29 November 2008 @ 10:51 pm
Marathon banners  

I have also been making banners for [info]qaf_marathons, are my efforts.....

Episode 215
This piece is pretty much a homage to [info]rinmonsterer with thanks for the very inspiring tutorial :)

Episode 220

303 Header
except when it's about death, but death doesn't sell tickets..... :D [info]besamislabios knew just which scene to concentrate on for this episode!

I'm so glad I stumbled across this fandom, and the IJ communities; everyone is so helpful and supportive and here I am, still got my learner's badge but making pictures of the pretty. Thank you to everyone who's shared their knowledge, or encouraged me along the way :DDD

Current Mood tired
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[info]nerilka24 on November 30th, 2008 - 11:22 am
thank you :)