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[15 Aug 2011|12:08am]
Would anyone play Matt Bomer or one of the Percy Jackson boys against her?
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[15 Aug 2011|04:12am]
Can I get a threading psl against Stefan or Damon? I don't mind if you wanna throw in some spam stuff and AIM, but I'm really looking for someone that loves to write.
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[15 Aug 2011|07:24am]
Still looking for people who play adam lambert, andre pejec, johnny weir or male pornstars
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[15 Aug 2011|12:04pm]
I'm looking for a Rise of the Planet of the Apes-based line. I play Will, and would love for someone to play Caesar, Charles - Will's dad, and Caroline. I'd like to explore the bond between Will and Caesar, when he's growing up throughout the film, maybe even post film. I think it could be interesting if the apes, and any surviving humans, worked together to create a new civilization, unifying their 'people.' Of course there would be conflict and drama, those who fight against the apes, which would make it all the more interesting to play out. Maybe with Will and/or Caroline contracting the virus, too. I'm also interested in playing scenes out during the movie, or adding our own twists. I would love to see someone add a little more depth to Caroline. I also totally don't mind originals - people working with Will, or just randoms who would also be caught up in this world. Maybe someone who is opposed to working together with the apes - war could break out. I'm totally up for plotting, suggesting ideas and PBs if needed! Also, more apes would be awesome too, of course!
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[15 Aug 2011|12:05pm]
I am apping at [info]davey_jones as Harry (Of the Dresden variety) post Ghost Stories and I would really love a Molly as a romantic interest. Most everyone has canon deviations and Harry's involves Molly and a shift in their relationship. She would have her father there as well who is already someone in game. If interested comment here or hit me up on AIM at ladyflintheart.
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[15 Aug 2011|01:43pm]
something for kristin chenoweth? something fun, active, and journals based would be lovely!
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[15 Aug 2011|02:02pm]
Can I get a threading psl against Katherine or Elena? I didn't have anything specific in mind.
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A Game of Thrones [15 Aug 2011|06:02pm]

Greetings from the Seven Kingdoms! We are recruiting players for a plot-heavy Game of Thrones group PSL on InsaneJournal, and we the mods (as well as the players) are seeking commited writers for a variety of main roles including but not limited to; Joffrey Baratheon, Oberyn Martell, Asha Greyjoy, Catelyn Stark, Stannis Baratheon, Davos of Fleabottom, the Hound & the Mountain, Euron & Victarion Greyjoy, Jon Connington, Jeor Mormont, Benjen Stark, Mance Rayder, Pyp & Grenn, Samwell Tarly, Edmure Tully, Jojen Reed, Doran Martell, Ellaria Sand, Barristan Selmy, Mace Tyrell, Willas & Garlan Tyrell, Obara & Nymeria Sand, the Queen of Thorns, Beric Dondarrion, Selyse Florent, Jon & Robert Arryn, Kevan Lannister, Trystane & Quentyn Martell, Roose Bolton & Ramsay Snow, Bronn, Jaqen, Shae and many others, including original characters!

The basic premise of this AU is that when Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar Targaryen met on the trident it was the stag who was struck down and the dragon prince that prevailed in his place, thus changing the lay of the land, so to speak. The game is set in the same year as the books begin, with almost all of the same characters, though certain characters have been aged up in keeping with the television series.

The game started on June 11th and both the mods and players are very helpful and more than willing to talk plot with new and old players alike! There is lots of room for individual lines as well as a lot of group plot spurred and supported by the mods, who are available to help drum up plot for characters that are struggling to find interaction.

Due to privacy reasons we have elected to keep this game friends-locked, so interested players please comment here or on this entry, and we'll friend the journal you respond with so you can see the rest of the information posted on the mod journal.

Valar morghulis!
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[15 Aug 2011|06:09pm]
Like character development? Plot? Conflict? Harry Potter? MWPP-era? Then have I got the boy for you. Looking for all sorts of lines, all sorts of characters. No preference for het or slash. Respond here or in the journal.
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[15 Aug 2011|10:49pm]
PSL with Robert Pattinson, Garrett Hedlund, Kellan Lutz or Jackson Rathbone to take my mind off some personal issues? It could be a one night thing or long term. You decide. Hit me up if you are down for playing any of those dudes for me. I'd really appreciate it!

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[15 Aug 2011|11:57pm]
i am looking for a wonderful infidelity line. i will play the male part of the line and i would prefer more mature pb's. but i will gladly do an older male with a younger female. if interested! please comment my journal! <3
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