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Aug. 13th, 2008


Gift for Hestia!

Wrapped in blue paper, the following gift is delivered to Hestia via owl, along with a heavy envelope and card the color of golden sand, ink the honey gold of sap.

Birthday presents! )

Aug. 7th, 2008


Who: Nymphadora Tonks, Hestia Jones
When: Evening; 5 August [backdated because I suck like that]
Where: Hestia's
What: Drinks and some general girl-time
Rating: TBD
Complete: No

Does getting spinched hurt as much when you're dead? )

Aug. 4th, 2008



For Bellatrix )

For Hestia )

For Albus )

Jul. 18th, 2008


Who: Hestia Jones and Emrys
What: Trying to figure out what's up with Gellert
When: Friday, an hour after Hestia's entry
Where: Corner Cafe
Rating: TBD, likely low
Status: I've heard of this completion...

How wonderfully confusing he had been... )

Jul. 17th, 2008


"You have very soft skin."

Who: Gellert, Hestia
When: Wednesday
Where: Hestia's house
Why: He came to her for comfort; he remembered that Kaisers do not confide their burdens in others.
Rating: PG.
Complete: Yes.

How do I save you from a fate so sweet/As being torn to pieces by a loving hand/How do I save you from a voice so soft/As that which acquiesces to your each demand/How do I look upon the eyes I love/And send them down this path, I know it isn't right/How do I make you realize, my love/That there is more to fear than strangers in the night )

Jul. 9th, 2008


it's a heartbreak even situation/nothing lost and nothing gained

Who: Gellert, Hestia
When: The last few hours before the punishment of the gods ends.
Where: Hestia's house
Why: Gellert promised to read her some stories while waiting for her to fall asleep.
Rating: PG.
Complete? Yes.

it's a heartbreak even situation/one part powerful elation/one part pitiful and frail/and i'm trying to feel my way around/a book of promises written in braille )

Jun. 2nd, 2008


Who: Hestia Jones and Walden Macnair
What: Revenge
When: Early Monday morning
Where: Walden's butcher shop
Why: Hestia's just a little pissed after discovering the truth
Rating: Let's start with PG-13 and see where it goes from there
Status: Complete!*cackles maniacally*

May. 23rd, 2008


For Hestia

What: A Sisterly Meeting
When: now
Where: Hestia's house
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

I don't want to be here... )


[Left for Hestia Jones on a table in her home. A single large, white envelope. Handwritten on the front are simply the words, As Requested.

Inside the envelope are three, rather thick sets of files. One for each of the following: Michael Jones, Rabastan Lestrange, and Walden Macnair.]



May. 7th, 2008


Who: Bill Weasley and Hestia Jones
When: Wednesday, May 07
Where: Bill's cottage
Why: Hestia wants to talk to him
Rating: TBD
Complete? YES!!

Physically, Bill felt better )

Mar. 26th, 2008


Who: Gwenog and Hestia Jones
What: The Jones' sisters are gonna attempt to be civil
When: Monday afternoon, after this
Where: The Corner Cafe
Rating: PG, maybe higher for language
Status: The opposite of complete

Mar. 18th, 2008


Who: Hestia, Tonks, Minerva, Ginny, and any other ladies that would like to join them
What: Ladies' night out
When: Backdated; late Saturday night
Where: A nightclub
Why: Cuz girls just wanna have fun
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Mar. 9th, 2008


Who: Rowena Ravenclaw and Hestia Jones
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: Rowena's Manor
Why: Rowena is anxious to meet a Hufflepuff student so far in the future. Besides that, Hestia wants to peruse Rowena's Library, which is always okay (no matter who you are - and as long as you respect the literature within).
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Rowena had a great love for plants... )

Mar. 3rd, 2008


Who: Hestia Jones, Teddy Lupin, open to anyone else who might want to come rescue Hestia
What: Hestia's magic backfired, and, well, she needs a Healer
When: Backdated to Sunday afternoon/evening
Where: Hestia's greenhouse, then off to Sanctuary
Rating: TBD
Complete: As if

Lost in her work and fading away )

Mar. 2nd, 2008


Who: Hestia Jones and Gellert Grindelwald
What: Hestia (finally) meets Gellert
When: Backdated to Friday, after lunch
Where: Hestia's cottage
Why: Gellert gave her a ton of chocolate and it gave her an excuse to invite him over
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Feb. 21st, 2008



As a thank you to Emrys for having helped with the Acrcomantula, Gellert sent him the following items via Threstal, mostly because any owl would've been overloaded.An unwelcome mat that Emrys could use when people were starting to get on his nerves, a sleep mask to block out the colors at least a little, and a business card for a massage parlor that did outpatient visits. On the back, Gellert had written quickly, "They'll see you in your house so you don't have to go to the City. Already bought you a session but you don't have to use it if you don't want to." Being touched by someone whose magical energies he could sense might not be all that relaxing for Emrys, after all.

Hestia had been promised chocolates, so Gellert sent her a box of classic dark chocolates. Actually, it wasn't so much a box of chocolates as a vault. It had dials inside to check the temperature and contained 112 pieces of chocolate. Overkill? Perhaps, but as James Nikolai had told Scorpius, overkill was the new black. Besides, this was Gellert! When he did a thing, he did it properly. And he owed Hestia something special anyway for having delayed so long on her gift. The notecard that accompanied the gift was a simple piece of heavyweight parchment, Gellert having inscribed on it in black ink, "Hestia -- I hope these'll do. Sorry about not getting them to you sooner. Enjoy."

Charlie was on the run at the moment, so he couldn't get any gifts. Gellert had some ideas in mind, though, for when that mess was over.

Feb. 14th, 2008


Hestia had spent most of the day working in her flower garden and arranging a few baskets and vases to send out.  It had been years since she'd sent out a valentine, and the things she had prepared were more sentimental gestures between friends.  She knew of a parcel delivery service in town, and brought her things there to send out, not wanting to risk getting caught with the anonymous gifts.

For Percy )


Valentine gifts.

Before Gellert locked himself up in the lab as he said he would, he sent off a few parcels via Owl Express, the delivery service that was a few streets down from his residence. That way, they'd be completely anonymous and reach their recipients on time.

For Charlus. )

For Hestia. )

For Evan. )

For Emrys. )

For Percy. )

For Teddy. )

For Severus. )

For Rose. )

For Scorpius. )

Feb. 13th, 2008


Who: Hestia and Percy
What: Percy's inspecting her wand... and Hestia needs to vent
When: Wednesday around 3
Where: Percy's place
Rating: TBD, likely pretty low
Complete: Nope

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September 2008



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