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[06 Aug 2011|11:42am]
I..umm...NEED a Jason Mommoa at [info]heatedsanguine for a King Line? PUHLEASE?!
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[06 Aug 2011|05:20pm]
Anne, Lindsay, or Maeby for George-Micahael?

I'd be willing to play Gob or Michael as well if there was another pairing you wanted to try!
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[06 Aug 2011|10:04pm]
Anyone who plays Kellan Lutz or Jackson Rathbone want a PSL with my Ashley Greene? It would be private, over aim and possibly long term.

Comment this post if you are interested. Comments are screened for your privacy! Or you can reach me on aim @AshisGreene
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[ viewing | August 6th, 2011 ]
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