Queer as Folk Drabbles - November 2nd, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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November 2nd, 2007

Challenge # 36: CLOSED// Challenge # 37: Stephen Colbert [Nov. 2nd, 2007|04:51 pm]


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[mood |mellow]

Thank you to everyone for tickling my Halloween feitish this past month. I've loved every minute of it!

HOLY CRAP. We had a three way race this week with a TIE!
Emmett - ONE
Brian - TEN
and the winners are Justin and Micheal with TWELVE EACH.
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Challenge # 37: "Stephen Colbert" - They can be talking about him, watching the show, going to see it, be a guest, I don't care, be creative! hee hee hee

[info]faile02 and I have a request. From now on, before you post, would you please tag your entry with the following: author: *insert your name*, and challenge #____: *insert challenge*. This would really help us out and make it easy for everyone to find something you've written or all the entries for a certain challenge. THANKS!
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Challenge # 37 Stephen Colbert [Nov. 2nd, 2007|09:56 pm]


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Title: Drabble number 55
Author: Vamphile
Condom(s): Anderson Cooper

Drabble 55 of 365

Justin was watching Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert try to make each other break character when Brian walked in. He put his hands on Justin’s shoulders. “Christ, what is your obsession with them?”

“It’s not an obsession. I just like to watch them mock the rest of the world.”

“Because you don’t get enough of that from your pretentious studio mates?”

Justin tilted his neck as Brian’s mouth nipped at the skin there.

“Come to bed.”

“After The Colbert Report, Anderson Cooper is going to be on.”

Brian sat next to Justin. “I guess we can watch for a minute.”
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