January 2015




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Jan. 3rd, 2015


Who: Cassie Blake
Where: Wandering the city
When: New Year's Eve
What: Narrative
Status: Complete
Warnings: None

It's much too quiet in here I want to disappear I'm hearing myself thinking too clear It's too quiet in here Make it all go away )

Nov. 10th, 2014


Who: Santana Lopez, Dani Harper and some Cassie Blake
Where: Rebekah's house on the outskirts
When: Monday morning, 11/10
What: The big switch!
Status: Complete
Warnings: Emotions, blood-drinking, crying babies?

Little help here, Bex? )

Oct. 21st, 2014


Who: Jeremy Gilbert and Cassie Blake
Where: Around Portland
When: Nowishly
What: Fighting off zombies and being awesome about it
Status: Log/Complete
Warnings: Violence and cool stuff.

Tui gratia Iovis gratia sit cura. )

Sep. 24th, 2014


Who: Cassie and Faye
Where: Their house
When: Tonight
What: Cassie confronts Faye and loses control
Status: Complete
Warnings: Dark magic is bad mmkay?

She is like a cat in the dark and then she is the darkness. She rules her life like a fine skylark and when the sky is starless )

Aug. 12th, 2014


Who: Cassie Blake & Diana Meade
Where: Their house
When: Nowish
What: Unresolved Issues
Status: In Progress
Warnings: Shouldn't be any, but two witches with dark magic and major issues? It could happen.

She's got a wall around her nobody can climb. She lets her ladder down for those who really shine. I tried to scale it, but to me she's blind. So I lit a firecracker, went off in my eye. )

Jul. 18th, 2014


Who: Faye, Diana and Cassie
Where: The wishing well to start and then their house and then wherever else
When: Today
What: Faye wants her powers back; and the girls get attacked
Status: On Going
Warnings: Witch hunters! :(

i want money, power and glory. i want money and all your power, all your glory. hallelujah, i wanna take you for all that you got, hallelujah, i'm gonna take them for all that they got )