Queer as Folk Drabbles - June 8th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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June 8th, 2008

*Challenge #69: season 3* [Jun. 8th, 2008|01:24 pm]
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Title: Zephyr and Boy Wonder
Notes: No beta. All mistakes are mine. I know the ending sucks...
And the condom goes to: Brian.

Ben had frantically called Michael repeatedly since he and Hunter left: straight to voicemail every time. He headed to Liberty Avenue and found Deb and Emmett in the diner.

“Over here Ben, sweetie! ” she called. “Where’s Michael?”

“I hoped you could tell me.”

As Ben explained, Deb’s mouth opened in shock.

“We have to find them!” she said.

“Find who?” Justin asked; Brian was pushing him toward the men’s room.

“Hunter and Michael! They’ve disappeared,” said Ben.

“Relax, Professor. Zephyr and the Boy Wonder left in my car about an hour ago,” said Brian.

Ben and Debbie both looked relieved.
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challenge #69 - season 3 [Jun. 8th, 2008|07:35 pm]
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Title: Faces
Author: Foreverbm
Condom: Vic

He watched Ethan as he played but another face kept coming between them. One with a sardonic smile, a look in his eye which was, actually he wasn’t quite sure what it was, it was fleeting but it sent a warm feeling through his body. He tried to concentrate on the music but it was useless, his thoughts, his body were somewhere else. In a loft; moonlight streaming through the window, bathing two bodies in its shimmering light. The music stopped and he concentrated again but it was no use. The face before him wasn’t the one he really wanted.
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