~ Pimp My Threesome ~
A Harry Potter Threesome Fest With a Twist

User: [info]3some_mod
Date: 2007-07-09 01:14
Subject: Elementary Strategy - The Slytherin Way by Greta Catchlove, HP/DM/SS, NC-17
Security: Public
Tags:fic post, greta catchlove

Original poster: g_catchlove

Title: Elementary Strategy - The Slytherin Way
Author: Greta Catchlove
Pairing: Harry/Draco/Severus
Kink/Prompt: blindfolding/Treasure Chest
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Kinky sex, soft bondage
Summary: Harry wants Severus’ help to get Draco losing control the only thing he doesn’t know is that Severus has other plans all together.
Author's Notes and Disclaimer: Harry Potter and his world and all the other characters from this fandom are the property of J.K. Rowling, the publishers and Warner Brothers. I just play a little with them.

Elementary Strategy - The Slytherin Way )

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User: [info]3some_mod
Date: 2007-06-11 22:20
Subject: Pimping by Greta Catchlove
Security: Public
Tags:greta catchlove, pimpage, week 3

Original poster: g_catchlove

A very helpful artist made this for me. I really needed some delicious ad for my campaign to win votes. I do hope this will help to make that happen.

I am looking forward already to all the enticing and enthralling posts of my fellow participants. This has been a wild ride and the lovely part is... that it's not over yet. *winks*

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User: [info]3some_mod
Date: 2007-06-04 20:07
Subject: Pimping by [info]g_catchlove
Security: Public
Music:Tequila makes her clothes fall off - Joe Nichols
Tags:greta catchlove, pimpage, week 2

Original poster: g_catchlove

Let’s leaf again through that catalogue I mentioned last week. Nope, not that one. Ah, yes, here it is, The Treasure Chest. I do wonder what in this catalogue would entice the three men of my story.

Ah, yes, Harry mentioned this already. Page 9. Very good choice, my dear. I think that would be wonderful to use. I am rather hesitant to describe it as that would give away a very important part of my story and I really can’t do that.

Leafing through the catalogue again I stumble upon a very nice piece of art. I am certain that Draco would love this to use on his lovers.


No. 50 Tickly feathers – Use them on your lover’s skin or nipples. Tease him or her with them. They are wonderful in their own right, but are stunning when you use them in combination with item No. 54 Silky Bonds. The feathers come in different colours: black, white, dark blue, red, pink, purple and green.


Yes, that would certainly be a good choice. Now let’s see if I could figure out something that Severus would choose. No, not that and not that either. That is just too flashy. Here it is. I think this would be great.


No. 99 Collars and Chains – Use the chains to restrain your lover and the collar to mark him or her as your submissive. This combination comes with a nice pair of nipple clamps all free of charge. The collar and chains can be either in black or in stainless steel. For even further delight we direct you to Nos. 64 to 78 for a variety of dildos. We also would like to point you to No. 103 Mask with or without ball gag, and to Nos. 114 to 123 for a variety of cock rings if your lover happens to be male. 


Now, let’s ponder on this for a moment and let’s keep our fantasies running wild until our next encounter, next week.

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August 2007