The Phoenix Flies

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Sunday, March 30th, 2008
12:06a - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Twenty-Five

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1:00a - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Twenty-One
It's your life

(11 comments |comment on this)

1:04a - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Twenty-Six
Shell Cottage

(4 comments |comment on this)

2:00a - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Twenty-Seven
the point of no return

(3 comments |comment on this)

3:00a - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Twenty-Eight
broken glasses

(7 comments |comment on this)

3:44a - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Twenty-Nine
prompt twenty-nine )

(10 comments |comment on this)

4:49a - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Thirty
friends & lovers

(7 comments |comment on this)

9:01a - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Thirty-Four

(19 comments |comment on this)

10:01a - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Thirty-Five
"You were an inexpressible comfort to me in that terrible place."--Ollivander

(1 comment |comment on this)

11:00a - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Thirty-One

(7 comments |comment on this)

11:58a - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Thirty-Two

(5 comments |comment on this)

1:00p - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Thirty-Three

(13 comments |comment on this)

7:00p - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Thirty-Six
The Burrow

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7:57p - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Thirty-Seven

(6 comments |comment on this)

8:57p - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Forty-Four

(9 comments |comment on this)

8:59p - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Thirty-Eight

(1 comment |comment on this)

9:55p - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Thirty-Nine

(1 comment |comment on this)

10:03p - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Forty-Five

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10:54p - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Forty

(9 comments |comment on this)

11:00p - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt fourty-six
Did you see what I did?

(2 comments |comment on this)

11:55p - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt fourty-seven
And our last prompt is:


Thanks to everyone who's been contributing so far and remember, you have the rest of the week to go back through prompts you might have missed and drabble/drawble some more. We'll have more details soon about the cut-off time to make it into the masterlist, so be looking out for that, but meanwhile don't forget to read back through and comment on everyone's efforts.

Happy Drabbling!

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11:58p - Drabble-a-thon: Prompt Forty-One
"I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me." --Harry Potter

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