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[06 Oct 2011|12:25am]
I was feeling rather mopey today so I watched Bridget Jones' Diary and now I'm dying to fill out a line with a similar plot. Don't suppose I could get a Marc Darcy or Daniel Cleaver to play against my Bridget Jones, hm? We could either stick with the movie PB's or choose our own :)
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[06 Oct 2011|02:56am]
it should not be this difficult to get a john krasinski/ginnifer goodwin pairing. check the journal.
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[06 Oct 2011|11:05am]
looking to play any girl against any guy. i would prefer it music oriented but i can do the whole acting thing, i play megan fox after all. i'm just really, really bored. celeb only please. aim or threading.
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[06 Oct 2011|11:21am]
Here I am again! Still trying to get a person or maybe two for a PSL idea. I put up the long and short, but more long, of it here. I've done quite a few lines for people and have no problem doing more. I can play the dom, the master in master/pet lines and all of that. I do slash, I do het, I do femme. I'm not above doing a line in return for someone just kind of want to actually get this ONE idea of my own done too!
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[06 Oct 2011|11:29am]

Looking for a Batman for my Catwoman. I am open to writing her against other characters as well - even ones from different fandoms! No femme, though. Sorry. PM me if you're interested.

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[06 Oct 2011|03:54pm]
Check my journal every things in there.
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[06 Oct 2011|06:36pm]
Looking for a Sherlock Holmes to play against my John Watson from Sherlock (BBC.) I'd absolutely love a slash line, but honestly, I just really want to play John again. If you've got a game he'd fit into, I'd be happy to snap him up there.
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[06 Oct 2011|07:23pm]
A psl loosely based off Swept Away, anyone? I don't mind sticking to the snooty socialite and communist sailor personas, but anything that will ultimately leave two people stranded on a uncharted island would be great. I'd love to play Ryan Gosling, though. I could play the female, too, if prefered. Het only, please! And, not to come off rude, but cockhops and flakes to the left ― way left. I'm looking for serious, talented writers who focus on quality over quantity.
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[06 Oct 2011|07:33pm]
an erik for a poto and/or lnd psl.
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[06 Oct 2011|09:56pm]
anyone do dc fandom?
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this always looks like psalads to me [06 Oct 2011|11:30pm]
A while back I posted looking for people interested in a post-apocalyptic zombie psl-group and I was still wondering if any one was still interested. Or if there are any like that around. I work full time and go to school full time so it would have to be thread/gdoc/email friendly.
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[ viewing | October 6th, 2011 ]
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