January 2015




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Jan. 7th, 2015


Who: Steve Rogers and Laura Kinney
When Shortly after her arrival
Where: Streets of Portland
What: Laura picks up a familiar scent and follows it to the source, but things aren't quite how they should be.
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: Some violence to start with

If I told you what I was would you turn your back on me? If I seem dangerous, would you be scared? )

Jan. 6th, 2015


Who: Krissy and Mike
Where: Nearby the high school Krissy goes to
When: Tuesday afternoon
What: Ditching school isn't a good thing, kids
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: Maybe language on Krissy's side, but will update if/when necessary.

Do you know where your fate is? Are you trying to shake it? You're doing your best dance, your best look, you're praying that you make it. )


Who: Nick Burkhardt, Gene Hunt, John Constantine (Open to Alex Drake)
Where: 2902 NW Raleigh St
When: Wednesday Evening
What: Nick and Gene check out a murder scene and Constantine invites himself to the party.
Status: Closed/Ongoing
Warnings: Death, blood, other gory stuff that goes with murder scenes.

And the blood washes across the crucified. Yeah, so few are chosen and they do not die. )

Jan. 7th, 2015


Who: Erica Reed and open
Where: On the streets of Portland
When: Tuesday evening
What: Erica's arrived and is learning the area instead of actually going to her new home.
Status: ongoing
Warnings: Erica's mouth and I apologize for anything she may say.

Did this count as running when it wasn't by choice for her to vanish? )

Jan. 6th, 2015


Who: Misty and Bucky
Where: Somewhere in Portland
When: Wednesday
What: Misty gets the urge to hug a stranger
Status: On going
Warnings: Maybe language?

Destiny can't replace my life, scary shadows of my past are alive )

Jan. 7th, 2015


Who: Clara and The Doctor
Where: Their house
When: Tuesday
What: Clara gets The Doc up to speed on her new memories
Status: Closed/Ongoing
Warnings: Possible grief...updates as needed

To the ends of the earth and back again... )

Jan. 6th, 2015


Who: Tony and Pepper
Where: Pepper's new home
When: After this
What: Catching up?
Status: ongoing
Warnings: Mention of drug addiction/withdrawals in the starter, and well Tony's shock probably needs a warning of its own. :x

Oh where do we begin? The rubble or our sins? )


Who: Skye & Emma
Where: Their home
When: Tuesday Night
What: Skye and Emma hang out after Emma comes home late from work.
Status: Closed/Ongoing
Warnings: Nah

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Stefan and Serena
Where: Casa de Whoreo
When: Tues, around 4am
What: Stefan talks to Serena about what she's doing
Status: On going
Warnings: I'm going to say yes, but TBD

we always said, it would be good to go away, someday but if things don't work out like we think and there's nothing there to ease this ache, but if there's nothing there to make things change, if it's the same for you, i'll just hang )

Jan. 5th, 2015


Who: Talia and Laura
Where: Hale House
When: Today
What: Family bonding
Status: On going
Warnings: Don't think so

+++ )


Who: Faith and Derek
Where: Drag Queen Bar (YEAH!)
When: Tonight
What: Bestie Festie
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: TBD

Party in the USA. )

Jan. 4th, 2015


Who: Peter Rumancek
Where: Around Portland
When: Tonight
What: Full moon antics
Status: Narrative/Complete
Warnings: Disgusting werewolf transformation, NPC death, gore

When I was a child I'd sit for hours staring into open flame Something in it had a power, could barely tear my eyes away All you have is your fire and the place you need to reach Don't you ever tame your demon but always keep 'em on a leash )


Who: Josh and Silas
Where: Spirit of '77
When: Sunday night, Jan 4
What: Silas tries to get a spy
Status: On Going
Warnings: TBD

now the cards are everywhere, face in dust, the fairground. i don't think i've ever seen so many headlights. but there's something pulling me. the circus and the crew well they're just passing through, making sure the merry still goes round, but it's a long, long, long way down )


Who: Elena Gilbert
Where: Parked outside the Red Rooms
When: Ah Bendy Time aka whenever is a good time to spy on Damon and Enzo
What: Talking shit about Damon and Enzo because Elena obviously has nothing better to do
Status: Complete
Warnings: Nope

Elena rings in the New Year with some LOL )

Jan. 3rd, 2015


Who: Rogue
Where: Steve's gym
When: Middle of the night
What: Working off some energy
Status: Complete/Narrative
Warnings: Nope

Clock is ticking while I'm killing time, spinning all around, nothing else that you can do to turn it back )


Who: Gamora
Where: Out and about
When: Tonight
What: Patrolling
Status: Complete
Warnings: Nope.

----- )


Who: Rebekah Mikaelson & Santana Lopez
Where: Teardrop Lounge
When: Saturday night
What: Discussing things
Status: Placeholder/In Progress
Warnings: TBD, probably language



Who: Cassie Blake
Where: Wandering the city
When: New Year's Eve
What: Narrative
Status: Complete
Warnings: None

It's much too quiet in here I want to disappear I'm hearing myself thinking too clear It's too quiet in here Make it all go away )


Who: Castiel
Where: Portland City Centre
When: Backdated to New Years Eve
What: Cas discovers the meaning of new starts
Status: Narrative/Complete
Warnings: N/A

People are strange... )


Settling In

Who: Narvin and Open
Where: All around town, pretty much.
When: Today
What: A day in the life of Narvin. Basically I'm going to write various options of what Narvin's doing, going to work, working, shopping and exploring before going back home again. You can use what I've written but as he's really doing a lot of exploring you can also write your own prompt that I'll work off of. This will also provide a decent template of what Narvin does on the day to day for further minor assumptions you might need to make.
Warnings: Smugness and Irritability.

A Day in the Life )

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