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"Promises" [09 Apr 2017|09:10am]

"Promises" by Gryvon
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
NOTE: COE fix-it fic
SUMMARY: Jack feels Ianto’s loss keenly in the wake of the 456. A stranger offers him a simple favor in exchange for Ianto’s life back but Jack soon learns that things that seem too good to be true usually are.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - g authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive, Chance's Archive on Tumblr and Chance's Archive blog.
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"Omega Virus" [08 Apr 2017|09:14am]

"Omega Virus" by Gryvon
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
SUMMARY: A zombie plague breaks out in Cardiff, and it's up to Torchwood to stop it with the Doctor's help.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - g authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive, Chance's Archive on Tumblr and Chance's Archive blog.
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"Experience" [07 Apr 2017|02:47pm]

"Experience" by Gryvon
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: Jack and Ianto compare experiences mid-coitus.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - g authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive, Chance's Archive on Tumblr and Chance's Archive blog.
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"A Throw of the Dice" [19 Nov 2016|09:35am]

"A Throw of the Dice" by Wereleopard
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
FANDOMS: Torchwood/The Cape
SUMMARY: Ianto meets a very strange woman, who does something equally strange. Why? COE fix-it fic.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - w authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive, Chance's Archive on Tumblr and Chance's Archive blog.
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"Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law" [25 Jun 2016|08:41am]

"Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law" by Jessie Blackwood
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
SERIES: 1) "Unfamiliar Ground", 2) "That Went Well..."
WARNINGS: WIP/ongoing series, mpreg, AU
SUMMARY: In the 51st century Jack joined the Time Agency to avoid his fate as an Omega. Now on Earth in the 21st century, he inhabits in a world before humans have evolved into Alphas, Betas and Omegas. Until he meets a certain Welshman, that is, and realizes that everything is beginning to change. Well, it is the 21st Century.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - j authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive and Chance's Archive blog.
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"Unfamiliar Ground" [21 Jun 2016|09:20am]

"Unfamiliar Ground" by Jessie Blackwood
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
WARNINGS: WIP/ongoing series, mpreg, AU
SUMMARY: In the 51st century Jack joined the Time Agency to avoid his fate as an Omega. Now on Earth in the 21st century, he inhabits in a world before humans have evolved into Alphas, Betas and Omegas. Until he meets a certain Welshman, that is, and realizes that everything is beginning to change. Well, it is the 21st Century.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - j authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive and Chance's Archive blog.
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"Spirits save Us" [17 Apr 2016|09:35am]

"Spirits save Us" by Tiffany F
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: There's more to Jack and Ianto than meets the eye, and both have been with Torchwood for a very long time. They're both getting hungry and they find the perfect meal, if they can just lure her into their lair.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - t authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive and Chance's Archive blog.
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"Starts and stops" [01 Mar 2016|10:22am]

"Starts and stops" by Tiffany F
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto & Lisa/Ianto
SUMMARY: A AU piece on how Ianto came to work at Torchwood 3 with Jack. Please note I have yet to watch Torchwood (it's next on my list) so this is based off of youtube videos.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - t authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive and Chance's Archive blog.
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"Some Things Change" [03 Mar 2015|09:59am]

"Some Things Change" by Wereleopard
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
NOTE: Torchwood & Highlander crossover
SUMMARY: Jack's back but things have changed especially Ianto. Has Jack lost him to an older man?

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - w authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive and Chance's Archive blog.
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"Community Centre Party" [24 Feb 2015|10:54am]

"Community Centre Party" by Wereleopard
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
WARNING: Very AU. Ianto survived COE, let's say there was an antidote that they had found, and he took it. Also, Gwen is not pregnant. Please step into my world of denial, enjoy your stay.
SUMMARY: Rhiannon wants to meet this Jack she has heard so much about. Ianto has to ask his lover if he will come to his nephew's birthday party and meet the family.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - w authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive and Chance's Archive blog.
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"All is Done" [02 Sep 2014|02:34pm]

"All is Done" by Elizabeth Wilde
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
NOTE: CoE fix-it fic
SUMMARY: The Doctor steps in during "Children of Earth" to clear his debt to Jack.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - e authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive.

Free Kindle Books.
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"Studs N' Showers" [13 Aug 2014|08:53am]

"Studs N' Showers" by Craig
PAIRING: suggested Jack/Ianto & OMC/OMC
SUMMARY: Four men and the Torchwood men's shower block, as well as lecherous conversations, courtesy of a certain displaced denizen of the 51st Century. Lots of heat, steam and banter.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - w authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive.

Free Kindle Books.
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"Testing the Mettle" [12 Aug 2014|09:08am]

"Testing the Mettle" by Craig
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto & Martha/Mickey
SUMMARY: Jack and Ianto have returned to Earth after spending some time away to find a changed Torchwood with new friends, new challenges and new relationships.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and the Jack/Ianto - w authors section of the Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive.

Free Kindle Books.
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"The North Wind and the Sun" [28 Jul 2011|01:01pm]

"The North Wind and the Sun" by Clarity
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Ten, Jack/Ten (Ten/Other)
SERIES: 1) The Slave and the Lion, 2) The Ant and the Chrysalis, 3) The Dog and the Bone
SUMMARY: Jack and the Doctor may have reversed a year, but some events are irreversible. Ianto finds his life suddenly changed more than he ever thought possible.

Has just been added to Torchwood Slash and is listed on the new stories page and Jack/Ianto page.

Crossposted to Chance's Archive.
Free Kindle Books.
The American Dream.
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Fic: If It Had to Perish Twice [18 May 2009|05:50pm]

Title: If It Had to Perish Twice
Author: Kei
Pairing: implied Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Lisa
Rating: PG-13 (minor character death)
Summary: AU. Sometimes keeping secrets is the worst thing for us.

1. Ianto is feeling the cold )
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[12 May 2009|04:28pm]

Currently seeking an Ianto Jones for a canon based RPG. There's some DW and TW characters including a Jack. If interested please PM this journal or reply to this post.

Thank you.
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Fic: Five Conversations Jack and Ianto Had Between The Lines [12 May 2009|09:46pm]

Title: Five Conversations Jack and Ianto Had Between The Lines
Author: Kei
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13

Five Conversations Jack and Ianto Had Between The Lines )
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Fic: Dr Seuss does Torchwood [30 Apr 2009|01:41pm]

Title: Dr Seuss does Torchwood
Author: Kei
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Notes: Set at the start of season two, but presuming no previous Jack/Ianto relationship. Dub-con?

This is the most ridiculous piece of crack I have ever written )
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Fic: Take Back the Night [25 Apr 2009|12:43pm]

[ music | 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite ]

Title: Take Back the Night
Author: Kei
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17, kink
Summary: Ianto has a unique way of dealing with any unresolved issues post-Cyberwoman. Set late season one.
Notes: I think I overuse hyphen-words.

'Tell me,' Jack says... )

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[06 Dec 2008|03:02pm]

Title: nothing is gained by not gathering roses
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
Prompt: Only 24 days to go
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, implied Tosh/Owen
Rating: G
Summary: Unsure what to get Ianto for Christmas, Jack asks Tosh for advice.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made. Title taken from Frost's "Asking for Roses."

"I’m sure he’ll like anything you get him,' Tosh said, offering him a small smile. 'It’s the thought that counts."


Title: Past and Present
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
Prompt: Decorating the Christmas tree
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: G
Summary: As the team takes a break, Jack and Ianto share a moment and memories.
Warnings: possible spoilers for 2x05 and 2x09; set prior to 1x10
Disclaimer: Still not mine

"Jack smiles, a small laugh escaping his lips, and looks down at his the brown liquid in his cup before taking a sip. 'You should be down there with them."
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