Queer as Folk Drabbles - May 24th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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May 24th, 2008

challenge #67 Complete Me [May. 24th, 2008|12:11 am]
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Title: Remembering Back
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: In the future
Pairing: Ben/Michael
A/N: Angst which is why it's behind a cut, obviously not Ben/M death cause I write those often forgive me, I cannot control where my writing thoughts take me
Condom: Michael

Remembering Back )
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challenge #67 - Complete Me [May. 24th, 2008|01:26 pm]
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Title: Home Cooked Meal
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Michael/Hunter
Timeline: Season 5
Condom: Michael

“I’d walk a mile for a fucking good meal!” Hunter peered over Michaels shoulder as he chopped vegetables.

“You may have to because I’m cooking tonight”

“We could order pizza!” Hunter said hopefully.

“We’ve had take out every night while Ben’s been away, it’s time for a good home cooked meal”

“It might be home cooked but I’ll leave my decision about how good it is until I’ve eaten it”

“Listen smart ass, enough of your sarcastic remarks, you think you can do better, do it!”

Michael handed Hunter the knife before storming from the room muttering about unappreciative kids.
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