~ Pimp My Threesome ~ - June 5th, 2007
A Harry Potter Threesome Fest With a Twist

User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-05 00:29
Subject: Pimpage the Second
Security: Public
Tags:pimpage, week 2

Original poster: glinda_chittock

Snape looked up from the cauldron as his fireplace sputtered and, with a whoosh of green flame, disgorged a figure that tumbled arse over teakettle out of the Floo.   He froze as Sirius Black sat up and dusted himself off.

"Snape," the Animagus grinned in greeting, picking himself up off the carpet and rearranging his robes.

"What are you doing here, Black?" Snape scowled at him.  "If you're looking for someone to play fetch with, you can turn tail and go right back where you came from.  Lupin's already come and gone."

"Come and gone, you say?" Sirius laughed.  "Honestly, Snape, I thought you'd keep him on the hook a bit longer than that."

"What the devil are you barking about?" Snape huffed, tossing a smoking ladle into the sink.  "I told you, Lupin's not here."

"Maybe I didn't come to see, Lupin."

Snape turned slowly from his work table to find Black considering him with the same interest a starving mongrel  might give a full rubbish bin just ready to be tipped over.

Dear Merlin, not Black as well!

The Potions Master sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.  If, as the old rubric said, all dogs went to Heaven, then what, he had to ask, was he so obviously doing in Hell?

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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-05 00:51
Subject: An Addendum to Bowman Wright's Suggested Summer Reading.
Security: Public
Tags:bowman wright, pimpage, week 2

Original poster: bowmanwright

The changes wrought by the bite of an unchanged wolf are many and diverse.

Some of them are small. There is the tickle of the sinuses in certain stormy weather, as though the wolf-instinct seeks to respond in some manner that all but one day a month the mind cannot decipher. There is the dreadful awareness of the moon, despite that no wolf-body will come forth. There is the tendency toward anemia, remediable with careful attention to diet. None of these things are more than a trivial nuisance.

But then, some of them are a great deal larger.

In the throes of the partial change, when there is lust in the air before him, a chain or magical binding might be required to hold him steady, despite that he is lucid through the night, despite that his mind is clear. His body craves and trembles with needs and unreasoning forces that lie outside his control, until he has learned to give over to the control of another. She can hold him without any chain, and in return, their balance is careful. She never directs him but on this night, and on this night, she controls him completely.

He never knows what he might see.

Now, when the world around him exists in shades of grey, there is yet, in the midst of it, color. His own part is muddy red, heated and hard and blurred by morning. Hers is blue, and crisp. The sharp yellow and bright living green are new.

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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-05 00:57
Subject: Pimping Post for [info]wilfred_elphick
Security: Public
Tags:pimpage, week 2, wilfred elphick

Original poster: wilfred_elphick

We will continue, this week, with a man who needs no introduction. Charlie Weasley.

Wil, on Charlie )

Meet Charlie, and two of his brothers, in the story which shows that, no matter how similar three people might appear, how close their relationship, they are as diverse as strangers.

Lay Me Bare
[For Mature Audiences Only]

Look for me in your dreams…

The Great and Magnificent Wizard Wil


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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-05 02:00
Subject: Pimping Post for [info]xavier_rastrick
Security: Public
Tags:pimpage, week 2, xavier rastrick

Original poster: xavier_rastrick

I believe, dear readers, I shall forgo the bells and whistles this week, and simply allow my writing to stand on its own. To that end, a prelude of sorts...


It's not here.

Ignoring the bustling figures that swept past him, Severus surveyed the rows of quaint, densely packed buildings with their garish signs and peculiar script. Dark clouds rapidly gathered overhead, and the scent of impending rain rose up from the pavement and hung heavily in the air. This city was much like the last, and the one before it, but with some nuances, of course. Every town possessed a different sort of pulse, a unique underlying cadence, and Severus had learned to hear the magical hum beneath the Muggle noise.

For thirteen months Severus had been traveling, and in that time he had carefully avoided examining his reasons or his sanity too closely. As he drew steadily nearer to his goal, he spent less time in each city. He had been in this one a mere three days. Lifting the hood of his cloak against the first spattered drops of rain, Severus made his way through the throng of bodies and back to his motel room, prepared to pack his trunk and seek out the next Portkey.

It's not here. But it's close.


from Over the Horizon by [info]xavier_rastrick 

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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-05 09:18
Subject: Pimping post for [info]devils_brooms
Security: Public
Music:devlin whitehorn, pimping, week 2
Tags:devlin whitehorn, pimpage, week 2

Original poster: devils_brooms

A lost soul struggles to find his place in a world very different from what he grew up in. His companions do the best they can to reassure him. But are the changes too much?

Click to read of Blaise's dilemma )

In this new world, can Blaise find a place for himself, where he can be happy? And just who are his benefactors, willing to take this former Slytherin in and care for him while he recovers? Stay tuned, my friends. All will be revealed soon.

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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-05 09:47
Subject: Pimping - Artemisia Lufkin - Week Two
Security: Public
Tags:artemisia lufkin, pimpage, week 2

Original poster: misia_lufkin

I must say it's been quite a challenge to get to this next pimp. My editor, my publisher, the little boy down the street who busy me pasties… well all of them, including this publication, seem to be working against the production of my newest installment. Alas, I was eventually able to convince them to work with me. So now, I have the pleasure to regale you a bit with Hermione's inner turmoil over her swarthy Slytherin.

Every angle, every asset, she would use them all to gain her heart's desire. Hermione would have her man and nothing would get in her way. Unfortunately, Ron might not see it as her way.

Can she beat him in her this most vicious game of love? )

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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-05 10:29
Subject: A Gentle Reminder
Security: Public
Tags:mod post, voting

Original poster: sansa1970

A gentle reminder that stories are due in 12 days.

YOU will be posting your own fics (unless they are too long to fit in one LJ post, in which case we will host them on our website and link back to LJ). We do, however, require that a finished, beta'd copy be emailed to the mods by June 17. This is so we can read them ahead of time yay! for voting purposes. If your finished fic is not received by June 17, you will not be eligible for voting. You will not be given a spot in the posting order until it is received. Late fics will be accepted until July 18th.

The header format for fics will be posted in a few days.

A few words about voting )

Thanks for everyone's participation and continued enthusiasm.

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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-05 20:17
Subject: Pimping post for [info]j_pilliwickle, week two
Security: Public
Tags:pimpage, week 2

Original poster: j_pilliwickle

Last time, fellow pimps and pimpettes, I told you my story would involve two quirky and charming wizards, Neville and Luna Longbottom, and their temptation off the straight and narrow path of wedded monogamy. Today, I offer you an excerpt from this tale, in hopes that it will raise your interest ... and perhaps some other things, as well!

Read on, my dears ... )

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User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-05 21:43
Subject: Pimpage for Sacharissa Tugwood - Week 2
Security: Public
Location:bed...where else?
Tags:pimpage, sacharissa tugwood, week 2

Original poster: sacharissa_t

What busy little bees you all have been. Such naughty things... My boys have been up to no good, I can tell you that, but you'll just have to wait for the ... intimate details. But since you've all been good this week. Here's another little taste for you with two little mini-teasers. Enjoy.


If the average person were to take a good, long look at Severus Snape, the first thought that would enter his mind would not be “My goodness, a man that gorgeous must be the mate of a magical creature!” No, most people would look at Severus and think “Eeeeww. Sex with him?” No one would suspect that it would be this man that the incubus side of Harry Potter would claim as his second mate and this was to be the man to help complete all the young wizard’s outrageous and demanding sexual urges. Nope, no one would have guessed. But it was the truth. Harry Potter needed Severus Snape desperately. Until he (and, of course, Lucius) completed the bond with the acerbic Potions Master, Harry’s powers as well as his rather aggressive sexual nature would not be under control. His magic fluctuated to a rather alarming degree and his sexual appetite was out of control, manifesting in a few rather unpredictable ways. In other words, Harry had cravings.  Odd cravings. Like….Marmite, pickled eggs, and something Harry called ‘grits’. He also had an uncontrollable lust for leather. Any kind of leather. On his body. On Lucius’ body. The furniture. Anything.



Mini teaser #1:  “Harry, dearest, do you think you could quit humping the chair long enough to discuss Severus with the Headmaster?”



Mini teaser #2:  “What the bloody hell! Harry, please tell me that you are NOT crying over a dead squirrel!!”



May all your days be filled with beauty...

or an incredibly hot stud.




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my journal
August 2007