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Back March 16th, 2009 Forward


On January 1st 2008, 100 people gave up a year of their lives to science. Each person was told that they would be part of a social experiment. Each person believed that their experiment was the only one. Each person believed that they would not be expected to deal with anything they couldn’t handle.

Each person was wrong.

There were five experiments, all in all, all 'testing' different aspects of human behaviour, placing each group in different scenarios. In September 2008 the authorities closed down the experiments as illegal, unethical and in places using techniques that were tantamount to torture. Not all of the participants left the experiments alive. Some are still missing.

reEcho is a game set in the aftermath of the closure of the experiments. Surviving participants and interns from the experiments are being moved to the town for an indeterminate amount of time. Added to the participants and interns are volunteers - people who have come from all over the world to aid those recently rediscovered and help the town to run properly. The volunteers come from all walks of life - from medical and legal professionals, to bankers, butchers, bakers, plumbers - whatever is needed.

What nobody realises though, is that things are not actually be over. At first, the town ran much as expected, then suddenly, one day, overnight, everything changed and one morning the people in town woke up to find that the town they had just been getting used to had been abandoned by everyone who was meant to be helping them - everyone save for a handful of volunteers who were as clueless as everyone else as to what was going on. And then things started to get increasingly weird. The game is on again, only, this time, those who have been through it before know exactly how high the stakes are.

The question on everyone's lips is - who will get out alive?

reEcho is an established, but still fairly new original character game!

Game Information



[info]an_ill_wind via [info]illwindmod

FAQ | Rules | Characters | Application


It's 1980 and the first war is escalating. Voldemort is slowly taking over all aspects of magical life; he is systematically knocking out important ministry figures in his quest to deter Millicent Bagnold's campaign for Minister of Magic, and plotting the demise of key radicals in the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore's agitating, underground society. But something is changing. A new prophecy is being crafted by someone who has seen how Voldemort's campaign will tear the world apart and destroy the lives of those fighting against him. Will they re-shape the war to a better end, or simply delay what they are trying to prevent? Maybe an ill wind is blowing nobody any good.

WANTED CHARACTERS: Frank Longbottom, Emmeline Vance, Peter Pettigrew, Amelia Bones**, Rodolphus & Rabastan Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape**, Xenophilius Lovegood and many more available for application!

** - Characters are wanted for pre-determined plot points; please contact a mod before holding/completing an application!

Linked - Characters are linked to others within the game.

At [info]critiqued players and moderators can post advertisements for their RPG or links to their profiles and get feedback on ads, profiles, or even games from members of the community.


Welcome to Horrorwood
Rules | Application | Taken | Reserved |
| Locations | Accepted/Banned | For Players |

You wake up disoriented and in an abandoned theatre. The large and empty screen ahead is your only source of light as you try to figure out how and why you’ve arrived here. Your last recollection before your dreamless night was lying down in your bed and drifting off to sleep. You thought you were safe.

As you make your way to the outside you notice the sky a gloomy overcast that’s threatening rain, but the weather isn’t what bothers you; it’s that concrete wall surrounding the premises that has you worried. In the distance you can spot four tall buildings and even an Amusement Park, yet, as you continue to explore, any trace of an exit seems almost impossible. You’re trapped here.

Walking further you suddenly hear a disembodied cry of something horrible; something deadly, and it sounds hungry. Adrenaline pumping through your veins you stop and look for the source of the noise, but can’t find anything. You continue to walk forward, thinking it’s all in your head, thinking maybe you’re being paranoid, but another retching scream calls out; now it’s right behind you. And suddenly you realize that the threat is real and you better be quick on your feet if you plan to survive.

“Horrorwood” is a panfandom horror roleplay that takes place in an alternate city very similar to that of Hollywood, California, with the exception that the place has been barricaded from the outside world and is crawling with all too real monsters. Good guys, and even the bad guys, wake up to find themselves trapped and relying desperately on their keen survival instincts.

You’ll make friends, or you’ll make enemies, but be careful who you decide to befriend. The monsters aren’t the worst ones out to get you.

[info]horrorwood | [info]horrorcomm | [info]justamovie

AThinBlackLine, a Gladiator X-men game

Welcome to Revolve
After the death of Charles Xavier, Revolve became the home for all mutants, whether they liked it or not. Stripped of their rights, fitted with collars and with their powers suppressed until their matches, life on Revolve is difficult and rigid. Their days are spent training for fights, working at the island's amusement park or dreaming of some day earning the outrageous sum of money with which to buy their freedom.
What would you do? Would you play the game? Fight the system? Start a revolution? Plot your escape?
The future of mutantkind rests in your hands.

Back March 16th, 2009 Forward