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[05 Oct 2011|06:49am]
Andrew Martin to play against my Bridget Kelly, anyone?
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[05 Oct 2011|10:21am]
So I've seen this concept before, however I've never actually seen it get off the ground. Soooo...

Would anyone be interested in a small group PSL based around the lives of a small-town band that eventually makes it big? My idea was to keep it 4-6 people at first, only including the band members and starting out as just a group of friends putting a band together. At first we'd focus more on the characters themselves and the dynamics of the group as they form the band. After we get the group dynamic down I'd allow a connection for each character. As the plot/play developes, we could add in more more: a manager, fans, roadies, family, friends etc. I just want to keep it small at first so that everyone has a chance to get to know eachother and we have a tight knit group to be the basis of the storyline without anyone get lost in the shuffle of a larger group.

I'm looking for active, friendly players who want to actually write and have the time to do so. I will set up a community for threading/IC but since the characters will spend a majority of their time together (and eventually on the road) a separate IC community isn't practical. I want to focus more on scenes and developing characters.
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[05 Oct 2011|11:19am]
Storage Wars, American Pickers, Mythbusters

We all know the pretty ladies from these shows. Anyone play any of them? I'd play almost anyone against them from OCs, to celebs, to even potentially someone else from the show!
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[05 Oct 2011|01:08pm]
Calling all Vampire Diaries lovers!

[info]hybriddiaries is a season three based group psl that's open to the public until we get enough characters in the game.

Currently we're looking for Jeremy Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett, Tyler Lockwood, Matt, and Alaric.

But new rules were just added and now past characters and origional characters are welcomed.

Personally, I'd love a Lexi in the game. Damon's seeking Alaric, and Caroline would kill for a Tyler.

We're a fun group so come check us out, adds are done daily.
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[05 Oct 2011|03:41pm]
I've recently gone back to watch season 1 of The Vampire Diaries again, and I'm interested in picking up a line that goes back to the beginning. It doesn't have to follow the events exactly. We can start from the beginning and create something our own. I'm looking to play Elena against a Stefan or a Damon. Might also consider a PB line with Nina Dobrev against a Paul or Ian. Willing to brainstorm that. I'm willing to hear ideas on both, but here are some basics to work off of. Looking for play through threads/journals.

ideas )
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[05 Oct 2011|06:56pm]

Pan fandom comm looking for more Smallville cast, we're getting quite a collection of Doctor Who crew too if you'd like to add to it.. Buffy might want some friends too. Can't have too many Superheroes / Supervillains either.
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Ghost Ship or horror. [05 Oct 2011|07:23pm]
Can we get a Jack Ferriman from Ghost Ship or any originals/canons from that? Also any horror movie etc, except for Twilight is accepted. It's a horror pan fandom game set on the Antonia Graza cruise ship.
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[05 Oct 2011|10:03pm]
Would love a long term incest line. Brother/sister, stepbrother/stepsister or stepdad/daughter, threading preferred. Willing to play any of the girls in my journal and would absolutely love to play against Taylor Lautner or Steven Strait for the brother/sister line and Donnie or Mark Wahlberg for the stepdad/daughter line.
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