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212 Question: Scene in Comic Book Store [Nov. 27th, 2010|02:32 pm]

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I honestly have so little grasp of this scene. The one where Brian locks the door and turns the sign over... The "I know you want it" scene. Any insight would be appreciated. I am especially interested in what *is* Michael's secret identity?

It drives me nuts not understanding something that seems pivotal to their friendship, Michael and Ben's beginnings and Michael as a growing individual. Don't. Get. It. *Pulls hair*

ETA - More comments welcome, ALWAYS. I love reading others' points of view. But here (http://asylums.insanejournal.com/qaf_coffeeclub/204873.html?thread=2817865#t2817865) [info]later2nite helps me come to an understanding that totally clarifies the whole dang thing for me. I am not sure that she and I completely agree (it's so hard to tell in print b/c semantics and lack of non-verbal) but her insight completely turned the lights on for me and it all makes sense now!!!!! THANK YOU, ALL. B/c without EVERYONE'S comments, I don't think I would have been ready for hers. You all helped me clarify my thoughts and I learned from your thoughts. Love you guys!!!

And I apologize if someone else said the same thing as L2nite in different words and I was too dense to grasp it. LOL. <3333333 And L2nite, I apologize if I misunderstood your words, I don't think I did, but communication can get so messed up online. <3
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