May. 10th, 2008


A stag rests upon a stone altar within a grove of trees near the cave which Godric had blasted out of the rock face during his self-imposed exile. Held in place by the stag's head is a piece of parchment, which reads:

To Those Who Hold Sway Over This Place,

Here is the gift I vowed to myself that I would give you in gratitude for your returning Salazar's body to a younger age, and for your punishing Bellatrix Lestrange so perfectly. If you find it unsuitable, then I ask for your indulgence. This is my first attempt at heathen practice. Thus, I am unfamiliar with any particulars you require.


Sir Godric Gryffindor

Apr. 9th, 2008


[Appearing in Jamies bed asleep while Jamie is in bed there, a little bow around the neck with a note "With Love and Chin Hair, Cernunnos"]