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[16 Sep 2011|12:00am]
I'd love to see more males at [info]flipthefrog/[info]goldwynmayer! The females are overrunning us! HA! Having said that, I'd also love to see Ke$ha and Fergie around, for ex-girlfriend lines with my kid.
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[16 Sep 2011|12:12am]
[info]wedded looking for the male halves to either the following couples: may/december, professor/grad student, the hipsters, childhood best friends or the high school sweethearts. I have different faces in mind for each couple.
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[16 Sep 2011|12:19am]
faux celeb home for a ScarJo? Her credits and bio are in her journal.
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[16 Sep 2011|12:20am]
Looking for some siblings to come to [info]ilovela with him.

Also...maybe an ex...or maybe a girl he dated in high school that didn't know he was gay?
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[16 Sep 2011|12:25am]
[info]agency i believe i've seen him being pimped for, so would a skandar keynes be wanted for anything?
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[16 Sep 2011|12:38am]
[info]thehudson her younger brother (you'd come in with 4 other family lines), her best friend (25+, m or f), past flings (m or f), more friends, anything
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[16 Sep 2011|12:43am]
[info]suburbs some lines please?
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[16 Sep 2011|12:49am]
[info]tudors what ladies are wanted most? i'm open to anyone and everyone.
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[16 Sep 2011|12:49am]
okay, [info]gateway. lily collins or candice swanepoel?
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[16 Sep 2011|12:49am]
[info]uga michael trevino or andrew garfield? lines to wake up to (and maybe someone, male or female, willing to join with me) would be amazing.
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[16 Sep 2011|12:51am]
[info]wedded lines for this struggling columinist to wake up to? she'll be filling the quarter-life crisis role.
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[16 Sep 2011|01:05am]
[info]mbsc ex-girlfriends, friends, a brother over this way.
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[16 Sep 2011|01:31am]
[info]gateway people to plot with now that she's coming into her own! is ~bananapancake around? more victoria's secret models, just to be cliche. ryan reynolds, more thespians, people who can handle her outrageousness, people who frequent ~outlaw's bar where she works, etc.
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[16 Sep 2011|01:37am]

Lea Michele, Jon Groff, Chris Colfer. I'd love any for a roommate line but I'm more than willing to work out something else!
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[16 Sep 2011|01:49am]
[info]agency mark salling for a line!
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[16 Sep 2011|02:25am]

[info]santabarbara | [info]missioncanyon | [info]theriviera | [info]samarkand

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[16 Sep 2011|02:36am]
would anyone be interested in a cute, intense love story line kind of inspired by joe jonas' just in love video? i'd like it to be journal based with posts for texts and stuff, but mostly scenes with shorter replies. i'd like to play the guy and i have a couple of ideas to play around with!
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[16 Sep 2011|02:39am]
My Kingdom for a Kim So Eun and a Kim Joon at [info]santabarbara.
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as the detective. [16 Sep 2011|02:44am]
[info]wedded jensen ackles, garrett helund, or wentworth miller?
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[16 Sep 2011|03:08am]
[info]wedded whose wanted m&f?
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[16 Sep 2011|03:17am]
[info]gateway everything & anything
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[16 Sep 2011|03:50am]
[info]mbsc because when one can reach 100 comments back and forth on their intro that is all sorts of amazing in my book! It is awesome there I promise! And while I am at it...Isn't Simon Baker amazing? Why yes he is! Don't you want to PB him as this little lady's father there? YES, YES YOU DO! I can provide icons! It'll be fun I swear!
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a horror gpsl [16 Sep 2011|03:51am]
[info]nightbites is officially open and accepting five more applicants!
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[16 Sep 2011|04:06am]
[info]thehudson A Keegan Allen for some cliché goodness would be awesome.
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[16 Sep 2011|04:20am]
[info]tudors more knights and his squires.
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[16 Sep 2011|04:38am]
[info]wedded i just app'd so lines for this guy? he's 30 years old and a soon to be father. i can use anything. friends, new neighbors in brooklyn, other expecting parents, people he used to know from back home in ky. some specific lines i'm looking for is a twin brother, an ex-roommate (female), and a girl who really 'tempts' him.
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[16 Sep 2011|05:40am]
[info]nightbites a renegade cop for a line.
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[16 Sep 2011|05:50am]
[info]agency lines with everybody while i battle this cold. :[
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[16 Sep 2011|06:07am]
[info]gateway applications!
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[16 Sep 2011|08:08am]
[info]agency her best friend, ben barnes, and leonardo dicaprio, please!
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[16 Sep 2011|08:21am]
[info]badinc could use some males here. next-gen brotherhood gpsl. come fuck some shit up.
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[16 Sep 2011|08:25am]
[info]suburbs liv tyler, zooey deschanel, jennifer garner, keri russell, rachel bilson, keira knightley for a line.
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[16 Sep 2011|08:27am]
[info]sorters mitch hewer for a bff. hufflepuff hopefuls too!
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[16 Sep 2011|08:42am]
[info]suburbs more lines! a female for a best friend, maybe some cousins, her older brother. she's [info]sullivanc's ex-wife.
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[16 Sep 2011|09:01am]
[info]mbsc lines? if anyone pbs Amanda Palmer, i'd kill for her as a best friend for this girl. a roommate with whatever pb would be great, though.
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previous commenters pm me please or anyone else who is interested can pm me too. [16 Sep 2011|09:09am]
would anyone be interested in doing a pretty little liars group psl?
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[16 Sep 2011|09:12am]
Looking for someone to fill an "I can't stand you but...I'm attracted to you" Sort of line with this girl. I want drama, angst and fluff. I want a line I can enjoy writing and replying to! Possible PB's are Matthew Goode and Matt Bomer but any handsome face will do! Hopefully a romance line but that all depends on how our writing styles mesh.
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[16 Sep 2011|09:20am]
[info]tudors more men: knights, lords, her manipulative menfolk.
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[16 Sep 2011|09:28am]
[info]wedded finally applied. More lines, please?
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[16 Sep 2011|09:40am]
[info]hillies--Pending I get in, I'd love a roommate for her. I'm thinking somebody kind of different from her to create some potential clash. Either that or somebody she could REALLY connect with and be bffs. I'm open to ideas and pb suggestions. Her bio is public :)
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[16 Sep 2011|09:46am]
[info]agency does anyone pb shay mitchell?
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[16 Sep 2011|09:48am]
[info]jacksonwy His morning radio show co-host? Male or Female, doesn't matter!
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[16 Sep 2011|09:55am]
Can I get homes and lines for any of the girls in my icons? NO Celeb, Faux, or Supernatural!
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[16 Sep 2011|10:04am]
[info]wedded before i get started on her, does anyone need an older sister or a best friend? she will be 34 years old.
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[16 Sep 2011|10:08am]

Lines for 'The Veteran'? If anyone needs a coworker, I'd be glad to hear it since I'm having the hardest time picking a civilian job for him. And Jennifer Garner for the woman his brother keeps trying to set him up with.
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[16 Sep 2011|10:17am]
[info]oxton sebastian stan, kristen stewart, nikki reed, kellan lutz, and jackson rathbone. and more holds.
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[16 Sep 2011|10:25am]
to whom are you superiore?
find out at [info]prioreu

Check out our wanted page. Males/females, inferiore/superiore. Tons of lines available.
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[16 Sep 2011|10:38am]
[info]wedded Ryan Reynolds, Josh Duhamel, Chris Pine, or Joseph Gordon-Levitt, PLEASE.
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[16 Sep 2011|10:40am]
Home options for a Michael Pitt. Lines would be a nice incentive.
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[16 Sep 2011|10:43am]
[info]agency a serious ex, one of her siblings, some homances, more lines in general!
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[16 Sep 2011|10:57am]
[info]seattle looking for his girlfriend. a few specifics involved but you choose the pb.
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[16 Sep 2011|10:58am]
[info]prtland His two step-sisters, friends, and a roommate.
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[16 Sep 2011|11:08am]
[info]thealist i love christmas movies in september. anyway, someone with katy perry credits please
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[16 Sep 2011|11:14am]
[info]brnswick Ashley Greene for her younger sister and an older brother in his late thirties. They'll have another brother, and we have some ideas and details!
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[16 Sep 2011|11:19am]
home for a shay mitchell pb? no supernatural or faux celeb, please!
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[16 Sep 2011|11:28am]
It would be awesome to see a Lucy Hale as an intern at the news station she works at for some sort of big sis/little sis/mentor line!
Also any of her four older brothers!
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[16 Sep 2011|11:31am]
[info]wedded ALRIGHT. Let's get [info]bmatthews, [info]algra, [info]necotte, [info]becotte, [info]basurto, [info]pdu, [info]sarafian, and [info]jcobs to apply. Other lines are always welcome!
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[16 Sep 2011|11:42am]
[info]thehudson her three younger sisters, please!
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[16 Sep 2011|11:43am]
[info]jacksonwy a complicated ex line? Details available upon request.
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[16 Sep 2011|11:52am]
[info]uglyamerica Holds have been cleared, and adds are tomorrow. Still plenty of popular faces and positions open. Get your hold in today!
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[16 Sep 2011|11:55am]
just applied to [info]mbsc. lines please?
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[16 Sep 2011|12:09pm]
[info]mbsc Some male friends, Matt Lanter, Cory Monteith, Alex Pettyfer, Sebastian Stan & Michael Trevino for ~emora.
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[16 Sep 2011|12:09pm]
[info]suburbs i'd love a best friend, exes, cousins, neighbors, a sibling, roommate, anything!
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[16 Sep 2011|12:11pm]
I would love some lines for this girl here at [info]ilovela. She doesn't have much in the way of plot so I'm open for anything!
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[16 Sep 2011|12:16pm]
[info]uga lines and maybe someone (m or f) to join with?
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[16 Sep 2011|12:18pm]
[info]suburbs more lines please! exes, flings, party buddies, a best friend or two, photography lovers, etc
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[16 Sep 2011|12:22pm]
[info]gateway lily collins or candice swanepoel?
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[16 Sep 2011|12:22pm]
[info]gateway i'd love some lines! i could use exes, friends, cousins, neighbors, a roommate, a sibling, anything you might need.. lay it on me
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[16 Sep 2011|12:26pm]
[info]uglyamerica More high school students for this kid and his BFF to spend time with. Other foster children, either as siblings or former siblings. Teen wolves of NOLA, unite? Something!
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[16 Sep 2011|12:28pm]
Anyone out ther interested in doing a sort of dysfunctional relationship?

Alright [info]jacksonwy how about some lines? I'd really love some siblings for her, a best friend, pretty much anything really.
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[16 Sep 2011|12:29pm]
[info]uga Darren Criss as her older brother? Ashley Tisdale as her best? More lines in general?
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[16 Sep 2011|12:35pm]
A home for a Candice Swanepoel pb? A bad boy boyfriend to go with? An older brother? Friends, etc?
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[16 Sep 2011|01:04pm]
[info]thealist someone with the acting credits of xavier dolan to have appeared in her films, and other canadians!
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[16 Sep 2011|01:04pm]
[info]wedded as I finish her bio, some lines, the other half to the cheater and the mistress premade, jessica stroup, vanessa hudgens and aly michalka for specific lines
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[16 Sep 2011|01:05pm]
[info]suburbs lines for this bartender?
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[16 Sep 2011|01:06pm]
[info]suburbs more lines please!
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[16 Sep 2011|01:08pm]
Home for a Malese Jow?
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i know you all love drama and intrigue... [16 Sep 2011|01:10pm]
remember the days of wanting to be a prince or princess? a knight in shining armor? a lord or a lady? heck a squire or a lady in waiting. [info]tudors is the place for you.
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[16 Sep 2011|01:10pm]
[info]agency bringing in travie mccoy with redfoo's credits from lmfao. friends, enemies, people to take the credits of the featured singers on their album, ex's, idk anything! oh, and is ~frnkln around?
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previous commenters pm me please or anyone else who is interested can pm me too. [16 Sep 2011|01:16pm]
would anyone be interested in joining a pretty little liars group psl?
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[16 Sep 2011|01:17pm]
[info]sorters thinking about bringing leighton meester. does anyone need a sibling or anything?
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[16 Sep 2011|01:19pm]
[info]agency okay, so i need his three sisters and one brother. they range in age from 17-33 and i can suggest faces.
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[16 Sep 2011|01:23pm]
who wants to start a psl?
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[16 Sep 2011|01:33pm]
Check under the cut please!

Storyline Ideas )
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[16 Sep 2011|01:38pm]
I'm working all weekend..bummer. Let's make that not seem so bad by getting this line filled!
Looking for someone to fill an "I can't stand you but...I'm attracted to you" Sort of line with this girl. I want drama, angst and fluff. I want a line I can enjoy writing and replying to! Possible PB's are Matthew Goode and Matt Bomer but any handsome face will do! Hopefully a romance line but that all depends on how our writing styles mesh.
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[16 Sep 2011|01:39pm]
[info]gateway here's to hoping my last few hours of work doesn't drive me completely insane! how about some lines to keep me sane?
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[info]prtland [16 Sep 2011|01:48pm]
I know there has to be a roleplayer out there badass enough to PB Sean Patrick Flanery. He's wanted for at least one of Ethan's brothers and I would love to see Adrianne Palicki as his sister. They're an Irish family and I can give more details for that if anyone is interested. Also, this guy could use more lines in general! Cousins, a best friend, fellow co-workers, people he has met through AA, anything goes.
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[16 Sep 2011|01:53pm]
[info]agency lines for the actress best known as bella swan.
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[16 Sep 2011|02:00pm]
Darren Criss for a line. We can work something out and have it as a psl or join a comm.
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[16 Sep 2011|02:03pm]
[info]agency lines for the actress best known as Luna Lovegood while I find other credits?
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[16 Sep 2011|02:07pm]
home for a ryan gosling
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[16 Sep 2011|02:27pm]
[info]uga now that i ran next door to get my landlord to kill a huge spider for me, give me some lines for a nina dobrev so i can forget about my embarrassing fear.
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[16 Sep 2011|02:27pm]
so excited I got his bio all pounded out! even though adds aren't until tomorrow, who wants a line with him? he is going to [info]seattle!
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[16 Sep 2011|02:36pm]
An older sister (31) who is pregnant so that this guy can be an uncle?

Maybe an older brother(33) who is getting married or going through a divorce?

A little sister(16) that he is pretty protective of, but always finds trouble?

His 18 year old brother who could be thinking of quitting high school or his first year of college? Maybe he got a girl pregnant so that this guy can be an uncle?

A best friend from high school? M or F.

More people in general to [info]crowncitymod. It's a great and dedicated community.
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[16 Sep 2011|02:43pm]
[info]gateway face suggestions & fun lines. the more people she can spam with random shit, the better.
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[16 Sep 2011|02:43pm]
[info]agency siblings between the ages of 33-17 and a very young step-mother for him and [info]eajohnson please.
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notifs are horrible [16 Sep 2011|02:59pm]
[info]wedded an ex, more girl friends, a brother, anything else!
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[16 Sep 2011|03:06pm]
[info]agency the actor that played edward cullen, more hp guys, draco, neville, seamus, harry, snape, dumbledore, dean, weasley twins. is [info]motorrboat around? if not, lindsay lohan for a line.
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[16 Sep 2011|03:09pm]
[info]jacksonwy still a blank slate.. lines while i work on his background?
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[16 Sep 2011|03:10pm]
A 27 year old older brother to [info]crowncitymod

And a leighton meester, candice swanepoel, vanessa hudgens, alona tal, or ashley tisdale for a best friend PLEEEEEEAAAAASE?
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[16 Sep 2011|03:15pm]
Home for a Michael Fassbender? He's a wee bit on the immature, shenanigan inducing side of things.
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[16 Sep 2011|03:29pm]
[info]gateway exes, a little sister, clients at the spa he works at as a massage therapist, neighbors, people he raised hell with in high school
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[16 Sep 2011|03:33pm]
[info]gateway lines!
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[16 Sep 2011|03:39pm]
[info]flipthefrog looking for a sierra kusterbeck for something specific and someone to bring in the credits of travie mccoy for a best friend to this guy.
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[16 Sep 2011|03:44pm]
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[16 Sep 2011|03:47pm]
[info]gateway more apps and everything
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[16 Sep 2011|03:56pm]
[info]thealist siblings, cousins, exes, clients of her father, people who hated her on set, anything and everything!
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[16 Sep 2011|04:00pm]
[info]tudors king henry's cool game for attractive people, or KHCG4AP.
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[16 Sep 2011|04:02pm]
would anyone want lindsay lohan for a line? city/town only please.
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[16 Sep 2011|04:09pm]
[info]thehudson lines, lines, lines, please! a dylan o'brien for a sl?
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[16 Sep 2011|04:13pm]
[info]hillies josh hutcherson
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[16 Sep 2011|04:14pm]
[info]sorters pretty sure i'm losing her brother come removals and i'd love to have him in game. how can you say no to this parent set?!
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[16 Sep 2011|04:25pm]
[info]thealist could i get his ex-wife, and his twin sister since i think i lost the person who was bringing her in
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[16 Sep 2011|04:54pm]
home for this girl?
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[16 Sep 2011|04:56pm]
[info]gateway holds cut off, please just apply!
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[16 Sep 2011|04:58pm]
[info]jacksonwy more lines while I hash out her details, please?
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[16 Sep 2011|05:01pm]
[info]thealist someone with katy perry credits (maybe naya rivera or candice swanepoel) for a line. and any other lines, too. could i get a so close best friends that people think they're sisters line too? and a guy for an on/off ex, too.
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[16 Sep 2011|05:02pm]
[info]jacksonwy would anyone be interested in taking in a girl for a line with a nick jonas?
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[16 Sep 2011|05:05pm]
[info]ashbury a boy for a detailed ex line, lines in general
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[16 Sep 2011|05:05pm]
[info]agency. the rest of the community cast! troy, abed, shirley, pierce, dean pelton, michelle slater, vaughn, etc. i come bearing face suggestions.
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[16 Sep 2011|05:06pm]
anyone want to work out a couple premade for [info]wedded? i'd prefer to play the female.
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[16 Sep 2011|05:07pm]
[info]wedded Lines for this 50+ guy here? Max is one half of the 'golden parents' couple and would love to have his daughters around (he is gay and married to [info]julem and their three daughters are adopted, so you can go completely wild PB- and premade-wise). Max could also need his younger sister, friends, neighbors, or people connected to his kids or husband (the husband's family is huge).

And - longest of all longshots - I would love it if someone would pick up the amazing Betty White as Max' mom to complete the happy family (you would get a very caring son, the world's greatest son-in-law, (hopefully) three amazing granddaughters, lots of love, loads of cookies&muffins, my soul).
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[16 Sep 2011|05:11pm]
[info]thealist more guys.
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[16 Sep 2011|05:15pm]
what males are wanted at [info]oxton?
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[16 Sep 2011|05:19pm]
How about some guys over at [info]triumph_mod

The school year goes year round here. So new students are always welcome. Especially Males

This former porn star turned mommy would love a boy to be friends with, since her boyfriend was killed in January.

My other girl [info]charitym would maybe like a Sterling Knight to be a friend from outside of the school. Or just any friends in general.

Come on guys, its fun!
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[16 Sep 2011|05:32pm]
[info]agency pixie lott, tom felton, rupert grint, the guy that played edward cullen for specifics. lines in general!
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[16 Sep 2011|05:34pm]
[info]mbsc lea michele, marion cotillard, christina hendricks, rashida jones, tyler posey, marlon texeira, michael trevino, sebastian stan, garrett hedlund, shiloh fernandez, and chace crawford for lines.
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[16 Sep 2011|05:49pm]
I'm looking for a male for a detailed line at [info]uga! If anyone is interested let me know!
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[16 Sep 2011|05:52pm]
[info]gateway i'm pretty sure but a major ex, we can work out details. also everything else while i finish up on some basic facts
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[16 Sep 2011|05:58pm]
[info]oxton more males, please? avan jogia, matt bennett, leon thomas III, nathan kress, mitch hewer, luke pasqualino, marlon teixeira, sean o'pry, ash stymest, josh beech, cole mohr, shad moss, chris brown, romeo miller, chris colfer, kevin mchale, harry shum jr, cory monteith, mark salling, tyler poesy, tyler hoechlin, kellan lutz, taylor lautner, jackson rathbone, robert pattinson...
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[16 Sep 2011|06:02pm]
would anyone be interested in joining a pretty little liars group psl?
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[16 Sep 2011|06:03pm]
home for a pixie lott? no faux celeb, please.
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[16 Sep 2011|06:03pm]
[info]thehudson liam hemsworth, xavier samuel, and demi lovato for lines, please :)
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[16 Sep 2011|06:05pm]
[info]thehudson  bringing her in. any lines while i finish her bio?
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[16 Sep 2011|06:09pm]
[info]suburbs victoria secrets ladies, exes, cousins, sibling, best friends, neighbors, anything!
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[16 Sep 2011|06:11pm]
Anyone want a PSL with an IAN Somerhalder PB?
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[16 Sep 2011|06:23pm]
[info]agency can i get his little brother to come with? someone he studied with? and more lines.
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[16 Sep 2011|06:33pm]
[info]uga a boy for her to flirt with, an unrequited crush, a best friend
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[16 Sep 2011|06:35pm]
[info]jacksonwy, can i have some lines? aaaannddd...would anyone/does anyone play a female who's on the crazy/bitchy side? i can explain a little more if it piques your interest.
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[16 Sep 2011|06:39pm]
[info]gateway jack barakat, hayley willains
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[16 Sep 2011|06:46pm]
new secret society PB game set in NYC
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[16 Sep 2011|06:46pm]
[info]gateway Are her siblings still around and interested or do I need to find new ones? I could use some cousins, her best female friend, her best guy friend, an ex or two, guys that her friends have set her up on blind dates with, and other lines are welcomed.
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[16 Sep 2011|06:53pm]
does anyone need any family lines filled at [info]wedded?
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[16 Sep 2011|06:57pm]
[info]thealist. lines, credit suggestions and would anyone want to tag along as the girl who played buffy or cordelia (he played angel) for a line?
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[16 Sep 2011|06:59pm]
[info]hatshop An original character fantasy rp based in Diana Wynne Jones's Castle series. Potentially interested? Let us know here!
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[16 Sep 2011|07:01pm]
to whom are you superiore?
find out at [info]prioreu

Wanted page. Males, females, inferiore, superiore. Lots of lines available.
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[16 Sep 2011|07:03pm]
can i get a ryan gosling for a line? comm or psl, but we can start it off as a psl and take it to a game later on if we mesh!
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[16 Sep 2011|07:04pm]
[info]uga would anyone be interested in joining with me? het, slash, a fun family line, whatever. i'm open to anything as long as there's some fun interactions involved.
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[16 Sep 2011|07:05pm]
[info]gateway more lines! i would love his roommate and a best guy friend
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[16 Sep 2011|07:07pm]
would aj cook, kate bosworth, malin akerman, mandy moore, kaley cuoco, lauren conrad, rachel bilson, julianne hough, diane kruger, yvonne strahovski, rachel mcadams, amanda seyfried, kristen bell, amber heard, danneel ackles or katie cassidy be wanted anywhere?
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[16 Sep 2011|07:07pm]
[info]gateway what female (leaning towards Candice Swanepoel) is wanted and lines to go with?
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[16 Sep 2011|07:10pm]
[info]thehudson Does anyone pb Sarah Rafferty?
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[16 Sep 2011|07:14pm]
[info]uga More lines with everyone. Step siblings (male and female, both sides). Steven R. McQueen as his younger brother.
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[16 Sep 2011|07:16pm]
[info]jacksonwy looking for a specific line. he's a romantic, old fashioned kind of guy. his high school sweetheart turned fiance broke his heart when she got cold feet and handed him back the ring while they were in the process of planning their wedding. basically, i need someone to fill the heartbreaking bitch line. haha
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[16 Sep 2011|07:31pm]
[info]gateway an ex, a bff, and a girl she can't stand
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[16 Sep 2011|07:32pm]
[info]agency i'm thinking of bringing this girl in for the female vocals of she and him, so i'd love some sort of storylines as i write her up. i'd particularly looking for some female besties, a recent ex, someone who writes songs with her, and a roommate!
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[16 Sep 2011|07:34pm]
[info]gateway Lindsay Ellingson or Isabel Lucas? And anyone up for a sibling line and/or roommate?
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[16 Sep 2011|07:36pm]
[info]wedded held him as one of the hipsters. does anyone want/need anything? brother? cousin? (wayward) son? co-workers? friends? trick or treat buddy system buddy?

failing that, would christofer drew and luke worrall be wanted anywhere?
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[16 Sep 2011|07:38pm]
home for an emma stone or dianna agron?
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[16 Sep 2011|07:38pm]
Anybody out there PB Phoebe Tonkin and would be willing to tag along to a supernatural game with this girl for a Secret Circle-esq line with a few others already in the comm?
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[16 Sep 2011|07:46pm]
Anyone interested in an "I can't stand you, but I'm attracted to you" line?

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[16 Sep 2011|07:58pm]
[info]msbc lines, anyone?
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Crossing Towns [16 Sep 2011|08:00pm]
Hello, hello! I am here on behalf of the new PB game [info]crossing_towns via [info]modly_shapes. We've been working hard on this game and greatly desire players with long-term potential. We want time to develop our stories and craft amazing IC relations!

Besides being half the modding team, I also house a few characters. While there are plenty of open characters (and room for your own creations too), I selfishly desire some family members/friends/enemies for [info]tyed_up. He is a sixteen year old boy who has been shuffled back and forth between his divorced parents since he was three. To make it worse, his sister can't stand the idea that her mom was married previously and his step-father doesn't always like the reminder that his wife had another husband before him. Oh, and his father just can't commit to a woman! Poor Ty has some drama going on and I'd love to play against someone who loves family relations and complicated lives as much as I do. :)

However, if joining as one of the above doesn't float your boat, there are sill TONS of awesome roles available. We open October 8th and holds last a week so come visit us!

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[16 Sep 2011|08:03pm]
[info]agency shay mitchell so we can use their videos ig. they are way too adorable.
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[16 Sep 2011|08:05pm]
[info]gateway lines! a roommate
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[16 Sep 2011|08:06pm]
[info]gateway anything and everything, please. exes, best friends, brothers, a couple males and females for a 'friend'ish across the hall friendship.
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[16 Sep 2011|08:06pm]
[info]gateway bff, boy toy, roomie, anything!!
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[16 Sep 2011|08:07pm]


Taken Characters
Wanted List
Wiki!Info you need

Atlantic City, the city that's doesn't have the population of NYC, but all the fun! It's the Las Vegas that's right on the sea without all the heat, perfect place to settle in, ain't it? Don't forget, there are monsters out there! Oh hell, it's whatever you want it to be! We accept all fandoms and original characters!

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[16 Sep 2011|08:08pm]
[info]gateway a few housemates, an epic bromance, a lady for something vaguely specific, exes, online friends he still secretly plays wow with, co-workers at the job i haven't given him yet, and whatever you can think of really while i try to work on his facts.
11 comments|post comment

[16 Sep 2011|08:11pm]
[info]duvet Cintia Dicker for a line.
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[16 Sep 2011|08:14pm]
[info]oxtonI'd LOVE for someone to pick up his younger sister. Let me know if you want details!
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[16 Sep 2011|08:17pm]
[info]oxton i have an idea for a guy i'd love to get filled
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[16 Sep 2011|08:18pm]
finished her bio for [info]thehudson. lines and such to go with her as she applies!
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[16 Sep 2011|08:32pm]
[info]hillies colton haynes or [info]vanderhorst to come back :-[
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[16 Sep 2011|08:35pm]
[info]gateway alex pettyfer, tom sturridge, lines
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[16 Sep 2011|08:40pm]
[info]tudors more guys
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[16 Sep 2011|08:41pm]
[info]agency older pbs, please! i'd really love to see helen mirren or judi dench for a line. (not a mom, so that's out of the way!)
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[16 Sep 2011|08:43pm]
I'd love to see more males at [info]flipthefrog/[info]goldwynmayer! The females are overrunning us! HA! Having said that, I'd also love to see Fergie around, for an ex-girlfriend line with my kid.
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[16 Sep 2011|08:46pm]
home suggestions, please? faux celeb is out.
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[16 Sep 2011|09:02pm]
[info]uga his best male and female friend.
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[16 Sep 2011|09:09pm]
[info]agency hailee steinfeld as his daughter for a complicated line and burn gorman as his older brother?
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[16 Sep 2011|09:12pm]
would anybody want to take a storyline somewhere? no faux celeb and i'm up for discussing/brainstorming
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[16 Sep 2011|09:22pm]
i'm looking to pick up a female if anyone has any lines they'd like filled. game or psl. no faux-celeb please.
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[16 Sep 2011|09:23pm]
[info]thealist i'm still looking for an ex-girlfriend storyline if anyone is looking to fill anything
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[16 Sep 2011|09:28pm]
[info]tudors focusing mainly on the era and it's drama, not the television show. we'd love to see some more knights, and the common people of england, france, and spain.
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[16 Sep 2011|09:37pm]
[info]brnswick an ex-wife, daughter, brother and more people in general. it's awfully quiet around there..
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[16 Sep 2011|09:38pm]
home for a chanel?
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[16 Sep 2011|09:39pm]
[info]tudors his bio is up, i want his circle of gartered knights.
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[16 Sep 2011|09:42pm]
[info]tudors more males, will make ian somerhalder or paul wesley icons circa 1864 if they would want to join as knights. i have a line idea for either of them.
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[16 Sep 2011|09:43pm]
[info]hillies seriously, i'm applying tonight. i need new lines, a study buddy who's been in the library with him all hours, [info]deloria and anything else!
26 comments|post comment

[16 Sep 2011|09:43pm]
[info]tudors arr, matey! more pirates, obviously. we can't all be pretty nobles in high towers!
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[16 Sep 2011|09:44pm]
[info]hillies LINES! COME ON, PEOPLE!
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[16 Sep 2011|09:46pm]
[info]tudors all the cool kids are doing it...
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[16 Sep 2011|09:49pm]
[info]prtland more medical professionals, girl friends, enemies, flings and exes! i can suggest pbs.
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[16 Sep 2011|09:53pm]
[info]wedded...I've made excellent progress on his bio! Hopefully I'll have him applied this weekend. [info]slockhartt, give me a sign to let me know you're still around. In the meantime, SLs for this ZACHARY LEVI PB would be a-mazing.
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[16 Sep 2011|09:53pm]
[info]mbsc can i get an ex/best friend who convinced him to move?
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[16 Sep 2011|09:55pm]
[info]suburbs lines!
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[16 Sep 2011|09:56pm]
[info]tudors seeking knights, pirates, gypsies, bar wenches, tavern keepers, and shop keepers along with the people of the royal courts.
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[16 Sep 2011|09:57pm]
[info]gateway lily collins, candice swanepoel, katie cassidy, or someone else? i'll gladly fill lines!
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[16 Sep 2011|10:10pm]
[info]gonyc writers, not just players.
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