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Mar. 28th, 2010


Admin Reminder - Primevalathon Stories

Just a reminder to everyone that stories are due in a little over a month. If you can't deliver on your assignment, you need to let us know that now so that we can either check with your assigned writer to see if they can switch to writing for your recipient instead or, if that's not possible, arrange for a pinch hitter to write the story. That way your recipient won't be left without a story when the reveal happens on 30 April.

The deadline for dropping out without penalty is the 31 March. If you drop out after that date, at our discretion we may not permit you to participate in future ficathons we run. However, even if you realise after the 31st that you're not going to deliver, you need to let us know as soon as possible. The more notice you give, the more time someone else has to step in and write something instead of you, and there's nothing worse for a ficathon than the due date rolling around with no story from you and no advance notice that was going to happen.

We'll be doing the beta post and the pinch hit posts in due course, so watch this space.

Feb. 11th, 2010


Announcing the Spring 2010 Primevalathon

Sign ups are now open for the Spring 2010 Primeval Ficathon!

What's a ficathon )

How it works

We have a shiny sign up form, which will enable us to match authors to assignments on the basis of the information given. Some information on how to use the form to indicate which characters and/or pairing combinations you would like is provided here. (The default option in all cases will remain gen so if no one has offered to write the pairings you've requested, you'll be matched with someone who offered to write gen about one or more of your chosen characters.)

When sign ups close, you'll be mailed with your assignments.

When the big day arrives, you post your work either to the [info]primevalathon community or, if you're not based on livejournal/insanejournal, to another journal site or your webpage, letting us know the location so we can make a post to the community. Then [info]aithine and I put together a master list of all stories.

Then we read ::g::

How long does the story need to be?

At least 1,000 words minimum. There is no maximum.

When does it have to be done by?

Sign ups are open until 28 February 2010. Matching will be done that weekend and assignments will be sent out by the 2nd March.

Stories are due on 30 April 2010. That means you'll have two months to write something.

What if I don't have a livejournal? What if I don't have a webpage?

The community exists on livejournal, insanejournal and dreamwidth, so you can simply post your story to the [info]primevalathon community on whichever journalling site you use. We'll be posting the masterlist in all places.

If you don't have a journal, you can still play. Just sign up as normal with your e-mail address and then, when the day of posting arrives, you can either send [info]aithine or me the link to your work or comment with the information on one of the admin posts. As long as we know where the story is, it doesn't matter whether it's posted to livejournal/insanejournal/dreamwidth, the web or another journalling site. We'll make a post to the main community with your story details so that no one misses it.

If you genuinely don't have a place to post it, please let us know and we can arrange to host it on one of our websites and link it in the same way.

Any Other Questions? )

Cool. What do I need to do now?

Simply read the character/pairing guide and then go and sign up!


If you have any other questions, please just let [info]aithine or I know, either here or via PM.

Anything else?

The best way to ensure that you have a better chance of getting everything you've asked for is to pimp the ficathon like a pimping thing that pimps ::g:: The more signups, the more likely it is that someone is itching to write what you've requested, and the more people you encourage to sign up who like the same things that you like, the more likely, again, it is that you'll get a good match.

So, go forth and pimp, my pretties ::g::

Nov. 6th, 2009


Fic: What My Lips Have Kissed (Primeval, Jenny/Sarah, PG)

Title: What My Lips Have Kissed
Author: alyse
Recipient: [info]lsellersfic
Prompt: Prompt 3: Something inspired by Edna St. Vincent Millay's sonnet which starts "What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why".
Pairing: Jenny/Sarah
Rating: PG
Length: ~1,800 words
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Primeval. Impossible Pictures do
Author's Notes: Pinch hit for [info]lsellersfic. Sorry, you had to wait this long, hon.

Summary: Sarah sees her.

( What My Lips Have Kissed )

Nov. 5th, 2009


Primeval Ficathon Master List - Autumn 2009

[info]aithine is being written for by [info]blktauna -- [ The Circle Closes ] (Nick/Stephen, G)
[info]alyse is being written for by [info]lazlo_darian [pinch hit by [info]temaris] -- [ Gradatim ] (Abby/Connor, G)
Ashley is being written for by [info]sunsets_dinos -- [ Long Way To Happy ] (Becker/Connor, Becker/m, 15)
[info]blktauna is being written for by Ashley [pinch hit by [info]alyse] -- [ Pricking Thumbs ] (Helen/Nick, R)
[info]cyberawr is being written for by [info]dominique012 -- [ Confusing Lines ] (Jenny/Nick, G)
[info]curia_regis is being written for by [info]talliw [pinch hit by [info]moonlettuce] -- [ Fracture ] (Jenny/Claudia, R)
[info]dominique012 is being written for by [info]alyse -- [ Prelude in C Minor | Part 1 | Part 2 ] (Abby/Connor, PG13)
[info]gpr_ffn is being written for by [info]temaris -- [ Return the Sun ] (implied Jenny/Nick (Claudia/Nick), G)
[info]lazlo_darian is being written for by [info]rodlox -- [ The Horseman Connor ] (Abby/Connor gen, Mature)
[info]lsellersfic is being written for by [info]tseecka -- [ And Yes, We Changed the World ] (Helen gen, 14)
-- [pinch hit by [info]alyse] -- [ What My Lips Have Kissed ] (Jenny/Sarah, PG)
[info]moonlettuce is being written for by [info]aithine -- [ Jealousy Is That Pain ] (Nick/Stephen, PG)
[info]rodlox is being written for by [info]curia_regis -- [ For England ] (Lester/Christine Johnson, PG)
[info]sunset_dinos is being written for by [info]lsellersfic -- [ Merry Go Round ] (Becker/Helen, Helen/Nick, Jenny/Sarah, 16+)
[info]talliw is being written for by [info]gpr_ffn [pinch hit by [info]rodlox] -- [ Helen and Lester and Nick ] (Helen/Lester/Nick, Mature)
[info]temaris is being written for by [info]cyberawr [pinch hit by [info]alyse] -- [ Life Studies ] (Abby/Connor, PG)
[info]tseecka is being written for by [info]moonlettuce -- [ The Madness of Butterflies ] (Nick/Stephen, PG13)

Oct. 31st, 2009


For Aithine. I hope you enjoy.

Oct. 29th, 2009


Tick tock!

When posting your story to the community on Saturday (only two days left!), please be sure to include the following information:

Pairing(s), if any

If you're posting directly to the community, please use cut tags.

Thanks! :)


soon? aren't we sooooooon?

Sep. 29th, 2009


Admin: Find a beta post

If you're willing to beta for someone, please leave a comment here with:

- what you're happy reading
- anything you're not happy reading
- the maximum rating you can or will read to
- what you think you can offer (e.g. very strong grasp of grammar, can spot a plothole from 20 yards, characterisation is my king)
- details on how to contact you (and if you say pm, please make sure your settings on LJ are such that non-flisties can reach you via pm)
- expected turn around time

Thank you!


Admin: Pinch Hit Volunteer Post

If you're willing to step up to the plate in the event of someone else dropping out (so that no one is left without a story on Oct 31st), please comment here with:

- your username
- an e-mail address where we can reach you
- what pairings/characters you'll write
- anything you won't write

I'm going to screen comments to maintain that air of mystery...

Thank you in advance!


Adminny type things...

Tomorrow is the deadline for dropping out of the ficathon without penalty. And by 'penalty' we mean that we'll look at you with big and sad puppy eyes, and that if you drop out at the last minute you may also not be allowed to sign up in future depending on how good your excuse is on a sliding scale from 'the dog ate my ficathon entry' to 'I was kidnapped by aliens and what year is it again?'.

I'm also going to open up a 'pinch hit' post, looking for people to volunteer to write something in the event that someone drops out, and a beta post, where you can seek a beta or volunteer to beta for other people, tonight so be there or be vaguely rhomboid.

I hope that makes sense - if not, just ask :)

(I may still be slightly gleeeeeeeeeee!)

Sep. 2nd, 2009


Assignments now sent out

If you haven't received your e-mail with your assignment, or we've messed up in some way, please let [info]aithine or I know, either in the comments, by pm or by mailing us at primevalathon at

Your assignements will be due on 31 October 2009, and we'll post both reminders and more information on posting closer to the time. We'll also do the beta volunteer post again in case anyone needs it.

If you don't think you can finish your story by the due date, please let us know as soon as possible so that we have a chance to organise a pinch hitter. And please read your assignment carefully to make sure that your story matches your recipient's requests/pairings/preferences. It's easier than you think to mess up, especially when you're rushed (says she who once started a pinch hit for a) the wrong recipient and b) the wrong prompt).

Other than that, have fun!

Aug. 14th, 2009


Orphan prompts

Spring 2009 ficathon edition )

Aug. 12th, 2009


Announcing the Autumn 2009 Primevalathon

Sign ups are now open for the Autumn 2009 Primeval Ficathon!

What's a ficathon )

How it works

We have a shiny sign up form, which will enable us to match authors to assignments on the basis of the information given. Some information on how to use the form to indicate which characters and/or pairing combinations you would like is provided here.

Please note that we are making the following changes: last time, we let you choose two or more characters and two or more genres for one option (e.g. Nick and Stephen, and slash and gen). Unfortunately, we found that when it came to preliminary matching, people were just as likely to matched on the basis of 'gen' as pairing choice, which meant that someone who wanted Nick/Stephen slash but also selected 'gen' ended up matched to someone who'd offered to write Abby/Stephen, and also offered gen.

So we've changed it so that you can only select one genre for each pairing choice, i.e. slash or gen or het etc. The default option will remain gen, so if no one has offered to write the pairings you've requested, you're matched with someone who offered to write gen about one or more of your chosen characters.)

When sign ups close, you'll be mailed with your assignments.

When the big day arrives, you post your work either to the [info]primevalathon community or, if you're not based on livejournal/insanejournal, to another journal site or your webpage, letting us know the location so we can make a post to the community. Then [info]aithine and I put together a master list of all stories.

Then we read ::g::

How long does the story need to be?

At least 1,000 words minimum. There is no maximum.

When does it have to be done by?

Sign ups are open until 31 August.

Assignments will be sent out in the following week.

Stories are due on 31 October 2009. That means you'll have around 8 weeks to write something.

What if I don't have a livejournal? What if I don't have a webpage?

The community exists on livejournal, insanejournal and dreamwidth, so you can simply post your story to the [info]primevalathon community on whichever journalling site you use. We'll be posting the masterlist in all places.

If you don't have a journal, you can still play. Just sign up as normal with your e-mail address and then, when the day of posting arrives, you can either send [info]aithine or I the link to your work or comment with the information on one of the admin posts. As long as we know where the story is, it doesn't matter whether it's posted to livejournal/insanejournal/dreamwidth, the web or another journalling site. We'll make a post to the main community with your story details so that no one misses it.

If you genuinely don't have a place to post it, please let us know and we can arrange to host it on one of our websites and link it in the same way.

Any Other Questions? )

Cool. What do I need to do now?

Simply read the character/pairing guide and then go and sign up!


If you have any other questions, please just let [info]aithine or I know, either here or, if you're more comfortable, by PM.

Anything else?

Yep. Go forth and pimp, my pretties ::g::

Apr. 1st, 2009


"Change my pace" by Aithine for Chelle

Change my pace by Aithine ([info]aithine)

Recipient: Chelle (chellefic)

Request: "Nick/Stephen enjoying spending time together pre-series, either friendship or romance."

Pairing: Nick/Stephen

Rating: Adult

Summary: Sunday morning is Stephen's new favorite time of day.

Disclaimer: Primeval is not mine. I'm just borrowing the characters for a bit.

Mar. 31st, 2009


Title: It was a good morning until...
or How Lester got an Excellent Idea (except it wasn't his).
Author: Tauna
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: Lester
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fanfiction, written solely for love of the show.

Summary: Lester has one of those mornings.
For: Oddbodkins
Prompt #2: Lester: "I come into my office this morning to find that Sainsbury's has a three for two offer on Scutosaurus burgers, and both Jamie Oliver and the Prime Minister are demanding to speak to me!"

The rest is under here... )

Apr. 1st, 2009


Fic: Kissing It Better (Abby/Connor, PG13)

Title: Kissing It Better
Author: alyse
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: Abby/Connor
Word Count: ~2,500.
Status: Complete
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: Written for the [info]primevalathon Primeval Ficathon as a pinch hit for [info]black_rose_fics, whose prompt was Connor and Abby get together..

Summary: Sometimes all it takes is a kiss.

Kissing It Better

Mar. 31st, 2009


Primeval Ficathon Master List - Spring 2009

[info]aithine is being written for by [info]alylicious -- [ Friday, I'm In Love ] (Nick/Stephen pre-slash, Helen/Nick, R)
[info]alylicious is being written for by [info]taricha -- [ Cold Hands and Colder Feet ] (Abby/Connor, PG13)
[info]black_rose_fics is being written for by [info]missyvortexdv -- [ For Everything There Is A Time ] (Jenny/Nick, T)
-- [ Do Not Stray ] (Abby/Connor futurefic, K+)
[ pinch hit by [info]alylicious]-- [ Kissing It Better ] (Abby/Connor, PG13)
[info]blktauna is being written for by [info]moonlettuce -- [ Ten Thousand Kings ] (Nick/Stephen, PG13)
[info]chellefic is being written for by [info]aithine -- [ Change My Pace ] (Nick/Stephen, Adult)
[info]curia_regis is being written for by [info]rodlox -- [ Dominions | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 ] (Gen, PG13)
[info]deinonychus_1 is being written for by [info]telperion_15 -- [ Beautiful But Deadly | Part 1 | Part 2 ] (Connor/Ryan, PG13))
[info]dominique012 is being written for by [info]lsellersfic -- [ Fire and Ice | Part 1 | Part 2 ] (Jenny/Nick, 12/13+)
[info]lsellersfic is being written for by [info]black_rose_fic -- [ Claudia ] (no meta info)
[info]missvortexdv is being written for by [info]curia_regis -- [ There Will Be No History ] (Gen, PG13)
[info]moonlettuce is being written for by [info]chellefic -- [ Impossible Blue ] (Nick/Stephen, PG)
[info]odsbodkins is being written for by [info]blktauna -- [ It was a good morning until... ] (Lester Gen, PG)
[info]rodlox is being written for by [info]dominique012 -- [ Fruit Jellies, Lemon Shampoo ] (Gen with hints of Abby/Connor, G)
[info]taricha is being written for by [info]deinonychus_1 -- [ Everything Changes ] (Gen, PG)
[info]telperion_15 is being written for by [info]odsbodkins -- [ Connor and Caves ] (Connor/Stephen, Stephen/Ryan, Connor/Stephen/Ryan, Adult)


Fic: Friday, I'm In Love (Nick/Stephen pre-slash, R) by alyse

Title: Friday, I'm In Love
Author: alyse
Pairing: Nick/Stephen pre-slash, Nick/Helen established relationship
Rating: R
Word Count: ~6,000
Author's Notes: Written for the [info]primevalathon Primeval Ficathon for [info]aithine, whose prompt was How did Nick and Stephen end up working together if Stephen was Helen's student first? Bonus points if it includes first time Nick/Stephen..

Lyrics from 'Friday, I'm in Love,' by The Cure.

Summary: I don't care if Monday's blue.

Friday, I'm In Love

Mar. 25th, 2009


Almost there!

Stories are due next Tuesday, which is seven days, more or less, depending on where you are on the planet. *vbg*

Mar. 16th, 2009


Ficathon Reminder and Admin Type Stuff

Fear my command of teh English language tonight!

Just a couple of things:

Firstly, your ficathon assignments are due two weeks from tomorrow.

This also means that if you aren't going to be able to finish your story on time, you need to let us know now so we can organise a pinch hitter. Anyone dropping out after today without good reason may end up being banned from participating in future ficathons. Also, please remember that if it looks like your story is going to end up being epic and you don't think you'll get to finish it fully on time but would like to post it as a WIP, please contact aithine or I first to discuss how we take it forward. We're not unreasonable people (or [info]aithine isn't - me, I'd check I'm fully stocked up on the diet coke front first ::g::), so we'll be as accomodating as we can, but it's better if we know now so we can be prepared.

Secondly, this is the official pinch hitter sign up post. For those who aren't familiar with the term, a pinch hitter is someone who steps in at short notice if one of the authors drops out without delivering a story to make sure that no one is left without one. They're therefore completely wonderful people :) And you don't have to have signed up for the ficathon in order to step in now, although we would ask that if you're a participant in this go around that you only sign up if you've already finished your own assignment or are 100% sure you can finish both.

So if you think that you, too, could be utterly wonderful, please leave a comment below with the following information:

- name
- e-mail address
- what you will write
- what you won't write.

Comments are screened to maintain that air of mystery in terms of who's getting what and from whom, but thank you to everyone who volunteers! If we need you, we'll let you know. Hopefully we won't, but we're grateful anyway :)

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