Queer as Folk Drabbles - March 27th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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March 27th, 2008

Challenge #58 Chairs [Mar. 27th, 2008|10:36 am]
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Title: Musical Chairs
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: 4 years in the future
A/N: Probably not what you were thinking of when you suggested chairs :)
Condom: Michael

The house was a mess, wrapping paper and presents strewn everywhere.
Michael sighed as another argument broke out.
“Ok, everyone, we’re going to play a game!”
He pulled eight chairs into a circle and proceeded to sit someone on each of them.
“Hunter, turn on the music!” He shouted above the din.
“Ok, JR, seeing you’re the birthday girl you can start!” He handed her a prettily wrapped parcel.
“Pass it around honeybun. When the music stops the person holding it gets to rip off some paper!”
“But Daddy, it’s my birthday, why don’t I get the present!”
Michael sighed.
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challenge #58 Chairs [Mar. 27th, 2008|03:14 pm]
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Title: Reclining
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Warnings: Sexual References
Condom: Michael

“That looks comfortable!” Michael grinned seeing Ben in their new bedroom chair in nothing but his briefs.
“It is!”
Michael walked over, sighing as Ben’s fingers traced the outline of his cock.
Ben pulled Michael’s jeans down in one deft movement, dragging him onto his lap. Ben’s hard cock rubbed against his ass but before he could get into a better position Ben had his briefs off and a condom in his hand. He rolled it onto his cock and lifted Michael impaling him on it.
Michael let out a squeal as Ben pushed a button and the chair reclined
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Challenge #58: Chairs [Mar. 27th, 2008|03:51 pm]
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[mood |determined]

AUTHOR: Doppelganger
Anytime after Vic died.
A/N: This was not beta'd. A little morbid but I hope you guys will like it. NOTE: Just in case the drabble is not clear, I had Deb sitting on the recliner Vic was sitting on when he died...
One for Kinney.

It’s midnight. Carl called earlier to let her know he’ll be late due to some paperwork. She couldn’t sleep so she made some hot coco. With warm blanket around her cold shoulders and mug on her hands, she sat on her favorite chair. She turned the TV on and found an old late night film. It reminded her of numerous sleepless nights she spent with Vic watching old movies, chatting until 4 in the morning. She closed her eyes and leaned back, the movie went on in the background; she caressed the recliner and whispered, “I miss you, little brother…”

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Challenge #58: Chairs [Mar. 27th, 2008|07:48 pm]
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Title: Her own way
Author: pinkfriction
Timeline: I picture it post 513 but with the girls still in Pittsburgh
Warnings: It's about the girls, and it implies the sex
Condom: Melanie

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challenge # 58: Chairs [Mar. 27th, 2008|08:24 pm]


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Title: Sit On This, 2 and 3
Author: Xie
Timeline: Post-513
Prompt: Chairs
Author's Note: Sequels to "Sit On This"
Condoms: Justin (2)

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Challenge #58: Chairs [Mar. 27th, 2008|09:03 pm]
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Title: Getting her own back
Author: pinkfriction
Timeline: Set just after 'Her own way'
Warning: Contains girl sex
A/N: I have come to the conclusion that I am not good at the 100 words thing, so this is another twrabble
Condom: Melanie

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Challenge #58: Chairs [Mar. 27th, 2008|09:36 pm]
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[mood |determined]

AUTHOR: Doppelganger
LENGTH: 100 Words.
A/N: This was not beta'd.
Another one for Kinney.

Brian’s moan echoed throughout the loft. His wrist were in pain trying to reached for the naked body before him. They wriggled as if they had their own mind but forgetting they were cuffed on the back of the dining chair. Justin bounced rhythmically on his lap; he watched his cock slid in and out smoothly in his lover’s tight and warm hole. Justin held his shoulder for support; one of his hands jerked his own stiff dick. Each of Justin’s hard thrust sent Brian’s body into complete ecstasy. Then the blond loudly grunted sending Brian slowly into the oblivion…

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Challenge #58: Chairs [Mar. 27th, 2008|10:17 pm]
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[mood |accomplished]

Title: Diet time
Author: pinkfriction
Timeline: Anytime
Warning: Contains girl sex
A/N: Yay! 100 words exactly - and I'm claiming a car seat as a chair!!!!. Written especially for [info]doppelganger44
Condom: Melanie

Diet time )
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challenge #58: chairs [Mar. 27th, 2008|10:59 pm]
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[Current Location |LLC 502]
[mood |giddy]
[music |Cavanaugh Park ~ Something Corporate]

Title: Lay off the snacks
Author: exmptfromsanity
Timeline: sometime after the first time they did this...
Condom: Brian, poor guy

“Fuck Brian!” Justin gasped, “Harder!”

Brian bucked up off the Barcelona chair, pushing himself deeper.  He couldn’t remember how he’d let Justin convince him that ice cream and chair sex were a good idea.

He gripped Justin’s hips as he gasped, “That’s… it… almost…-”


As Brian came the main beam that supported the chair snapped.  The pieces and both men fell to the hardwood floor.

The combination of the floor and the fact that Justin was on top of him knocked the breath out of Brian.

“Brian, are you okay?”

“Next time we’re switching to low fat ice cream.”

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Challenge #58: Chairs [Mar. 27th, 2008|11:10 pm]
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[mood |busy]

Title: Interior design
Author: pinkfriction
Timeline: When Gus was smaller
Warning: Kinda schmoopy[info]
Condom: Justin

“I am not having that in my loft.” Brian wrinkled his nose up in disgust at the highchair in front of him.

“Why not?” Justin replied with a grin, “Gus needs to have one for when he comes to stay”

“I didn’t donate my sperm to the rug-munchers for their spawn to clutter up my space with cheap plastic. Besides, who said he is ever going to come stay here?”

Justin sidled over to Brian and snaked his hands around his waist.

“You know you want him to...”

“It’s going in the closet when it’s not in use,” Brian conceded.

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