Apr. 23rd, 2008


Dance With Meh!

Title:Dance With Meh!
Summary:A parody of a Mary-Sue attending the Yule Ball.

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Castle Computer Troll

Title:Castle Computer Troll
Summary:A parody of the 'troll in the bathroom' scene in the Chambers of Secrets.

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Not Annoying Enough

Title:Not Annoying Enough
Pairing:Light Ron/Hermione
Summary:The trio finds that they have been written about.
Written for superhobbitlad!

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Should Have Stayed With Chess

Title:Should Have Stayed With Chess
Summary:Ron tries out for one hell of a contest!

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The Former Minister Tells All

Title:The Former Minister Tells All
Summary:Rita Skeeter interviews the former Minister of Magic.

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Not In My Bed!

Title:Not In My Bed!
Summary:Frodo is forced to let his cousins share his bed with him and Sam.
Pairings:Frodo/Sam Merry/Pippin
For Dani!

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Apr. 17th, 2008


[info]12_stories,Birthday Cake

Title: Birthday Cake
Author: [info]perhin
Beta: None, so if you see any errors, please point them out. ;)
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: R for suggested themes.
Summary: House gets a present and cake for his birthday.
Note: If you criticize my work, do it constructively! ;)

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Jan. 28th, 2008


A Fic Ficlet (2/3)

Title: A Fic Ficlet
Rating: PG
Pairing: House/Wilson eventually
Summary: House stumbles upon Wilson's fics and journal.
Beta: [info]cutthroatpixie

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Jan. 31st, 2008


A Fic Ficlet (3/3)

Title: A Fic Ficlet
Rating: PG
Pairing: House/Wilson
Summary: House stumbles upon Wilson's fics and journal.
Beta: [info]cutthroatpixie

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Jan. 23rd, 2008


A Fic Ficlet (1/3)

Title: A Fic Ficlet
Rating: PG
Pairing: House/Wilson eventually
Summary: House stumbles upon Wilson's fics and journal.

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Jan. 15th, 2008


Tom Sawyer

Title: Tom Sawyer
Rating: R/NC-17
Pairing: House/Wilson
Summary: House and Wilson listen to Tom Sawyer.
Beta: [info]cutthroatpixie
Note: Song is Tom Sawyer by Rush.

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Dec. 7th, 2007


House/Wilson Double Drabble

I just wrote a House/Wilson drabble and thought I'd post it in my journal. If you like House, M.D., you'll either think this is funny or gross if you're not a slash fan.

I need a title, so if you could help me out, that'd be great.

Rated R )