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[16 Aug 2011|08:17am]
I am looking for a younger guy for this lovely lady here for a psl. Zac Efron would be great but I am more than happy to hear your suggestions! No aim please.
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[16 Aug 2011|09:34am]
So after watching Sucker Punch for the first time this morning and stumbling upon this little gem (I guess it could be considered a spoiler, though without seeing the movie it won't make too much sense, I suppose), I really want to do a private line with the two of them as the faces (Emily Browning & Jon Hamm). It would be thread based (I never sign on AIM) and I would play the female in the line, but I'm really open to ideas on how to play it all out. It could be something similar to the movie or it could be a completely different thing all together. I really just want to stick the two of them together some how in a real smut heavy line...smut with substance, anyway. I want it to be a long term line with a basis to it, so there can be remove for evolution and progression with the line, not just us plotting everything out before hand and then having nothing to really do. I'm open to all kinds of kinks and really have no limitations, so throw any ideas at me.
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[16 Aug 2011|04:22pm]
I'm looking for a Final Fantasy threading psl. Not only would I love a dash of romance, but wacky hijinks and grand adventure as well. Specific to X/X2 I would be interested in playing against Gippal, Auron, or Tidus. I'm also open to crossovers.

If it's any incentive, I might be willing to play a male in return depending on how familiar I am with the character.
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[16 Aug 2011|06:38pm]
I'd love to play Drake or Josh in a het line. Mindy Krenshaw would be great but I'd play against almost anyone!

I'd also be fine with an iCarly line as well!
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[16 Aug 2011|08:40pm]
this is probably a long shot, but does anyone pb johnny depp? i'd love him for a slash line. please don't bother if you're a flake.
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