Prideview Random

April 20th, 2008

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


April 20th, 2008

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I'm getting used to being in New York. It's not too bad after a while and there are lots of museums. I think I'm a little bit in love with the Met, although if I keep going there then it won't be long before they all know my name.

I still need to do something with my time though. Go out and meet people or just do something. Anyone got any ideas? Or want to go for a drink, maybe?

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Private to Pepper Moonchild )

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Mum )

I can't believe it's almost summertime around here. That's a bit exciting, isn't it? Anyone got any exciting plans? Y'know, plans that don't involve world domination or something like that?

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It's entirely possible I've found a secret passage.

If I don't come back in a couple of hours, well the entrance is [written out]

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... What in the ..

How .. but I was..

I shouldn't be awake.
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