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Story: "I Told You So" (James/Remus, G) [Aug. 5th, 2007|09:07 am]
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Title: I Told You So
Author: [info]potter_lover456
Rating: G
Prompt Set: 100.4
Prompt: 59. Thorn
Word Count: 296
Summary: James is just like that Lion in that one fairytale.
Warning: N/A
Notes: Prompt table can be found here

Are you going to act like a little boy who’s mom refused to buy him an ice cream tomorrow too? )
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Story: "Rollercoasters" (Original, Any Age) [Aug. 5th, 2007|09:05 am]

Title: Rollercoasters
Rating: Any Age (Because I don't believe in rating original works, I stole [info]inell's rating system.
Summary: Josh's first time riding a rollercoaster.
Warning: N/A
Notes: Not the best in the world, only 371 words, but I needed to write something to get my muse to come out. I know I reused a word or pharse, and that Alex asks a lot of questions, but I needed something to write.

...gripping the handrail so tight his knuckles turned white. )
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Story: "Change" (James/Remus, PG) [Aug. 5th, 2007|09:04 am]
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Title: Change
Author: [info]potter_lover456
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 100.4
Prompt: 30. Change
Word Count: 574
Summary: James remembers what life used to be, now that he is in the after life.
Warnings: implied sex, character death (barely), abuse of commas
Notes: Prompt table can be found here here

...he would go lie in the den, and just think. )
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Drabble: "Oddities" (Sirius/Regulus, R) [Aug. 5th, 2007|09:02 am]
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Title: Oddities
Prompt: Oddities
Fandom: Harry Potter (Blackcest)
Rating: R-NC17
Summary: None

His delicate pink lips have a faint shade of rosy red... )
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Drabble: "Unsure" (James/Remus, G) [Aug. 5th, 2007|08:57 am]
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Title: Unsure
Author: [info]potter_lover456
Rating: G
Prompt Set: 100.4
Prompt: 61. Sanity (also for drabble-thon same prompt)
Word Count: 267
Summary: Remus is unsure about James. Does he love him, or is it just a crush?
Warnings: N/A
Notes: Prompt table can be found here

Would his parents understand? )
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Drabble: "Yellow" (James/Remus, PG-13) [Aug. 19th, 2006|08:56 am]
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Title: Yellow
Prompt: Yellow
Rating: PG13-R
Summary: James hates the color yellow.

I'm not sure I really like this drabble, but we'll see.
All because of the color yellow... )
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Story: "Untitled" (Original, Any Age) [Aug. 4th, 2006|08:54 am]

Title: Untitled
Author: [info]potter_lover456
Summary: Isabella Thompson is going to be an art history major, she's even going to Paris to study abroad. That is, until she gets in a car accident. Now she must deal with a crazy old man that is living next to her.
Warnings: N/A
Notes: Keep in mind that this was supposed to be 6-8 pages, and I just couldn't seem to do it. So if it seems like some bits and parts were cut out, that's why. There will be a little commentary at the bottom of this.

I have given you the original final copy that was turned in to the teacher. If I do go back and edit I will make a new post (most likely with a title).
I have no clue what to put here... )
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Story: "Revelation" (James/Remus, G) [Jul. 3rd, 2006|08:52 am]
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Title: Revelation
Author: [info]potter_lover456
Rating: G
Prompt Set: 100.4
Prompt: 87. Revelation
Word Count: 191
Summary: James thinks about Remus and realizes something.
Warnings: N/A
Notes: Prompt table can be found here

His hair is to thin and he chews at his quills. )
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Story: "Listen To Your Parents" (James/Remus, PG) [Jul. 7th, 2006|04:55 pm]
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Title: Listen To Your Parents
Author: [info]potter_lover456
Rating: pg
Prompt Set: 100.4
Prompt: #84
Word Count: 479
Summary: Remus does exactly what his parents tell him too.
Warnings: Underage drinking
Notes: Jamima isn't exactly how the real name is spelt, but its close enough.

I think we should give them a show. )
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Story: "Professor?" (Draco/James, R) [Jun. 28th, 2006|04:45 pm]
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Title: Professor?
Rating: R
Warnings: Slash, mutual masturbation, chan (underage sex)
Summary: James angsts and get all alchohlic on us.
Notes: For [info]laurel_tx's Mistaken Identity Challenge. I have no clue what spawned this.

With fumbling that reminded him of his first tryst when he was just a school boy himself )
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Story: "I am" (Hermione, G) [Jun. 4th, 2007|04:43 pm]

Title: I Am
Rating: G
Warnings: Het
Summary: Hermione Granger is herself. Nothing can change that. She lost herself though, for her love for Harry. It's Christmas Eve now, and its all going to change!
Notes: This is a Harry/Hermione story, so if you no likey, don't read! I have no clue what inspired this, but I can tell you it is bunch of plot bunnies/cliches mushed together.
Disclaimer:...I own them? *FBI breaks down door* I mean J.K. Rowling my almighty master owns the. *cowers in fear*
I am in love with the Boy Who Lived. )
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Story: "Uncaged and Free" (Harry/Hermione, G) [Jun. 6th, 2006|04:41 pm]

Title: Uncaged And Free
Rating: G
Warnings: Het
Summary: Hermione recieves a letter from Viktor, and it makes her think about her current situation. She reflects on how the Golden Trio is no more, and what she wants to do.
Notes: This is a Harry/Hermione story, so if you no likey, don't read! The book Viktor mentions in his letter is "A Great and Terrible Beauty" by Libba Bray. If you are into Young Adult fiction, and mystical lands, this is a wonderful book, and I totally reccomend it to anyone.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, but I do have a few locked up in my closet.

She needed to be free. )
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Drabble: When It Rains, It Pours (Remus/Sirius, G) [May. 30th, 2006|04:37 pm]

Title: When It Rains, It Pours
Rating: G
Warnings: slash, boy!kissing
Summary: Remus Lupin hates the rain, but Sirius loves it.
Notes: I have no clue what inspired this story, and take no blame for it.
Disclaimer: All characters are a product of J.K. Rowlings wonderful mind and I own nothing. Nada, zippo, zero, zip.

Around Hogwarts, when it rains it pours. )
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Drabble: Draco's Choice (Draco, G) [May. 30th, 2006|04:33 pm]

Title: Draco's Choice
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers
Summary: Draco's thoughts after the sixth book.
Notes: This is one of my first fics, as you can tell from the many beginner mistakes.
Disclaimer: All characters are a product of J.K. Rowlings wonderful mind and I own nothing. Nada, zippo, zero, zip.

Even if it killed him… )
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Story: "Analyze This" (Cedric/Harry, PG-13) [May. 20th, 2007|04:31 pm]

Title: Picture Perfect (Analyze This Chapter 2)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slight cursing
Summary: Anne finds Cedric, but he's not as eager to help as she would like.
Notes: This was going to be the last chapter, but it was too long and would have seemed cramped if I continued it. So there is about one or two more chapters left.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the chair I sit on.
Chapter 1

Picture Perfect )
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Story: "Analyze This" (Cedric/Harry, PG) [May. 20th, 2006|04:28 pm]

This was inspired by Laurel_tx challenge, but doesn't fit the requirements.
Title: Analyze This
Rating: ?
Summary: Dr. Anne Sullivan hates her job. But she won't quit till she cures her special patient. And what does his lover have to do with it?
Chapter 2
Read more... )
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Story: "When I Think About You I Touch Myself" (Sirius, R) [May. 19th, 2006|04:25 pm]
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[Current Mood |mischievous]

Title: When I think about you, I touch myself!
Rating: R
Warnings: Slash, masturbation
Summary: Sirius finds an old picture that sturs up old memories.
Notes: For [info]laurel_tx's Mistaken Identity Challenge. My first pr0n. I listened to When I touch myself by Eve 6 while I wrote this, and it fit the story perfectly, so I posted the lyrics at the bottom.
Mean people suck, nice people swallow. I'm nice. )
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Master List [Aug. 4th, 2007|04:25 pm]
To be updated.
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