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[07 Aug 2011|02:07am]
I just finished watching the movie Takers. I am interested in setting up a team. Either "takers" like the team (for instance I see me as AJ but a girl) or family members of people like that coping with the dangerous lifestyles.
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[07 Aug 2011|04:23am]
would anyone play spike, sam winchester, or dean winchester against buffy? i have an idea!
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[07 Aug 2011|01:29pm]
I have a very specific idea in mind. I'm looking to thread a het line where I play the female and my writing partner plays the male. I'm looking to play a nurse against a nurse (or doctor if I can't persuade you to play your male as a nurse). The situation is that they both work the night shift (11-7) and after getting done with their work, they sneak whenever we decide and they have sex. That's my idea, but if you want to keep the kine going we can brainstorm ways to do so. Is anyone interested?
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[07 Aug 2011|02:39pm]
Hi, my name's Nikki and I'm looking for people to PSL with. As of right now I have two in mind, and they're sort of specific while still being entirely vague.

Wanted : Brendon Urie

Playing: Dallon Weekes

SL: General AU/they both work in a salon/failboats in love

AND this one which I admit is kind of a crack pairing, but I'm just kind of in love with the idea.

Wanted: M. Shadows

Playing: Pete Wentz

SL: The Star Soccer Player Pete falls in love with Resident School Bad Boy Matt.

I'm also open to other lines, of course, and will play almost anyone in Bandom, or against almost anyone in Bandom. So if you're interested, or looking for a new PSL partner or something, feel free to hit me up here or at HopeForANewSun on AIM or your various AIM clients.
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[07 Aug 2011|03:37pm]
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[07 Aug 2011|05:11pm]
It's only August still, but I'm already in the mood for autumn/Halloween, so! I'm looking for a slash or femme line with a supernatural/spooky theme. I'm thinking modern fantasy of some kind, with an eerie slant. I also had an idea about a haunted hotel, in which one of the characters works there and the other is a regular patron, lots of mystery and plot. I'm also up for brainstorming something completely new, so just drop a comment here or at my drop box if you're interested.

I am AIM and thread-friendly, but I tend to get wordy, so I probably wouldn't mesh well with 100-word responders. There's more on writing with me here, let's work something out!
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[07 Aug 2011|07:10pm]
Looking to fill these lines! All of my partners disappeared and I require writing in my life!

In these lines, I would like to play the female character.

001. I See A Darkness
In a universe where a royal family does have complete and utter control over the most powerful country in the world, the royal family has a few dark secrets: the king is aging and as he goes, his twin heirs have decided to buck the tradition of being pitted against one another and are instead consolidating power through a partnership. Having always been close, this brother and sister set find themselves growing closer and closer and, taking a page from ancient Egyptian royalty, have begun posing as husband and wife - with everything that comes in that sort of relationship. Ultimately, I would like for them to be a little nuts (in-breeding, I imagine) and planning to kill their father so that they can take control. Superstition and a twisted advisor/prophet would be amazing add-ins.

002. Too Much Neil Gaiman
A college student finds herself in London during her semester overseas. She has an active imagination and when she meets a dark, mysterious fellow, she begins to believe that he might possibly be a vampire. He finds her imagination charming and lightly pokes fun at her, but her suspicions are proved to be true when she surprises him at home and finds him feasting on his irritating neighbor. She's naturally terrified but he points out that just because he eats annoying and unsavory individuals doesn't mean he's any different than he was when they first started dating, and she's a Good Girl. He would never hurt her and if he had wanted to, he probably would have done it a while ago, before he spent a ridiculous amount of money on their dates.

003. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
A CEO has a very, very unhappy relationship with his wife that borders on verbal abuse. Everyone believes that they have a happy marriage, especially since they recently had their third child, but he is sensitive and his wife is definitely more alpha than beta. His new secretary is a sweet, fresh-faced young woman that wants nothing more than to make his life easier and happier, and that means kissing and stroking him while the blinds are pulled. They fall in love despite their 20 year age difference. When she gets pregnant, he is forced to make a decision about pursuing the happiest relationship he has ever been in or staying married to the mother of his previous children.

004. 35 Yr Old Virgin
Failed relationship after failed relationship left this thirty-five year old as chaste as the day he was born. Charming but shy, he meets a young single mother who is struggling to raise her infant after her husband ran away with his secretary, and they hit it off - beautifully. The only hitch is that her obvious experience in romance is a little intimidating and he's not quite sure how to explain that he's never really been in bed with a woman, let alone in love. My blatantly sweet and fluffy line. Shameless.

In these lines, I would like to play the male character.

001. Far Away
A young man falls in love with his neighbor's wife, a lonely woman who has found that her husband is less interested in everything that he had promised when they were young: a family, the white picket fence. While exploring their relationship, they find that she has become pregnant; he wants to run away with her but she's worried what the world would think of their relationship. It would be easier for her to stay and be her husband's wife and raise her daughter as his. The actual ending is up in the air and I am more interested in letting the characters decide where we go with it.

I am also interested in...

Other types of May/December (heterosexual or homosexual is fine with me.) Other twisted royalty. Alternate universes. Power plays. Polyamory. Polygamy. Dominance. Sweet and fluffy. Deities. Reincarnation. Demons. Mythological creatures.

Suggest something and we can go from there!
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Game of Thrones [07 Aug 2011|11:44pm]

Greetings from the Seven Kingdoms! We are recruiting players for a plot-heavy Game of Thrones group PSL on InsaneJournal, and we the mods (as well as the players) are seeking commited writers for a variety of main roles including but not limited to; Loras Tyrell, Joffrey Baratheon, Oberyn Martell, Margaery Tyrell, Theon Greyjoy, Asha Greyjoy, Catelyn Stark, Davos of Fleabottom, the Hound & the Mountain, Euron & Victarion Greyjoy, Jon Connington, Benjen Stark, Edmure Tully, Jojen Reed, Doran Martell, Ellaria Sand, Barristan Selmy, Mace Tyrell, Willas & Garlan Tyrell, Obara & Nymeria Sand, the Queen of Thorns, Beric Dondarrion, Selyse Florent, Jon & Robert Arryn, Kevan Lannister, Trystane & Quentyn Martell, Roose Bolton & Ramsay Snow, Bronn, Jaqen, Shae and many others, including original characters!

The basic premise of this AU is that when Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar Targaryen met on the trident it was the stag who was struck down and the dragon prince that prevailed in his place, thus changing the lay of the land, so to speak. The game is set in the same year as the books begin, with almost all of the same characters, though certain characters have been aged up in keeping with the television series.

The game started on June 11th and both the mods and players are very helpful and more than willing to talk plot with new and old players alike! There is lots of room for individual lines as well as a lot of group plot spurred and supported by the mods, who are available to help drum up plot for characters that are struggling to find interaction.

Due to privacy reasons we have elected to keep this game friends-locked, so interested players please comment here or on this entry, and we'll friend the journal you respond with so you can see the rest of the information posted on the mod journal.

Valar morghulis!
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