Aug. 3rd, 2008


Who: Scorpius and Rissa
What: Seeing the damage.
Where: Rissa's place.
When: BACKDATED After Em paid her a visit
Rating: TBD
Complete: not yet

Scorpius glared at his journal )

Aug. 2nd, 2008


"I won't let it happen again, I can swear that to you."

who; Sacharissa Tugwood, Gellert Grindelwald, & Emrys.
where; Rissa's home, then Emrys'.
when; Say mid-afternoon.
summary; Emrys rescues Gellert. Also, this is part one of two, 'cause logs Fickle and I do together are frequently epic. Two'll be posted when it's finished.
rating; PG-13 for this part, for some vaguely gory stuff.
status; Finished.

your hands, held tight around / the throat of what it is to live these days / and we choke on the pain fed into our heads / we're not gonna be here when you get back )

Jul. 26th, 2008


Bracelet chat.

Message 1 to his Hallowed Ones, via bracelets. )

Second message, sent perhaps three minutes later.

Message 2 to his Hallowed Ones, via bracelets. )

Jun. 22nd, 2008


The Ball!

Who: alice longbottom, bellatrix lestrange, bill weasley, charlus potter, dorea black potter, fenrir greyback, gabrielle delacour, ginny weasley potter, godric gryffindor, james potter, kingsley shacklebolt, lily evans potter, minerva mcgonagall, salazar slytherin, scorpius malfoy, theodore lupin, tom riddle, walden macnair, zola birch moon
What: The ball!
When: Sunday, 4:30 pm
Where: Paradise
Rating: PG13 for now
Complete: Nope!

The final arrangements were made )

Apr. 29th, 2008


can I play with madness?

Who: Rissa, Voldemort, any DEs or anyone that gets attracted to the Dark Mark in the sky.
When: Tuesday Night
Where: Out in the woods, outskirts of the city, ear
Why: Rissa's sent up a fake Dark Mark to try to get Lord Voldemort's attention. It works.
Rating: PG-13 to start out with.
Complete? No.

dead girls dance/they burn and twirl/witch hunt, witch cunt, burn this girl )

Apr. 13th, 2008


Open RP: Arts of Venus sale.

Who: Sacharissa Tugwood and anyone who wanders in.
When: All of Sunday.
Where: Arts of Venus, Rissa's clothing & makeup boutique.
Why: Rissa's giving out free makeovers today.
Rating: PG, probably.
Status: Incomplete.

Doesn't everyone like free stuff? )

Feb. 27th, 2008


Rissa Gets Religion & The Gods Get A Sacrifice.

Who: Rissa and a random NPC. The gods, if they choose to respond.
What: A sacrifice to her gods.
When: Tuesday night.
Where: Pig's Ear Pub, then her home, then a temple.
Rating: R for violence and torture.
Complete: Yes, unless the gods reply to her.

I envy your demise/ Seven hundred and fifty degrees/When it burned it smelled like you/But it scorched and looked a lot like me. )

Feb. 24th, 2008


i would offer you my pulse

Who: Sacharissa Tugwood and anyone she runs into.
What: Rissa's been told by Charlus that Gellert is with the local healer, so she finds the local clinic, expecting him to be there.
When: Sunday morning.
Where: Sanctuary.
Rating: PG-13.
Complete: No.

now you bring me your bruises/so i can 'ooh and ahh' at the display )

September 2008



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