Brian/Justin IDEAS, PLOTS, REQUESTS [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Brian and Justin Bunnies: plots, vids, graphics

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Need an icon, plz [Aug. 3rd, 2009|09:28 pm]

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I need an icon from 507 when Justin bends over to pick up his duffle bag. Or one of him with it on his back. The bag needs to be visible.

Why do I need this?

Ummm...cause I just do, k? *g*

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Vid request fulfilled/A Question Of Lust [Jul. 24th, 2009|05:52 pm]

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Found THIS BUNNY here the other day and fulfilled it.

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Vid request fulfilled [Jul. 19th, 2009|03:44 pm]

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I found THIS VID BUNNY here and fulfilled it.

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Episode 212 icons for [info]noteverything [Jul. 4th, 2009|06:25 pm]

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I made a few icons for [info]noteverything's request.

16 textless icons, 8 quote icons, 1 animated.


The rest is here at my journal.
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[Jul. 3rd, 2009|11:51 pm]
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I have been on a Quest this week to collect at least one Icon from Every Single Episode of Queer as's been a pretty good time and I've had lots of people offer up lots of awesome icons for my Quest.

However, I've had some trouble with one episode: 212

I did get a few from 212, but they didn't capture my imagination. Would anyone be willing to make a few 212 icons for me? Just in case you're having trouble placing it, 212 is the episode where Michael finds out Brian fucked Ben at the White Party.

I'd prefer Brian and Justin or Brian or Justin, but I'd consider just about anything cool. I'd also prefer textless *or* text only (quote sort of icons...I love those!)

For example:
Emmett to Ted: Close your mouth, you're not in a gloryhole.
Emmett to Ted: Honey, he's just a big cocksucking fairy like everyone else here!
Justin to Brian: He's only like the hottest guy I've ever seen.
Justin to Brian: I'm getting hard just thinking about it.

:-D You get the idea...
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I'm watching 204!!! [Jun. 30th, 2009|08:07 pm]

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I have no shame.

I need an icon.

I need one of the really cute pool boy with his goggles on and text saying "Diver Down!"


Cause I'm Red, and I needs it, precioussss!!!!
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SEX SOUNDS - SOUNDS & ICONS REQUEST [Jun. 27th, 2009|02:55 pm]
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[Current Location |home]
[Current Mood | horny]
[Current Music |"You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)" by Dead or Alive]

I request that someone in the QAF Fandom far more talented than I am will collate Justin and Brian’s sex sounds into a sound file. Moaning, groaning, sighing, gasping, shouting, demanding, climaxing, etc.
There’s “Virgin Justin gasps when Brian unzips his pants and touches his dick sounds” and “Justin opens his mouth wide and cries out in pain/ecstasy the first time Brian fucks him sounds” and “nipple ring fuck sounds” and “Brian caterwauling as he fucks multiple tricks on his 30th birthday sounds” and “Pink Posse Justin fucking Brian’s dick in the chair sounds” and “here by my side, an angel Justin blowjob sounds” and “of all the times we’ve fucked that’s gotta be in the top five sounds.”
BTW—I have yet to hear “whimpering Justin sounds” from the QAF USA series which are so prevalent in fanfic. To me, the reason Justin was so alluringly addictive to Brian was because Justin was a down‑and‑dirty‑sexslut equal to Brian’s lust.
B&J “Sex Sounds” icons would be awesome. 

A graphic vid of B&J “Sex Sounds” would be awesome. But I’m sure it would be rapidly banned, deleted, scourged, and annihilated by Boob Tube b/c mansecks is verboten. Only plastic‑boobed female blonde video vixens having secks with rock stars is allowed.

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Vid bunny - A question of lust [Jun. 24th, 2009|09:21 pm]

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About two weeks ago I went to a Depeche Mode concert. I've been listening to their songs a lot since then, to one particular song more often than to the others. It's "A question of lust". Reading through the lyrics I got a deep craving for a B/J vid or, in fact, anything QaF related (other couples/relationships etc.) set to this song.
So, if someone would take pity on me and that bunny, I'd be eternally grateful.
Thanks in advance!

I didn't find a good version of the song on Youtube (just for you to get an idea of the song and what I'm talking about), but I came across a vid of the actual evening of the concert. (And, yes, the sound really was that bad ... lol)

Lyrics behind the cut )
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Vid request [Jun. 17th, 2009|08:30 pm]
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[Current Mood | hopeful]

LALALA, there's this little bunny in my head all day.

'Kiss from a rose' by Seal. Such a lovely, lovely song.
*sigh* I love it!

One of the fabulous vidders up for it? *bats eyelashes*, pretty please??
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Fics and or Icons [Jun. 15th, 2009|03:24 pm]

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Dying for this:


Pretty please?

ETA - Be sure to check the comments for icons. We have three great ones, so far, by [info]michira_70

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an icon request [Jun. 12th, 2009|10:20 pm]

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I'm doing a show and tell game of sorts at [info]qaf_coffeeclub and I'd love an icon or two for posting.

Ideas: Show me yours and I'll you mine animated w/ something of Brian and Justin

Or Show & Tell at qaf_coffeeclub Fridays w/ a picture.

I'm really easy, (shut up, I am) so anything would be much appreciated. :D
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See this icon? [Jun. 10th, 2009|07:21 pm]

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This is from 209, when Michael embarrasses himself on the b-ball court, trying to get Ben to go out with him.

I was thinking...remember when Ben makes that basket, then throws what looks like a gang sign? It's not, but it kinda looks like it is?

Can some iconize that with the text "gangsta" on it? It would make up for my for-shit day.

Okay, fine, it'll just make me giggle.

Did I mention that the DVD in my room is BROKEN???? I have been without QAF for...ever. Cause I refuse to go down to the living room where there's dog. And dog hair. And dog.

K, SUN, thxbai
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Icon Request [Jun. 8th, 2009|08:49 pm]

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If anyone is up to it, I would love an icon about Post-513 fic. I am not good with thinking of text, but something like 'post-513 fic rules' or 'not now, I am reading post-513 fic' or 'send the search party she's reading post-513 fic' maybe even multiple ones.

Or text that you think of. Anyway. I would be most appreciative! :D


ETA - YAY! CHECK THE COMMENTS FOR ICONS BY [info]circadia. PERFECT. Grab them up and be sure to leave her some lovin'
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Daphne icons for [info]ahaw9913 [Jun. 6th, 2009|06:19 pm]

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She wanted a Daphne fangirl icon. The original request is here.

I made a few more variations of the one icon I posted in the comments.

Three more behind the cut )
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I'm having a thought, Barbossa... [Jun. 5th, 2009|08:59 pm]

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You know the song Seasons Of Love, from Rent?

Don't you think that that would make a perfect QAF Pride video?

I do.

Alas, I can't make vids.

I suck like that.

So...anyone? Beuller?
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Daphne Icon, Please!!! [Jun. 5th, 2009|05:13 am]

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[Current Mood | hopeful]

I just happen to be watching the prom scene for like the bazillionth time strictly for research, when a thought came to me that Daphne was the original B/J fangirl. And then I happen to be reading the posts from last year's Cuddle Day and saw a comment from [info]jule1122 saying almost the same thing. Something about Debbie being the original fangirl, after Daphne. This confirmed it for me. So, I was wondering...

Would any of the wonderous icon makers out there, in our very generous fandom, possibly make an icon for me(and to share)of Daphne at the prom, where she is grinning so beautifully, as she watches them dance, or if that is too dark, when Brian first walks up to her and Justin. For the text I was thinking "Daphne, the original B/J Fangirl" or "Daphne, B/J's First Fangirl." If anyone feels up to tackling this bunny, I would be so grateful! Thanks for considering!
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Long Plot [Jun. 2nd, 2009|09:59 pm]
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[Current Mood | anxious]

I've been suffering misery of the acutest kind, because this plot doesn't leave me alone! Ever since I saw this picture of Gale...

It's complicated so, please forgive me for the bad English...

Brian and Justin didn't met, instead Justin became CEO in his father's business and expanded it to NY. Because his parents died in an accident shortly after he graduated, Justin became very devoted to his work and became quite rich. (In my mind Molly is alive and Justin eventually came out to his friends and family).

On the other hand, Brian lost everything after the Stockwell campaign and wasn't able to pay his bills. Desperate he moved to new York, but ended up homeless. Too proud to admit his failures, Brian had never return to Pittsburgh.

One late night Justin is attacked when he's leaving his NY's office and Brian saves his life! Justin then feels the need to repay him back...

Please, I would love to read this... ;)
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Icon bunny [May. 28th, 2009|02:26 pm]
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I love the song I Love Myself Today by Bif Naked and even though I haven't broken up with anyone lately, it is my anthem (along with Jukebox Hero, but that is a post for another day).

Would anyone be up for making an icon of one of the gang- Emmett or Linds preferably- masturbating with the words "I Love Myself Today"? Cuz, I am wacky that way. Teehee. Thanks.
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Brian teaching Justin how to drive [May. 27th, 2009|11:49 am]
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[Current Mood | peaceful]

I always thought it was strange how Justin went from being 17 to suddenly able to drive later in the series. Will anyone write a story for me?

I just want a few things in the fic, and then it's free reins for the author :) I want Brian actually teaching Justin how to drive (and Justin struggling), then Brian reminiscing about it in the morning (and smiling at the memory of many sudden, jerking stops), and Justin waking up to ask him if Brian would ever let him drive again.

(You can put those in any order you'd like)

I'm sure what's written for this plotbunny will be a really cute fluff story <3

Thanks so much!

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Fic: Rapture [May. 24th, 2009|10:44 pm]
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Title: Rapture
Author: [info]jule1122
Summary: For [info]happier_bunny who wanted kisses in the rain. Her exact request is here.
Beta: Thank you very much to [info]dottie_jane for helping me out with this.

Rapture )
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