Brian/Justin IDEAS, PLOTS, REQUESTS [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Brian and Justin Bunnies: plots, vids, graphics

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Icon Request Pretty Please!!! [Aug. 13th, 2009|07:23 am]

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[Current Mood | hopeful]

I was hoping that one of the icon-making goddesses out there might be able to help me!

I NEED an icon with Brian in a leather jacket, Photoshopped onto a big old motorcycle. Or standing beside it. Maybe even with the text "Road Trip."

I don't remember there ever being a motorcycle in QAF except in the store window in 501, so it doesn't need to be that one or anything.

I don't know if this is even doable, but I thought if anyone could do it, it would one of you ladies, cause you are awesome! You always seem to be able to come up with anything, so I thought "why not ask?"

My thanks and most heart-felt appreciation to anyone who gives this a shot!


ETA: I had forgotten Mel's biker bitch phase. I would even be thrilled with, Brian's face with a far-off look, and a motorcycle super-imposed underneath or something like that.
Anyway,SUN! :D
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Need an icon, plz [Aug. 3rd, 2009|09:28 pm]

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I need an icon from 507 when Justin bends over to pick up his duffle bag. Or one of him with it on his back. The bag needs to be visible.

Why do I need this?

Ummm...cause I just do, k? *g*

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Episode 212 icons for [info]noteverything [Jul. 4th, 2009|06:25 pm]

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I made a few icons for [info]noteverything's request.

16 textless icons, 8 quote icons, 1 animated.


The rest is here at my journal.
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[Jul. 3rd, 2009|11:51 pm]
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I have been on a Quest this week to collect at least one Icon from Every Single Episode of Queer as's been a pretty good time and I've had lots of people offer up lots of awesome icons for my Quest.

However, I've had some trouble with one episode: 212

I did get a few from 212, but they didn't capture my imagination. Would anyone be willing to make a few 212 icons for me? Just in case you're having trouble placing it, 212 is the episode where Michael finds out Brian fucked Ben at the White Party.

I'd prefer Brian and Justin or Brian or Justin, but I'd consider just about anything cool. I'd also prefer textless *or* text only (quote sort of icons...I love those!)

For example:
Emmett to Ted: Close your mouth, you're not in a gloryhole.
Emmett to Ted: Honey, he's just a big cocksucking fairy like everyone else here!
Justin to Brian: He's only like the hottest guy I've ever seen.
Justin to Brian: I'm getting hard just thinking about it.

:-D You get the idea...
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I'm watching 204!!! [Jun. 30th, 2009|08:07 pm]

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I have no shame.

I need an icon.

I need one of the really cute pool boy with his goggles on and text saying "Diver Down!"


Cause I'm Red, and I needs it, precioussss!!!!
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Fics and or Icons [Jun. 15th, 2009|03:24 pm]

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Dying for this:


Pretty please?

ETA - Be sure to check the comments for icons. We have three great ones, so far, by [info]michira_70

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an icon request [Jun. 12th, 2009|10:20 pm]

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I'm doing a show and tell game of sorts at [info]qaf_coffeeclub and I'd love an icon or two for posting.

Ideas: Show me yours and I'll you mine animated w/ something of Brian and Justin

Or Show & Tell at qaf_coffeeclub Fridays w/ a picture.

I'm really easy, (shut up, I am) so anything would be much appreciated. :D
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See this icon? [Jun. 10th, 2009|07:21 pm]

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This is from 209, when Michael embarrasses himself on the b-ball court, trying to get Ben to go out with him.

I was thinking...remember when Ben makes that basket, then throws what looks like a gang sign? It's not, but it kinda looks like it is?

Can some iconize that with the text "gangsta" on it? It would make up for my for-shit day.

Okay, fine, it'll just make me giggle.

Did I mention that the DVD in my room is BROKEN???? I have been without QAF for...ever. Cause I refuse to go down to the living room where there's dog. And dog hair. And dog.

K, SUN, thxbai
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Icon Request [Jun. 8th, 2009|08:49 pm]

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If anyone is up to it, I would love an icon about Post-513 fic. I am not good with thinking of text, but something like 'post-513 fic rules' or 'not now, I am reading post-513 fic' or 'send the search party she's reading post-513 fic' maybe even multiple ones.

Or text that you think of. Anyway. I would be most appreciative! :D


ETA - YAY! CHECK THE COMMENTS FOR ICONS BY [info]circadia. PERFECT. Grab them up and be sure to leave her some lovin'
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Daphne icons for [info]ahaw9913 [Jun. 6th, 2009|06:19 pm]

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She wanted a Daphne fangirl icon. The original request is here.

I made a few more variations of the one icon I posted in the comments.

Three more behind the cut )
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Daphne Icon, Please!!! [Jun. 5th, 2009|05:13 am]

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[Current Mood | hopeful]

I just happen to be watching the prom scene for like the bazillionth time strictly for research, when a thought came to me that Daphne was the original B/J fangirl. And then I happen to be reading the posts from last year's Cuddle Day and saw a comment from [info]jule1122 saying almost the same thing. Something about Debbie being the original fangirl, after Daphne. This confirmed it for me. So, I was wondering...

Would any of the wonderous icon makers out there, in our very generous fandom, possibly make an icon for me(and to share)of Daphne at the prom, where she is grinning so beautifully, as she watches them dance, or if that is too dark, when Brian first walks up to her and Justin. For the text I was thinking "Daphne, the original B/J Fangirl" or "Daphne, B/J's First Fangirl." If anyone feels up to tackling this bunny, I would be so grateful! Thanks for considering!
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Icon bunny [May. 28th, 2009|02:26 pm]
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I love the song I Love Myself Today by Bif Naked and even though I haven't broken up with anyone lately, it is my anthem (along with Jukebox Hero, but that is a post for another day).

Would anyone be up for making an icon of one of the gang- Emmett or Linds preferably- masturbating with the words "I Love Myself Today"? Cuz, I am wacky that way. Teehee. Thanks.
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icons! [May. 21st, 2009|10:11 pm]

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[Current Mood | bouncy]

as inspired by [info]_alicesprings here and encouraged by [info]fun_demented here for "Season 1 Brian: Recklessly Beautiful", I'm posting the icons I made. Plus some that I've yet to give them.

hiding here )
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Icon Bunny Fulfilled [May. 21st, 2009|08:56 pm]

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I found THIS BUNNY here and fulfilled it.

You can find the icon at my journal.
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icon request, icon [May. 19th, 2009|06:06 pm]
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[Current Mood | bouncy]

Hello all!

Would anyone out there in the whole wide (IJ) world be willing to make me an icon with an image of Justin's sketchpad? I'd particularly like an icon with the page where Justin has written Brian's name several times. You can find it in the first few scenes of 104.

In exchange, I will give you a big, sloppy virtual kiss - tongue and all.


Dottie Jane

ETA: Thanks (and big, sloppy kisses) to [info]circadia for the screencap and to [info]fun_demented for making the icon. Come look in the comments for other artist!Justin icons as well.
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[May. 18th, 2009|06:04 pm]

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[Current Mood | silly]

[info]vl_redreign and I have decided that we are in need of an icon. In fact, it may be a life or death situation. *nods*

We need an icon that says: FAIRY DUST IS LOVE - and I think it should include animated fairy dust falling down. *nods again*

Thank you.

Also, [info]xie_xie_xie and I have posted a CONTEST HERE - you could win a free perm IJ.
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Icon Request [May. 14th, 2009|08:22 pm]

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[info]_alicesprings posted here, requesting inspiration (which you should totally go give her). And I answered thusly, s1. Brian: Recklessly beautiful. And then she said that should be an icon and then I agreed. LOL.

Anyone up for making a shareable Season One Brian icon with the text: Recklessly beautiful? Or s1 Brian: Recklessly beautiful? Something like that? You know, but without all the question marks. ;)

ETA - See comments for the great icons by [info]sockfactor and [info]michira_70. Be sure to credit sockfactor and michira, and send them each love.

ETA - [info]eebee made some more and they GORGEOUS.
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215 Icon Lust [May. 12th, 2009|04:38 pm]

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[Current Mood | hopeful]

I was talking to [info]noteverything about the scene in 215 where Justin is returning to the loft after working with Michael on RAGE and Brian is waiting in bed for him. I wondered if any of the icon gurus might be willing to make an icon of Brian in that scene right when he says "come over here" with that text? His voice is just so incredibly dark and sexy, that I lust after an icon.

Thank you in advance to anyone who feels like playing with this bunny!

ETA: See comments for wonderful icons by the lovely and talented [info]kari77 and [info]michira_70.
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Re: icon question [May. 9th, 2009|01:37 pm]

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[Current Location |at b/f place]
[Current Mood | busy]
[Current Music |That's Life/Frank Sinatra]

Have there been any requests for B/J "bed head" icons? I'd like to see more, I think they look so young and extra hot with that roll out of bed look. Especially Brian. Thanks!
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Icon Bunny [May. 6th, 2009|11:08 am]
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I've always wanted an icon of a still picture of BJ dancing with animated glitter/confetti falling. Kind of like this one by ohfreckle, but glitter/confetti instead of snow: Photobucket (How awesome is this icon, btw? It cools me off just looking at it! Wow, the more I look at the icon, the more impressed I am: the snow is falling at different rates. WOW.)

Picture from 118 )
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