June 27th, 2008

[info]perhin in [info]perhin_fics


Title: Snowflakes
Rating: PG
Pairing: House/Wilson
Warnings: None
Summary: House makes snow.
Table: Christmas
Prompt: Snow
Written for: [info]12daysof

Snowflakes )

[info]perhin in [info]perhin_fics

Greed and Envy

Title: Greed
Rating: G
Pairing: House/Wilson
Summary: Wilson eats House's cheese puffs.
Note: Written for [info]10_themes on LJ. Prompt: Greed

Greed )

Title: Envy
Rating: R
Pairing: House/Wilson
Summary: Who has the advantages?
Note: Written for [info]10_themes on LJ. Prompt: Envy

Envy )