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Story: "I am" (Hermione, G) [Jun. 4th, 2007|04:43 pm]

Title: I Am
Rating: G
Warnings: Het
Summary: Hermione Granger is herself. Nothing can change that. She lost herself though, for her love for Harry. It's Christmas Eve now, and its all going to change!
Notes: This is a Harry/Hermione story, so if you no likey, don't read! I have no clue what inspired this, but I can tell you it is bunch of plot bunnies/cliches mushed together.
Disclaimer:...I own them? *FBI breaks down door* I mean J.K. Rowling my almighty master owns the. *cowers in fear*
I am in love with the Boy Who Lived. )
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Story: "Uncaged and Free" (Harry/Hermione, G) [Jun. 6th, 2006|04:41 pm]

Title: Uncaged And Free
Rating: G
Warnings: Het
Summary: Hermione recieves a letter from Viktor, and it makes her think about her current situation. She reflects on how the Golden Trio is no more, and what she wants to do.
Notes: This is a Harry/Hermione story, so if you no likey, don't read! The book Viktor mentions in his letter is "A Great and Terrible Beauty" by Libba Bray. If you are into Young Adult fiction, and mystical lands, this is a wonderful book, and I totally reccomend it to anyone.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, but I do have a few locked up in my closet.

She needed to be free. )
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