Queer as Folk Drabbles - March 25th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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March 25th, 2008

Challenge #57 - arresting behavior [Mar. 25th, 2008|02:08 pm]
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Title: Childhood Terrors
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Brian and Michael's childhood.
A/N: I hope this meets the criteria, I think it does in a round about way.
Condom: Michael

Michael snuggled under the covers, watching Brian in the other bed.
He had turned up at dusk looking upset but trying not to show it, as always keeping his feelings to himself.
His mother had fed him and tucked him into bed. Brian had tried to brush off her fussing but Michael knew he enjoyed it.
Sometimes he didn’t like his life, but compared with what his best friend had to put up with, he knew he was lucky. He wished someone could do something for Brian. Kids should feel safe in their own home and he knew Brian didn’t
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Challenge #57: Arresting Behavior [Mar. 25th, 2008|03:01 pm]
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[mood |determined]

AUTHOR: Doppelganger
Anytime after S4.
LENGTH: 300 Words, 3 drabbles.
These were not beta'd. I borrowed Justin's jeans from Target from FOREVERBM's drabble entitled "SHOPPING". I hope you don't mind my friend :O) I wrote this on my lunch break. Feedback will be appreciated. 
Three for Kinney.

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challenge #57 Arresting Behavior [Mar. 25th, 2008|03:30 pm]
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Title: Snapped
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Condom: Michael

Michael wrapped his arms around his husband’s neck as they swayed to the music at Babylon.
He stood on tip toe, his tongue flicking Ben’s ear before whispering something. A surprised look crossed Ben’s face before being replaced by a wide smile.
“You want to do that?”
Michael nodded shyly.
Ben took his hand and pulled him into the backroom, pushing him against the wall, his hand stroking Michael’s rock hard cock.
Their mouths met as hands moved over each other’s bodies.
“Didn’t know it was monogamous Monday!” Brian’s voice came from the darkness.
Ben swore.
Michael blushed.
Brian laughed.
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Challenge #57 - arresting behavior [Mar. 25th, 2008|07:56 pm]
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Title: Shopping
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Any
A/N: This is written for [info]kata_ny because she gave me the idea last time we were talking and of course, I just don't know when to stop drabbling. I tried really hard to get her to write something but she wouldn't
Condom: Justin

“I am fucking not going in there!” Brian said looking up at the sign above the store.
“Don’t be such a snob. I need new jeans!”
Justin pulled a reluctant Brian behind him heading to the men’s department.
Brian stood back as he sorted through the racks before following him to the changing rooms.
“Won’t be long” Justin disappeared from view.
He was pulling up the new jeans when he felt strong hands grab his hips, turning him against the wall, Brian’s hard cock against his bare ass.
Perhaps shopping with Justin wasn’t so bad after all Brian decided.
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