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[info]writers_promo - open, self-moderated, optional tagging. Promote your personal writing journal, comm, or archive here. On or off-site. Help readers find your fiction. All fandoms and originals.

[info]hp_polls Link to the poll in your journal. Post a poll request. All Harry Potter polls; all general reading, writing, betaing polls.

[info]originals A new comm for readers and writers of original fics. F-locked, secure, unmoderated. All ratings. (Join and fill in an easy C&P reading application to be accepted as a reader)

All posting authors can post their stories or links to them in other journals.
Recs and News can be posted by all authors also.

[info]fandom_how_to Useful info for writers and regular users. Includes info on some basic HTML, RSS feeds, copyright and more.

[info]fandom_tag_sale is a new fast growing comm. All fandoms. Open, unmoderated. Friend us, sit back and wait what treasures people will put out :)
Up to your eyeballs in fandom paraphernalia? Don't throw that staff away! Post at fandom_tag_sale, someone wants your staff.

[info]procrastination You've never procrastinated writing your fic? Can't join then :) A laid-back comm.


Toujours Libérer

Toujours Libérer is a role-play game based within the French Revolution. It is slash-friendly, focused on the intrigue and passions of the time. Play as any European nationality or an American observer, as a poet, politician or aristocrat. Even a serving maid. Will your character escape France and resettle in England or will they help French aristos to escape? Will they betray their ex-employers or will they risk all to keep them safe?

Toujours Libérer will be opening April 19th. When the community opens officially there will be a chance for characters to interact, alliances to be made and duels to be fought at The Ambassador's Ball

The game is open to players 18 and over, and is an original game set in Revolutionary France and England.

Toujours Libérer Character Wishlist
We would dearly love some revolutionaries, some servants, and some non-French characters. Some floppish poets, soldiery, disillusioned priests, criminals, English Lords, maids, stable boys, scientists, anything along these lines would also be welcome. We have a full quota of mistresses so will not be excepting any more of these sorts of character.

Any questions can be emailed to:

[info]graphicjunky - Graphic tutorials and resources.
[info]fonts & [info]findfonts - Download and request fonts.
[info]digitaldesigns & [info]aliignment - Graphic asylums.
[info]anime_awards - Anime & Manga icon contests.
[info]tigerspit - Graphics & Requestables journal.

Initium Mods [userpic]

- Rules. - Available/Taken. - Canon Application. - OC Application. - PB List. - Friend Button. -

Initium is a new beginning. Lord Voldemort is dead and the wizarding world is picking up the pieces left in his wake. The muggle-born registration has ended and they no longer live in hiding. The ministry is no longer in turmoil. Hogwarts is reopening. All is right with the world?

In the wake of Lord Voldemorts demise, the death eaters have claimed to be Imperiused or otherwise coerced into service in his name. Some have been released into society, now better citizens. Among that group was Rodolphus Lestrange. He has become very active in the ministry and is considering a run for political office, standing up for the order, doing what is right in society. Things are not always as they appear. The death eaters have reformed underground and are quietly building their army again under Lestrange's guidance, unbeknownst to the world.

Meanwhile Hogwart's is flourishing. Due to the disasters of the last year, the students have been invited back for a proper 7th year and a proper education. It is a shortened year but it gives then the opportunity to make up what they missed and take the exams that will help them continue on into their careers. The parents think that it is a good idea, especially those of muggleborn children who had to leave the school last year. The DA is a welcome organization and the students may feel free to join. It isn't hidden but honored. Below the surface though, the DE children will also organize and will build again. Leading in the seventh year, they are now pushed underground but they never stay there for long.

Initium is an intricately woven game where spies for either side, run rampant as battle lines are again drawn. Each side, both in the wizarding world and at school are gearing up for yet another round. Who will win in the new world is anybody's guess.

Many characters needed.

Tempus Fugit - HP RPG - DH canon

The year is 2001. Voldemort was defeated nearly 2 years ago, and the wizarding world is busily rebuilding.

The Death Eater threat has been eliminated, at least as far as the Ministry is concerned. Every witch or wizard who bears the Dark Mark has been hunted down and is either dead by their own hands or given the Kiss. There may be some stragglers, but the Ministry says they are so few and far between that there is no threat. The exceptions are only those who can prove they switched sides during the war. Such a pardon is rare and must be corroborated by an Order member.

Relations between Muggle and Wizard have reached an all-time high. While not fully integrated, movement between the two worlds has become much more fluid. In fact, anti-muggle sentiments are not only frowned upon, but are extremely prejudiced against.

There are even policies in place to completely eliminate the statute of secrecy and all its subsidiary policies within the next few years.

Obviously, some are excitedly looking forward to the change, and some are very much threatened by it.

Even more strangely, according to both factions, those known to be dead have been appearing. While no one seems to know the rationale, no one can deny that it is happening.

Now, the Ministry is fighting two battles. One, to encourage Muggle and Wizard interactions, and the other to define where these dead citizens belong.

Tempus Fugit is a Deathly Hallows compliant RPG. As this game begins nearly two years post war, the epilogue has not happened.

We are looking for vibrant characters with a thirst to redefine the wizarding world. Original Characters are welcome, but please be aware that certain rules apply.

This is an epic-style game. Plot arcs spanning months are welcome and encouraged!

Please take a look at our rules before applying.
Play starts April 19

Characters desperately wanted: Ginny Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, George Weasley, Hannah Abbot, Luna Lovegood, Ernie MacMillan and many others!

Rules Cast List Available Characters
General Game FAQ Role Playing FAQ
Resurrected Characters Death Eaters and Families



Adds are done every Friday beginning on APRIL 11th.

Perhaps we in the United States should've seen it coming.
But apparently, no one did. Not until it was much too late.

In 2010, following several years of international unrest, the President of the United States agreed to meet with a potentially-hostile foreign dictator over dinner to discuss the possibility of smoothing relations between the two countries. It seemed as if it would be a very low-key event, with both men standing down most of their active guards in order to show that they came to the meeting in peace. Unfortunately, all things went horribly awry faster than anyone could’ve guessed. Both leaders were kidnapped and assassinated by infiltrators in the foreign palace. The US Vice President was rushed to power, and called an emergency session of Congress to discuss the next best course of action.

Apparently, however, the enemy was expecting this.

The bombings took place right in the middle of the congressional session, destroying the entirety of Washington, D.C. and large portions of the surrounding area.

The people of America were shocked. Within moments, nearly every important governmental figure in the country was dead. Who was in charge now? Did anybody know? There were a few Senators and Representatives that hadn’t made the special session, but they had (wisely) gone into hiding for fear of their lives. [read more]

redd summers [userpic]

Jack x Ianto on IJ!

If you’re interested in Torchwood, Captain Jack and Ianto Jones, or just pretty boys in general, come on over to [info]jackxianto! It’s a community for the canon love of these two pretty and very mysterious characters on BBC’s Torchwood. Come and join and post anything related to this beautiful couple on InsaneJournal and spread the love!

Back April 12th, 2008 Forward