~ Pimp My Threesome ~ - June 11th, 2007
A Harry Potter Threesome Fest With a Twist

User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-11 00:47
Subject: Havelock Sweeting Week 3 pimp
Security: Public
Tags:havelock sweeting, pimpage, week 3

Original poster: havelocsweeting

Hmm...it's that time of the week again is it? Time to tantalize and entice your senses. I shall work hard to do that and make up for my previous effort last week. A unicorn was peering over my shoulder as I typed and therefore I found myself...distracted. Pimp behind the link ) Oh dear. Hmm...seems I can't give you that nice little snippet of my fic. Ah well. I'll have to just give you some hints instead of what it may have contained. Harry knew these two characters while he was in school. They are male...or are they female? Or both? Blasted memory. Ah well. All sorts of bad luck today. Deleted posts, memory loss...I'm sure it will get better by my posting date. Ta darlings.</font>

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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-11 06:45
Subject: Pimp 3: Ignatia Wildsmith
Security: Public
Tags:ignatia wildsmith, pimpage, week 3

Original poster: call_me_ignatia

My darlings,

I have a wonderful treat for you today. After many hours spent negotiating with my baser self, I decided you all deserve the right to see these rather graphic memories I have of our delectable threesome. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words… )

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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-11 13:35
Subject: Pimping Post for Daisy Dodderidge -- Week 3
Security: Public
Tags:daisy dodderidge, pimpage, week 3

Original poster: daisydotteridge

Well this is the final taste before the full story is revealed.

There is much more to say about the two and three mirror systems of kaleidoscopes and teleidoscopes that I first heard about from Ms Lovegood. The contents of the mysterious package Harry received at the Hog's Head Inn will be reveled as well. But today I thought I'd share a wee bit about how the particular threesome came to be...

Hugs and Kisses )


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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-11 16:31
Subject: Pimping - Artemisia Lufkin - Week Three
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Tags:artemisia lufkin, pimpage, week 3

Original poster: misia_lufkin

Hermione and Ron have their eyes on the same catch. The lengths she will go to to win are endless, the schemes she plans, convoluted and dangerous, her drive to take what is hers… overpowering.

In an almost shy gesture… )

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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-11 18:12
Subject: Pimping Post for Oswald Beamish
Security: Public
Tags:oswald beamish, pimpage, week 3

Original poster: oswald_beamish

Dear Witches and Wizards,

I have enjoyed these last few weeks and cannot wait to partake in your offerings of fiction divine. Good Luck to you all.

Today, I offer you my last attempt to tease and entice you into enjoying the literary delight I have prepared for your perusal. In each instalment, I have given you a bit of our tale; the participants, a snippet of the fiction to come and now finally, I managed to retrieve a bit of actual evidence from the premises. I tell you, it was difficult to gather this bit to share with you as the Brothers Weasley are cunning and Mister Potter is not without resources. But I persevered and am offering it up for your consideration.

Physical Evidence )

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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-11 19:10
Subject: Your Voting Questions Answered!
Security: Public
Tags:faqs, mod post, voting

Original poster: empathic_siren

As a reminder, the fest’s final week of pimping starts tomorrow.   The fest participants deserve a huge round of applause for the amazing job they’ve done of teasing and tantalizing us with their stories!  The mods couldn’t be more pleased.

Once pimping is over, it’s time to vote for your favorite story!  We’ve prepared a short list of Voting FAQs to make the process painless and fun.

[info]pimp_my_3some Voting FAQ’s</lj>

When does voting begin?

Voting begins on Tuesday morning, June 19, Eastern Standard Time. 

When does voting end?

Voting ends at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Friday, June 22.  That’s four days to vote for the fics you want to read first. 

Geez!  Why such a short time to vote?

Because posting begins on Sunday, June 24.  That gives the mods a day to count all of the votes, prepare a posting order and let each participant know his or her posting date. 

Okay, okay, but this better be easy!  How are we going to vote?

Through clever devising on the part of the mods, you will have the opportunity to rank up to ten stories.  In slot one of your ballot goes the first story you want to read, and so on.  Two caveats: you can only vote for a particular story once.  Further, you can only submit one overall ballot.   

Do I have to vote for ten stories?

Nope.  You can vote for only one, if you want.  But make your vote count—you don’t get to come back and vote nine more times. 

I’m a participant, can I vote for myself?


Do I vote for the name of the story or the author?

Author, please.  Not all authors have gifted us with the titles of their bewitching fics!  

How can I possibly remember which story belongs to which author?

That’s where tagging comes into play.  The pimping posts are cross-indexed by author name *and* by pimping week.  That nifty column to the right should help you find everything you’re looking for.

Why is this voting business so important? 

Apart from the preservation of the democratic process, voting in this fest determines posting order.  Further, the top ten ics will each have their own posting days with no other fics posted that day.  Thereafter, fics will be posted twice a day. 

Eep!  I'm a participant and I don't want anyone to know if I got the fewest votes.  How is this going to work?

We plan to use the voting method to determine the top ten stories, depending on how the voting plays out.  The posting order for all other stories will be determined by a super-scientific randomizing process involving a great big cup, slips of paper, and a blindfold.  (ooh!  Kinky!)

Do we get to see how many votes a story gets?

No, sorry.  The voting will be completely anonymous and results will not be revealed publically.

I’m a participant.  What if want to know how many votes my fic got?

Email the mods and we’ll provide that information to you privately. 

Will you publish the posting order beforehand?

Most likely, no.  But we might change our minds about that.  : )

Have we missed anything?  Do you have a question about fest voting that you didn’t see answered here?  If so, please comment here or email the mods with any questions you might have.


Siren and Sansa

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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-11 22:20
Subject: Pimping by Greta Catchlove
Security: Public
Tags:greta catchlove, pimpage, week 3

Original poster: g_catchlove

A very helpful artist made this for me. I really needed some delicious ad for my campaign to win votes. I do hope this will help to make that happen.

I am looking forward already to all the enticing and enthralling posts of my fellow participants. This has been a wild ride and the lovely part is... that it's not over yet. *winks*

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my journal
August 2007