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[17 Aug 2011|03:58am]
Looking for x-rated lines! Check the journal. IM me at ~kinkahoy for ideas.
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[17 Aug 2011|08:29am]
Looking for some slashy private lines for this charming gentleman here, men his own age are preferred.
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[17 Aug 2011|09:50am]
Looking for a few people to plot with. Right now I'm interested in het, friends or family lines. Reach me here for details and brainstorming.
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[17 Aug 2011|02:27pm]
poto/lnd psl?
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[17 Aug 2011|03:45pm]
Looking for someone to play the male in a PSL based on Beauty & the Beast, or maybe a retelling of Phantom of the Opera. Threading only, definitely in the market for a long-term line!
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[17 Aug 2011|04:19pm]
nate archibald or blair waldorf for a mature gossip girl psl. I'd prefer book based but I can go with the show, too.
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[17 Aug 2011|09:47pm]

My current top wants, check my journal for more. :)

Robin Hood: I'm looking for a Sheriff of Nottingham to play against my Maid Marion OR an OFC in an AUish sort of romance/angst/adventure plot where good and evil are alot less well defined.

Harry Potter - Post DH or set during the war. Might get dark. Very interested in playing with Lucius Malfoy or Severus Snape against my OFC. Will play any male in return!

X-Files: I'd like a mytharc heavy plot, and if you would play Fox Mulder and maybe Alex Krycek for me, then I will provide you not only with Scully, but any other characters needed.

ER: I just miss this show, so I'd love to hook up my OC with either Romano, Greene, Luka, Morris, Dubenko or Gates for some romance, angst and County General adventure. In exchange, I can play almost any character you could want for your character, male or female.

Original Lines: I have a thing for romances set in the dystopian/post-acoplytic worlds. Also, I like original lines about D/s relationships and forced or arranged marriages. 

AIM: MimiTheMuse

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[17 Aug 2011|11:03pm]

I'm searching for one female and two males for a very complex, very dramatic storyline! My writing partner and I would like to start this as a group PSL with the five of us, to be brought to a community at some point. We just want to make sure our writing styles mesh and that those involved around truly interested and dedicated to the line! Seeking writers who love dramatic play and like to WRITE! The line involves triplet sisters (we are seeking the last sister!) and the boyfriends of two of them for a love-pentagon of sorts, haha. They would all be 16-18ish (juniors or seniors in High School) and would be from very wealthy families. All of them attend the same boarding school. There are no set PBs for the males, but the female must be Sophia Bush since she is in a set of identical triplets! The line revolves heavily around how the sisters get along, their different personalities and their social standings at their boarding school. Also the fact that one of them is cheating on her boyfriend with her sister's boyfriend, and the remaining sister knows but hasn't said anything. Bwaha, confusing? If you're interested I can explain in more detail!

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[17 Aug 2011|11:24pm]

Would anyone be willing to play against Willa Holland in a group PSL? Looking for the boyfriend she verbally abuses on a daily basis. To put it bluntly, she can be quite the bitch. It would be nice if he was someone how could take it and dish it out for a fun, dramatic off and on again relationship in which the two use eachother for social status. Not picky on the pb, though I can make suggestions.

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