Justin unlocked the door to Ethan's appartment, stepping inside for the last time. He froze, biting his thumb as he looked around. Daphne bounded up the stairs moments later, cutting off any melancholy thoughts that may have sifted through his mind. The last time he did this, he did it alone. This time was different - less like being pulled under, and more like fighting his way towards the surface. Besides, this time he had a lot more shit to move and there was no fucking way he was leaving anything behind. This time, there would be no return trip.
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*Challenge #69: season 3* [Jun. 9th, 2008|10:48 pm]
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Title: Stupid Furball
Notes: This is based on a bunny from [info]not_yet_defined where Justin and Ethan are "getting in the mood" and Wolfram keeps interfering. lol. No beta.
And the condom goes to: Brian

Justin was having trouble concentrating. Ethan was licking and kissing down his neck. Next he’d lick Justin’s nipple and ask, “Do you like that baby?” Justin knew Ethan’s routine thoroughly now; it was as well-practiced as his playing, never varying as much as a note.

As he gazed across the room, Justin saw Wolfram staring back. “Fuck you, stupid furball,” Justin muttered angrily.

“Hmmmmm…?” Ethan asked, moving on to Justin’s other nipple.

“Nothing,” Justin said, trying to focus. Wolfie kept staring. Justin reached around Ethan, grabbed a shoe and hurled it at the cat. Ethan never missed a beat.
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Challenge #69: Season 3 - After Hours [Jun. 9th, 2008|10:55 pm]


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Title: After Hours
Author: [info]not_yet_defined
Condom: Brian :D

Brian looked at the clock, then switched off his computer, slipped on his jacket, and made his way to the art department. It was quiet and dark, apart from the glow of a solitary computer in front of which Justin sat on a stool. Focused as he carefully moved the pen across the screen.


Justin jumped. "Asshole," he laughed.

Brian leaned close, "What are you still doing here?" he murmured while snaking his hand under the neck of Justin's sweater and sliding it down his chest.

Justin tilted his face up towards Brian, grinning, "Waiting for you, Mr. Kinney."

continued here
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*Challenge #69, season 3* [Jun. 9th, 2008|11:21 pm]
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Title: The Ride Down
Notes: Another bunny from [info]not_yet_defined. Justin the intern gives Brian a "bit of a hard on." No beta and it might be begging for a second part.
And the condom goes to: Hmmm...maybe...Brian. :-)

Grabbing his briefcase, Brian headed out of his office. He was beat and needed a stiff drink and a hot shower. He had so much to do that he didn’t even contemplate going out.

The elevator was closing as he approached; he grabbed the door just in time. Stepping inside, he was momentarily stunned. Justin stood, his ubiquitous messenger bag slung across his chest. He smiled up at Brian, saying, “Hi Bri-- I mean, Mr. Kinney.” Brian felt his dick twitch.

They rode down in complete silence. By the time the elevator opened again, Brian was hard as a rock.
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*Challenge #69, season 3* [Jun. 9th, 2008|11:49 pm]
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Title: Eye Fuck
Notes: Based on the icon here, suggested by [info]not_yet_defined. I'm not picking hers on purpose...they're just the ones the ideas are coming for at the moment! No beta...
And the condom goes to: Brian!

Brian closed his eyes briefly as his trick moved to his knees to service him. As he sucked, Brian began to look around the room. His eyes stopped on a blond, indifferently fucking a trick. As he watched, he realized the blond was Justin. After a moment, Justin looked up and locked eyes with Brian. He continued to fuck the trick, but his blue eyes bored into Brian as he did and Brian couldn’t stop watching. Every thrust made his dick throb, and he imagined it was Justin’s mouth around it. Finally, he closed his eyes, wishing he’d never looked.
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