Aug. 14th, 2009


Orphan prompts

Spring 2009 ficathon edition )

Apr. 1st, 2009


"Change my pace" by Aithine for Chelle

Change my pace by Aithine ([info]aithine)

Recipient: Chelle (chellefic)

Request: "Nick/Stephen enjoying spending time together pre-series, either friendship or romance."

Pairing: Nick/Stephen

Rating: Adult

Summary: Sunday morning is Stephen's new favorite time of day.

Disclaimer: Primeval is not mine. I'm just borrowing the characters for a bit.

Mar. 31st, 2009


Title: It was a good morning until...
or How Lester got an Excellent Idea (except it wasn't his).
Author: Tauna
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: Lester
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fanfiction, written solely for love of the show.

Summary: Lester has one of those mornings.
For: Oddbodkins
Prompt #2: Lester: "I come into my office this morning to find that Sainsbury's has a three for two offer on Scutosaurus burgers, and both Jamie Oliver and the Prime Minister are demanding to speak to me!"

The rest is under here... )

Apr. 1st, 2009


Fic: Kissing It Better (Abby/Connor, PG13)

Title: Kissing It Better
Author: alyse
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: Abby/Connor
Word Count: ~2,500.
Status: Complete
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: Written for the [info]primevalathon Primeval Ficathon as a pinch hit for [info]black_rose_fics, whose prompt was Connor and Abby get together..

Summary: Sometimes all it takes is a kiss.

Kissing It Better

Mar. 31st, 2009


Primeval Ficathon Master List - Spring 2009

[info]aithine is being written for by [info]alylicious -- [ Friday, I'm In Love ] (Nick/Stephen pre-slash, Helen/Nick, R)
[info]alylicious is being written for by [info]taricha -- [ Cold Hands and Colder Feet ] (Abby/Connor, PG13)
[info]black_rose_fics is being written for by [info]missyvortexdv -- [ For Everything There Is A Time ] (Jenny/Nick, T)
-- [ Do Not Stray ] (Abby/Connor futurefic, K+)
[ pinch hit by [info]alylicious]-- [ Kissing It Better ] (Abby/Connor, PG13)
[info]blktauna is being written for by [info]moonlettuce -- [ Ten Thousand Kings ] (Nick/Stephen, PG13)
[info]chellefic is being written for by [info]aithine -- [ Change My Pace ] (Nick/Stephen, Adult)
[info]curia_regis is being written for by [info]rodlox -- [ Dominions | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 ] (Gen, PG13)
[info]deinonychus_1 is being written for by [info]telperion_15 -- [ Beautiful But Deadly | Part 1 | Part 2 ] (Connor/Ryan, PG13))
[info]dominique012 is being written for by [info]lsellersfic -- [ Fire and Ice | Part 1 | Part 2 ] (Jenny/Nick, 12/13+)
[info]lsellersfic is being written for by [info]black_rose_fic -- [ Claudia ] (no meta info)
[info]missvortexdv is being written for by [info]curia_regis -- [ There Will Be No History ] (Gen, PG13)
[info]moonlettuce is being written for by [info]chellefic -- [ Impossible Blue ] (Nick/Stephen, PG)
[info]odsbodkins is being written for by [info]blktauna -- [ It was a good morning until... ] (Lester Gen, PG)
[info]rodlox is being written for by [info]dominique012 -- [ Fruit Jellies, Lemon Shampoo ] (Gen with hints of Abby/Connor, G)
[info]taricha is being written for by [info]deinonychus_1 -- [ Everything Changes ] (Gen, PG)
[info]telperion_15 is being written for by [info]odsbodkins -- [ Connor and Caves ] (Connor/Stephen, Stephen/Ryan, Connor/Stephen/Ryan, Adult)